
对冲基金泡影:赚大钱假象与缘何难以置信 The Hedge Fund Mirage

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
5 D& c3 C7 C) f: T2 N  If all the money that's ever been invested in hedge funds had been put in treasury bills instead, the results would have been twice as good. This is the assertion that JP Morgan insider Simon Lackroves as he makes the astonishing case that little to no regulation, excessive fees, and a crowded industry has left hedge fund investors with poor returns.8 ?0 P2 y% U1 S8 P/ D# S
0 R1 y6 y& k9 l; D) X6 O- G! x* I  Although some of the greatest fortunes in finance have been earned by hedge fund managers, investors as a group have done quite poorly. High fees, complex legal structures, poor timing and return chasing have led to the following stunning result: If all the money that's ever been invested in hedge funds had been in treasury bills, the results would have been twice as good. Hedge fund investors need to do better than in the past in order to justify their hedge fund investments. This book will highlight the many subtle and not-so-subtle ways that the returns and risks are biased in favor of the hedge fund manager, and how investors and allocators can redress the imbalance.
/ z4 P: y" G8 D* K. W  作者简介5 w( N. F/ S, h; E
  Simon Lack's (Westfield, N.J.) entire career has been in trading and hedge fund investing. Following 23 years with JPMorgan, Simon Lack founded SL Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor, in 2009. Much of Lack's career with JPMorgan was spent in North American Fixed Income Derivatives and Forward FX trading, a business that he ran successfully through several bank mergers ultimately overseeing 50 professionals and $300 million in annual revenues. Lack sat on JPMorgan's investment committee allocating over $1 billion to hedge fund managers and founded the JPMorgan Incubator Funds, two private equity vehicles that take economic stakes in emerging hedge fund managers. Lack's financial markets experience dates back to 1980 when he began his career on the floor of the London Stock Exchange.
7 Q3 ]5 y2 U! `& F7 ~: E  目录
) K: i% s6 s; ^4 k  Cover' H7 Y' a7 E# n" f7 b
  Title page
7 |5 T. H( t% C2 K0 @$ i) T  Copyright page( w3 r! c& W8 d' t
  Dedication: C  n7 Q# J8 o, O( ]2 D( i! X8 O
4 G% _9 \% T  Z8 p; W  Acknowledgments) h7 c# f& L8 x+ @4 f
  Chapter 1 The Truth about Hedge Fund ReturnsHow to Look at Returns9 E( z0 ~6 D. J, {$ N) W, t
  Digging into the Numbers, k! s3 c& h" _' `6 q$ Y
  The Investor’s View of Returns+ B% r$ \3 k* X- H
  How the Hedge Fund Industry Grew3 G$ k4 T; Q  s. @
  The Only Thing That Counts Is Total ProfitsHedge Funds Are Not Mutual Funds* ?* p- O# g- _/ b2 ^$ g, h
  Summary2 N- j5 N0 |, Z+ I  z
  Chapter 2 The Golden Age of Hedge Funds3 x' @, O$ v8 E3 g2 V' ?/ n8 x+ \
  Hedge Funds as Clients
* N- @. [4 T2 u8 V' C* A  Building a Hedge Fund Portfolio7 E5 c% U1 D3 }$ F2 t  A( h
  The Interview Is the Investment Research
0 }8 Z/ s4 R1 s( t4 J% P  Long Term Capital Management
: u2 u5 i) `7 o% o5 Y  Too Many Bank Mergers
3 u4 u- |; T+ }) `) P" u3 [  Summary+ \# R0 B& r3 {( |$ _
  Chapter 3 The Seeding Business
+ F9 R" v# g6 b% a$ W- v6 T  How a Venture Capitalist Looks at Hedge FundsFrom Concept to the Real Deal# N3 ?+ F3 m2 y3 I$ L
  Searching for That Rare Gem7 L7 e6 j# Q: P' c- U" ?
  Everybody Has a Story: k; U" ?# k. ~" G* H) h8 S
  Some Things Shouldn’t Be Hedged
) |% |* ]* G) E9 `  The Hedge Fund as a Business/ k# ?2 `0 Y7 o( ^
  Summary" m# ~" \/ |+ n. M/ k/ C" l' R; I% O( \0 i
  Chapter 4 Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?
% j, A  G0 M: K7 z- d$ J# B  How Much Profit Is There Really?
