
How to Day Trade for a Living: 贸易工具和战术入门指南、货币管理

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:EPUB
  • 文件大小:1M
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  • 类别:短线
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
本帖最后由 Money 于 2019-7-14 00:22 编辑 * [* G. H8 R9 {- q, o
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  Very few careers can offer you the freedom, flexibility and income that day trading does. As a day trader, you can live and work anywhere in the world. You can decide when to work and when not to work. You only answer to yourself. That is the life of the successful day trader. Many people aspire to it, but very few succeed.; I/ W  f9 V. ?' u5 ]3 M1 g. E: _
  In the book, I describe the fundamentals of day trading, explain how day trading is different from other styles of trading and investment, and elaborate on important trading strategies that many traders use every day. I've kept the book short so you can actually finish reading it and not get bored by the middle.( J6 f3 b; T" v
  For beginner traders, this book gives you an understanding of where to start, how to start, what to expect from day trading, and how to develop your strategy. Simply reading this book, however, will not make you a profitable trader. Profit in trading does not come with reading a book or two or browsing online. It comes with practice, the right tools and software and appropriate ongoing education./ B3 f" i% k( f8 M- _$ \
  Intermediate traders may benefit from the book's extensive overview of some of the classic strategies that the majority of retail traders regularly use with proven success. If you think you are beyond the stage of a novice trader, then you may want to jump ahead and start reading from Chapter 7 for an overview of the most important day trading strategies:3 [4 M- p  b3 p5 B5 n3 A# d4 e
  ABCD Pattern Trading* E' B: M+ Y$ m2 I" L2 A! z
  Bull Flag Momentum Trading
. |: G4 i2 c8 W0 z2 Y  Top Reversal Trading
; _* a: Y( {! a% p" Z9 x  Bottom Reversal Trading
( @: G2 Y1 K5 q( s; j  Moving Average Trend Trading
. u' ]5 G$ y: v" e8 H  VWAP Trading
% |; |) {8 D+ w* G; k  Support and Resistance Trading
, ]5 k) b9 p+ S7 S  For each strategy, I explain:) j; y- \% b$ l* _- x# c7 }7 {5 j
  How to find the Stock in Play for trade
6 @5 c2 V* M  s0 q6 I  What indicators I am using on my charts- Z; Y: q4 p  O9 @4 a, u. o
  When I enter the trade1 X' k) O# N9 C; I
  When I exit the trade (profit taking)
" ^% v" O& d% Q- Q  What is my stop loss
8 j( T; o: V/ n+ _! n$ o( u4 j  And as a purchaser of my book, you are welcome to join our community of day traders at BearBullTraders. You can monitor my screen in real time, watch me trade the strategies explained in his book, and ask questions of me and other traders in our chat room. You can ask us questions. Practical, hands-on knowledge. That's How to Day Trade for a Living.
- T; U: L) Z+ W, D) k7 c  I invite you to join me in the world of day trading. I'm a real person who you can connect with. I love what I do. You can follow my blog post under Author Updates on my Author page on Amazon. You'll see I lose some days. You can read the reviews of my book. I know you will learn much about day trading and the stock market from studying my book.

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