
英文版Architects of Electronic Trading Wiley Stephanie Hammer

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Architects of Electronic Trading: Technology Leaders Who Are Shaping Today's Financial Markets7 C  J( s  o) s* X

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  基本信息, g0 W: D5 P! P& u1 @2 H/ T2 d8 s: x! Z
  出版社: Wiley; 1 (2013年6月24日)
. D* Q# a6 D$ k( o; Q- X+ G  丛书名: Wiley Trading
0 Z5 D' l' M0 @. P: ]  精装: 208页
) M9 i5 q- [" X( B5 g" O6 }6 M  语种: 英语( ]: Z- t6 o/ V; z5 y
  ISBN: 1118488075% w% I6 c# r" P) f0 h/ j0 S' E
  条形码: 9781118488072
! [4 c2 P% L' D' a  商品尺寸: 16.3 x 2.1 x 23.6 cm
9 [- P2 _$ z0 @$ y( [  商品重量: 386 g
$ Z/ a. H! u$ ^" @  商品描述
6 _1 y; F0 e- I  |. y, B  作者简介
' T( _. K* Q0 u5 C8 N/ D  Stephanie Hammer is a professional marketer and freelance writer. She has fifteen years of experience in the listed derivatives markets including time as a trader at a proprietary trading firm. She began her career at Eurex Exchange and also served as head of communications for the exchange in Frankfurt, Germany. Stephanie holds a bachelor's degree from Bryn Mawr College and a master's degree in international relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is fluent in both Spanish and German. Stephanie lives in Chicago with her husband and two daughters.# T1 \% R& l& J3 D" ?
  Y: s9 ]  g% R4 E& r6 Z  Foreword vii
- Z& b# ?0 u$ s+ S7 ^9 i5 [  P  Acknowledgments xi3 e4 t) q1 w* ?1 B2 z7 P' J: t7 s
  About the Author xiii
" p  E$ Y& v) d* O( q  Q, n! ~  CHAPTER 1 Meet the Architects 1. i! V: Q7 ?6 V: L2 c( b
  Agents of Change  K3 p; N, ?7 }7 m" Z- V
  CHAPTER 2 Business Challenges 7! z1 ^( U' q' Q( Y- p( ^. r! H% s
  Driving New Technology; z, X  \% u+ q7 E- `
  CHAPTER 3 Laying a Strong Foundation with 13Transformational Technology0 \% p6 b1 R; e3 y
  Suhit Gupta, Technology Consultant 14& q# k0 N% R7 Z' W. J8 [5 ?
  CHAPTER 4 Hardware Acceleration with FPGAs 23Jan-Dirk Lueders, CMT, Capital Markets Trading, and Robert Walker, xCelor 24CHAPTER 5 GPUs 33$ d" K: ^  Z* {7 E1 F
  Affordable Desktop Supercomputing& p" o3 @; @# R' ?8 Q9 M
  Gerald Hanweck, Jr., PhD: Hanweck Associates 34CHAPTER 6 Microwaves in Trading 45
( g, ]3 ?0 c* G5 r( Y1 n0 @  Conquering Resistance
8 ^; |1 s$ T' p/ A3 {% [: K8 f  Mike Persico, CEO and Founder, Anova Technologies 46CHAPTER 7 Cloud Computing 59* d5 _, |) @/ U& w5 _" P5 B0 e
  Moving toward Acceptance
. a4 t# r0 A5 D, y/ I- U/ p3 ^  Ken Barnes, Options IT 600 M* `( ]- G: o
  CHAPTER 8 Globalization and Automation 69Unfinished Business
: |; Q; n0 f- M  Justin Llewellyn-Jones, Fidessa Corporation 70CHAPTER 9 Room for Improvement in Risk Control 81Mark Gorton, Tower Research Capital 81% a* x5 B* C1 K) X7 Z, k! c6 V$ K5 q
  CHAPTER 10 Trading Systems 89. g5 m2 O. P' j2 x6 M7 A- C1 }% ?
  Dealing with Velocity
- X" r% E2 T  X# Z% _4 h* f  Kevin Kometer, David Hoag, and Ian Wall, CME Group 91CHAPTER 11 Technology and Alternatives 99Benefits of Better Data/ F% d  `, g/ \) }* \
  William Murphy, The Blackstone Group 100
3 }" U1 C% j( u5 D  CHAPTER 12 Data Centers 107; @" Y; z' U8 Q5 U
  Harnessing Networks
8 t: ^( m+ m4 k  John Knuff, Equinix 108, w$ S# \7 G& g3 p1 l
  CHAPTER 13 Evolution 121* w+ @  W! f# Y! o1 |
  The New Revolution in Trading Systems DesignJürg Spillmann and Wolfgang Eholzer, Eurex Exchange 122CHAPTER 14 FIX 1311 p  U* |+ H4 K& X6 P
  The Power of Standardization
. _0 r% w9 T% H  W. Brennan Carley, Thomson Reuters 132
2 z" m. v; A! p4 ?! W  CHAPTER 15 Big Data, Big Opportunities 143David Siegel, Alan Choyna, and Clara Bonaccorsi, Bottom Line Metrics 144CHAPTER 16 Social Media in Trading 153' ^% I; [7 v4 {5 j
  Making Sense of It
' j5 T' V2 n# l( |' P  Joe Gits, Social Market Analytics 1569 b* {: H2 `) `1 F- K) A2 s6 v
  CHAPTER 17 The View from Emerging Markets, China 167Ming Hua, Southwest Securities Company 168CHAPTER 18 Special Focus 177
. e5 ~2 c& _' O0 @9 E. b7 m  The Shortage of IT Talent
; v$ m- \" x2 k2 S4 y6 g  C  Daryan Dehghanpisheh, NYSE Technologies 178CONCLUSION A Call for Continued Education 187Index 189
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