: k/ ?: _, _' K# ]  s  Investors Jump In
6 O# l) [" F" f. H  Fees on Top of More Fees
$ h6 `/ Q0 i2 V  Drilling Down by Strategy; x0 n! N+ m1 C7 n8 a* Y. z
  How to Become Richer Than Your Clients1 o4 ~) r2 ~5 [. T
  Summary8 c) o# B/ e, A8 F
  Chapter 5 2008—The Year Hedge Funds Broke Their Promise to InvestorsFinancial Crisis, 1987 Version
7 U* R. I2 W$ n; v+ J  How 2008 Redefined Risk9 N$ m( Q' ]: G2 m3 g% {# o, F7 V5 k
  The Hedge Fund as Hotel California# V2 Z6 i/ `& D
  Timing and Tragedy! q- ]* {5 ]6 r/ f
  In 2008, Down Was a Long Way! `* E4 |6 s* s7 u3 o2 X- L7 Q
  Summary% ?* q9 ]0 v- j& x. b, T
  Chapter 6 The Unseen Costs of Admission
. }3 o+ r% ?. R8 t5 b& F5 M' E  How Some Investors Pay for Others0 O7 {( |4 x- S* e! K7 f, |
  My Mid-Market or Yours?
8 E9 s% Q/ f+ k9 a) t  The Benefits of Keen Eyesight
3 h( m3 \0 F* z/ R; I  Show Me My Money5 J: L- n: _/ T2 O: C" T. _9 v
  Summary3 @+ {( C2 C4 y. ]
  Chapter 7 The Hidden Costs of Being PartnersLimited Partners, Limited Rights
  a% {! U( V0 u* E0 D; Y8 l  Friends with no Benefits
9 l) t. u! v$ k# ^2 \5 M  Watching the Legal Costs
# g4 v( R5 K) `3 y- O& G  Summary
! D% \1 G1 ]0 C# [  Q  Chapter 8 Hedge Fund Fraud" ?' T  h7 ~, ~; `6 A/ x
  More Crooks Than You Think
  r* K! D5 ]" W# s5 u! r/ u# g  Madoff
3 k% W7 o% s& w9 S! G$ J& H  Know Your Audience
+ n9 [0 I' {, \  Accounting Arbitrage 101
4 t' f2 S) v  e# W  Checking the Background Check5 z' e0 t2 M( u8 y
  Politically Connected and Crooked?
2 I  `1 c. a$ E  Paying Your Bills with Their Money* I: l# D6 y  s6 R3 H. m$ f9 G+ K
  Why It’s Hard to Invest in Russia
- K4 Z1 W# [8 N  }6 Z4 i7 `$ `  After Hours Due Diligence
: y8 o* L& h/ q- L# H6 E  Summary
5 a, Y/ Q) n; V# P: b  Chapter 9 Why Less Can Be More with Hedge FundsThere Are Still Winners, p+ p' `- h* l' u1 M2 j
  Avoid the Crowds! n$ Y3 [8 x5 `: ?. W2 Z. v
  Why Size Matters" w9 @/ H" _" g; B' j
  Where Will They Invest All This Money?
. c" p2 [# x  G1 I# N  Summary
3 C& {) m7 f* b: G* _  Afterword
; E( d; H/ V2 I$ b  Bibliography( V6 b6 Q% c6 j/ T& G* W9 x6 E
  About the Author7 V5 s5 G/ B9 K0 N
  Index8 D$ V/ L2 m8 \7 ~1 F+ q
  媒体评论: q' G- u; k& ?
  "Simon Lack, a hedge fund veteran exposes some unforeseen and uncomfortable truths about the industry in his new book."——Hedge Fund Net, January 2012
$ S' w- @- B7 |9 [! \' M3 v% k  "...a cautionary tale from one who knows just about all the tricks...an easy, largely fun and certainly instructive read"——Financial World, February 2012
+ ]/ W% Q( C, f* H' M/ h9 e  "Devastating little book.... His conclusions will make uncomfortable reading for many self-styled 'masters of the universe'.... This book should be required reading for pension fund trustees."——Jonathan Ford, Financial Times, 19th February 2012
, ]2 h2 p: `! K4 j; M* s
7 y( q8 H7 W5 @* \
$ h$ x0 V# J2 i( y( ^6 {, Z

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