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Forex Trading Money Management AnEYE OPENING Article创建时间:2014/01/1610:30更新时间:2014/02/0911:21作者:Nial Fuller翻譯:newage六道流浪觀翻譯僅供參考,誤會誤解誤讀不償命!Forex Trading Money Management-An EYEOPENING Article外匯交易資金管理一大開眼界的文章An Eye-Opening Article on Forex Trading Money ManagementIMPORTANT NOTE:This article will create some disagreements and debatesaround the trading community.I would like to remind all of you that this article onmoney management is based on my own trading experiences.It was written toexpose some truths and some myths surrounding the topic of managing capital.Itis intended to share my perspective.If you want to disagree,be rude,or argueabout this article by writing long comments and emails,I won't be responding orentering a discussion.I repeat,this article is written from my own experiences andis how I trade and is how many pro's trade,what you are taught about moneymanagement is usually 'lies'invented by the industry to help you lose your money"slower"so that brokers can make commission spreads from you.Mostinformation on money management is complete lies and will not work in the realworld,trust me..everything I talk about on this website is based on real worldapplication,not theory.重要提示:本文將會在交易界引起一些分歧和爭論。我想提醒大夥兒的是,文中提及的資金管理完全基於本人的交易經驗。希望能揭開關於資本管理這一話題中的一些真相和誤區。目的是分享我的觀點。如果你反對我的觀點,寫很長的評論和雷郵針對文章進行反駁或要求辯論等什麽的,請恕我不願奉陪!我再次重申,文章是基於我自己的經驗而寫的,論述我如何交易,專業交易員如何交易,你們以往所被教育的資金管理方法,往往是業界偏诰出來教你镶你慢慢地虧錢的方法,信樣,那些經紀商才能從你們身上賺取佣金或差價。大多數關於資金管理的信息完全都是謊言,並不會在現宵中實現,相信我,我在此網站里所說的一切都基於我的真實操作,而不是理論。I will warn you that what you are about to read is likely to be contradictory towhat you may have read or heard about forex money management and riskcontrol.I can only tell you that what am I about to divulge to you is the way I trade.it is the way many professional forex traders manage capital.So get ready,openyour mind,and enjoy this article on how to effectively grow your trading account byeffectively managing your money.If your using the 2%money management rule,this may put that theory into question,which is the point...to make youthink about it from all angles and perspectives.不要說我沒提醒你們哦!以下你將看到的關於外匯資金管理和風險控制的内容,可能與你們以前讀過學過的相矛盾的。我只想告訴你我的交易方法,是眾多職業外匯交易員所使用的資本管理法。所以,準備好!開放你們的固有觀念,享受這篇文章,告訴你如何通過有效的資金管理來讓你的賬戶健康成長。假如你正使用的是2%資金管理規則的話,這裡將從多角度和觀點對此理論提出質疑。Everyone knows that money management is a crucial aspect of successfulforex trading.Yet most people don't spend nearly enough time concentrating ondeveloping or implementing a money management plan.The paradox of this is thatuntil you develop your money management skills and consistently utilize them onevery single trade you execute,you will never be a consistently profitable trader.衆所周知,資金管理是外匯交易成功的砝碼。然而,大多數人卻并沒有花費足夠的時間專注于開發和實施資金管理計劃。現實結果是與此行為模式相悖的,在你發展你的資金管理技術并持續運用它進行每一筆交易之前,你將永遠不能成為一個持續盈利的交易者。I want to give you a professional perspective on money management anddispel some common myths floating around the trading world regarding theconcept of money management.We hear many different ideas about risk controland profit taking from various sources,much of this information is conflicting andso it is not surprising that many traders get confused and just give up onimplementing an effective forex money management plan,which of courseultimately leads to their demise.I have been successfully trading the financialmarkets for nearly a decade and I have mastered the skill of risk reward and howto effectively utilize it to grow small sums of money into larger sums of moneyrelatively quickly.我會從專業的角度講述資金管理,從而消除一些在交易圈里常見的關於資金管理概念上的誤區。我們從各種渠道中得到很多關於風險控制和獲利了結的不同觀點,然而,並不稀奇的是,此類點大部份是相互矛盾的,使許多交易者感到非常困惑,以致最終放棄去執行有效的資金管理計割,結果便是當然的自取滅亡,遭到市場的KO!我已經在金融市場成功交易了將近十年時間,已經掌握了風險/回報的技巧,以及如何有效地利用它把小規模賬戶快速地成長為大規模賬戶。Money Management Myths:資金管理的誤區:Myth 1:Traders should focus on pips.誤區1:交易者理應關注於點數。You may have heard that you should concentrate on pips gained or lost instead ofdollars gained or lost.The rationale behind this money management myth is that ifyou concentrate on pips instead of dollar you will somehow not become emotionalabout your trading because you will not be thinking about your trading account inmonetary terms but rather as game of points.If this doesn't sound ridiculous toyou,it should.The whole point of trading and investing is to make money and youneed to be consciously aware of how much money you have at risk on each andevery trade so that the reality of the situation is effectively conveyed.Do you thinkbusiness owners treat their quarterly profit and loss statements as a game ofpoints that is somehow detached from the reality of making or losing real money?Of course not,when you think about it these terms it seems silly to treat your
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