
Essentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets 金融市场的技术分析要点

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
1 |; N* l- A2 e  Provided comprehensive yet accessible treatment on technical analysis trading strategies for introductory and intermediate level investors.3 ]" u9 B0 R' p. M% b
; w! ~. q" {' u$ ^8 g, d& I3 d8 r  James Chen CTA, CMT, (Montville, NJ) is Chief Technical Strategist at FX Solutions, a leading foreign exchange broker.An expert on forex trading and technical analysis, he is also a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).Mr.Chen writes daily currency analysis, leads forex trading seminars, and has authored numerous articles on currency trading strategy and technical analysis for major financial publications, including Forbes.om, Futures Magazine, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities Magazine, and Stocks, Futures and Options (SFO) Magazine./ a6 f5 F' Q7 ~6 V5 t% r% M+ V
  目录& K5 m9 F! r. o  a8 t7 L
+ j/ p+ h' s% ?; u1 n- m  Title Page; n1 _/ \7 D- U
  Copyright Page
2 Z5 L1 f7 h* b9 r# q  j) r3 S- F  Dedication) Y. W* D4 D. g0 c: g
! r) i$ x3 v- d) S* S  Acknowledgements
2 ~% Y  H: e" \5 k  CHAPTER 1 - Introduction to Technical AnalysisWhat Is Technical Analysis?5 g* @$ M: m6 h9 {
  Technical versus Fundamental
# i+ X6 u! g5 Y; b3 y) Y) l  |  Methods
; j) N7 {1 k; Z* U  What to Expect! g, K. A' r+ Z1 M
! B9 Z6 b& x: N# Q: f# P  CHAPTER 2 - The Story of Technical AnalysisThe Beginning: Japanese Rice Markets
. g% [0 {8 C* `8 n0 Z# M% G6 k  Dow Theory
$ c- A1 X  }- J! S2 m/ T  Charting6 C9 C# Y8 G+ M3 @! P' ^/ V
  Elliott Wave( `/ H2 c0 o$ u$ y5 U
  W. D. Gann5 Y% B4 _* O- H- i& n
  Indicators) |  V' |" d: j; ?
  Trend Followers8 f2 v1 A' F4 V2 B; b
  Market Technicians Association4 _4 Z$ e' S/ L% A
  Technical Analysis Today
2 I. L. ^6 b* v' w" B. v  Summary
% L* |# d" z! w6 ]3 H  CHAPTER 3 - The Power of Technical AnalysisIntroduction to Price Action Concepts
" C$ Q8 h1 a) r& f  Components of Price Action- a, G5 w3 J+ G+ a. m
) O' t+ {; B3 |& p$ j/ Z7 Y  CHAPTER 4 - The Basics of Technical AnalysisBars and Candlesticks
6 _4 K; _- M! L  ]3 T  Line Charts7 _/ c0 Z( O( ^& @9 }
  Point-and-Figure Charts; M& Q+ F6 B5 D! }1 m( r! @
* f  O; R: t1 \0 l0 A  CHAPTER 5 - The Heart of Technical AnalysisIntroduction to Trend
; z5 @( h$ B8 T  Effect of Time Frames on Trend DeterminationParallel Trend Channels
5 H5 u4 l8 }7 M- j8 c) F) k/ m  Trend Lines
9 a; a! a+ M3 y  Summary
) W7 Y; ~4 g( [" E* M% V7 ]4 |5 E  CHAPTER 6 - The Soul of Technical AnalysisIntroduction to Support and Resistance
$ O/ C2 u9 L( r" `( J  Support Becomes Resistance Becomes SupportSummary
1 V7 T+ E+ y6 f5 l" \2 N- }( Q% n, p" i  CHAPTER 7 - Primary Drawing Tools
