
中产阶级A Piece of the Action: How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:EPUB
  • 文件大小:3M
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  • 类别:社会科学
  • 价格:4共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
本帖最后由 1136111231 于 2019-7-27 12:32 编辑 ' y  t; P6 w% q8 C

6 }0 Y0 {' a  E1 F  Winner of the Helen Bernstein Award for Excellence in JournalismOne of Business Week’s “Ten Best Business Books of the Year”& g, P( ^  U# R7 g- e0 X/ g5 a2 E
  When it was published in 1994, A Piece of the Action was wildly acclaimed by Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, authors Michael Lewis and Brian Burroughs; it won the Helen Bernstein Prize and was a national bestseller. Joseph Nocera describes the historical process by which millions of middle class Americans went from being savers—people who kept their money in the bank, and spent it frugally—to being unrepentant borrowers and investors.* b! ?0 g8 \, i, S7 U5 R' X
  A Piece of the Action is an important piece of financial and social history, and with a new introduction, Nocera’s 2013 critique of the uses of the revolution is a powerful warning and admonition to understand what is at stake before we act, to look before we jump.. G1 a* j; z/ N: w6 z1 V2 x9 u0 m

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