) y/ {! l- j4 u  Introduction to Drawing Tools
: s1 U" Z+ Y" m2 |+ `; a  Static Support and Resistance' Q) q% o2 ?: Y) ^* _4 A5 @/ W7 `2 z
  Dynamic Support and Resistance
& Q' ~2 w* d. T; u( X% H  Horizontal Support and Resistance Lines
  L1 l* p& t. h) F  Trend Lines
* D, A' d# l$ {+ H0 [( h  Parallel Trend Channels
1 N7 x1 L; E; Y# N  C/ |  Summary: y5 O9 ~7 Z! e+ ^, B+ z
  CHAPTER 8 - Chart Patterns
& }/ N( U7 n3 u1 F' N1 l: J4 f* D  Introduction to Chart Patterns
2 C6 k, U6 m2 C' k" r+ |, C& M  Continuation Bar Patterns5 |9 C$ `6 K. V
  Reversal Bar Patterns
+ M- Y" l  ~) U/ f  Gaps  K3 ^$ m: G& ]  y
  Candlestick Patterns
; C( D& f4 i: U- H* _% U  Single-Candle Patterns2 S9 z0 r/ l+ ~7 W
  Multiple-Candle Patterns. N$ u. A/ O1 }
% W8 K& P0 M+ V6 t; d2 i- f  CHAPTER 9 - The World of Moving Averages8 e) }1 |. d8 K
  Introduction to Moving Averages
, x; g  G# Y, l3 _  Moving Average Crossovers
7 o% e8 M2 w$ a  Moving Averages as Support and ResistanceSummary
: `5 \% s# A: ^  CHAPTER 10 - Key Technical Indicators and OscillatorsIntroduction to Indicators and OscillatorsKey Indicators, a2 l2 m# F: L" G; ~- Y
  Key Oscillators, j, k% J* l6 Y8 b6 g4 C
  Summary* G1 g0 }% N3 V% a
  CHAPTER 11 - Fibonacci and Elliott Wave
; `$ S2 O1 n, X( Y  Fibonacci Theory and Methods5 q/ k& Y- q' _  U$ g- Z- S
  Elliott Wave Theory9 S' I; E$ j+ G1 _; z. O& f4 X4 T
( W. r/ L$ z7 `# ?6 L0 {7 x0 L  CHAPTER 12 - Point-and-Figure Charting4 H# y9 p# @0 Z5 g
  Introduction to Point and Figure/ U) _/ ]6 c+ e4 h' Q: G. Y
  Point-and-Figure Patterns
, a( p- ]* U( S' g6 F+ }7 J& v, I  Point-and-Figure Price Targets% D5 c6 U* |+ w6 g
" k9 y7 F; i, C1 d* K6 [  CHAPTER 13 - Volume+ Z! s& g) }0 d: E
  Introduction to Volume# G: D& ?7 ]& [. g2 e6 v
  On-Balance Volume
0 M9 \* I- ]# q- `: Z; C  Tick Volume
( d/ A  p' B9 v$ ]$ l! E  Summary
2 Z: C3 q) K4 ~  CHAPTER 14 - Technical Trading StrategiesIntroduction to Technical Trading StrategiesMoving Average Crossovers& [9 P, X% `2 r7 Z
  Breakout Trading
# V9 F7 Q. X% w' g, L* P  Trend Trading# B( n. o6 O, ?3 j8 O
  Range Trading* c6 y$ Y' q; Q+ S# ^
  Price-Oscillator Divergences2 G5 X: X( u9 r5 q$ S. l4 ?
  Oscillator Trading4 L* F- j% S5 W, y4 z
  Fibonacci Trading- R/ ?! S# x7 Y
  Positive Expectancy
& @, L9 T  z) Z4 a  Summary" C5 R7 i. w6 x7 x% t( ~! g
  CHAPTER 15 - Risk Control and Money ManagementIntroduction to Risk Control and Money ManagementStop-Losses
( ?, I: l! A, |4 L4 l& ~6 M+ Q* z  Reward:Risk Ratio& F/ M* M0 D/ x' e) t+ x
  Maximum Allowable Loss
( P9 |2 G4 Q7 h& |3 a0 L6 O  Multiple Fractional Positions8 `4 e1 C7 e, w% `
% v# `# T0 W! l; F( e  Summary8 r6 G$ C$ `$ ]: c& Z0 u
5 n8 [! ^; i7 c
: a! S  j- R1 e1 h* o: k% f) k
$ f' p2 D5 [: {  S2 Z2 j; `

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