
China’s Energy Policy from National and International Perspectives 經濟

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  • 类别:经济
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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
. D0 t, @$ x; y; h5 ~- A5 j  Detailed Chapter Contents
/ @+ K+ _  [8 R2 S) l  Foreword# T# U2 Q' J0 ]3 C0 z: M
  Acknowledgements  y  C9 a1 B# P6 Q8 d' T2 i, A
  List of Illustrations+ q& p+ N: Q8 f6 S# ?
  About the Authors
5 C8 K% Q+ z. X; N  c  Basic Information about China’s Energy Development
6 z4 P8 A1 ^/ V* Q  P  a9 `  Chapter 1 Introduction
7 Y& s6 j, o5 `$ b* b% U7 F* R  1. Background and Motivation2 d$ q0 M2 X  }8 V+ C
  2. Preliminaries
7 X; T' l7 C$ o9 Q$ x/ L' e) ~  3. Gaps in Understanding Key Notions
. u; v* r3 T- H: E, [  Chapter 2 The Energy System and Policies before the Twelfth Five-Year Plan4 C; k* W' I. a
  1. Energy Development by Sector
& J, C: [6 d& n* }3 c  2. Past Five-Year Plans and Energy Policies
% c( t8 e; W/ h/ @  3. Change in Energy Mix Energy Intensity and Environmental Effects
5 f3 l: |; B2 k9 b9 j) k" W- E. H  Chapter 3 Effects of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Energy Policy
/ S! X" ?7 ?/ t- t/ L0 z  1. Understanding the Background to the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Energy Policies3 Z" U, w5 q1 Q* ?3 v
  2. Energy Mix Energy Intensity and Environmental Effects- Y9 M& {, e/ ?/ G1 c
  Chapter 4 China’s Energy Evolution and Revolution
/ r! t, d2 F! L* |: K. T# u  1 The Hard Road of Reforming the Power and Natural Gas Sectors
: ?/ n* n6 {4 t+ H; S( D# E  2 China’s Energy Revolution
2 U$ O7 Y7 l! P  ^1 q  b  3 Conclusion
1 {0 |! m; ^7 z$ ?( J8 N' ]) u: l  Chapter 5 The Evolution of China’s Foreign Energy Policy
: L6 Q* K( b2 A& @& G5 K* D3 c  1 The National Energy Security Situation and the Effect on Foreign Energy Policy
) B) i2 j- t5 o' e8 a2 E  2 Changes in Foreign Energy Policy
8 Z: f$ l: J* I, Y' F7 P* [, R  3 Twenty-Year Review of China’s Foreign Energy Policy Implementation
- i& B# i" ~" L! Z1 i9 w6 Q  4 China’s Foreign Energy Policies by Region, U" N6 _4 g; ?- H" W1 O, y
  5 Remarks5 |0 A7 T( J: ~: g4 L' ~, ?
  Chapter 6 Energy Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
) e: v: ~( r0 {! }, x7 U! O; l  1 Major Changes in the Global Oil Market and its Implications for China
2 W5 q: Z# h$ y: m+ M1 I2 ]  2 China-Russia Oil and Natural Gas Cooperation:the Geopolitical Impact
4 ]1 d5 M2 v  o$ ?0 n  3 Expected Benefits and Potential Risks of Energy Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative: C2 z5 }; S- L7 X( q
  Appendices7 a3 ]1 D1 H0 Q1 Y% p
  China’s Energy Action Plan (2014–2020)9 m( L5 ~- i3 d3 V
  Opinions Regarding the Deepening of the Power Sector’s Reform0 o* k+ H4 ]5 W& f
  Developments in Energy Policy in 2014
% [3 c/ ?: ?# v' w# y6 l  Chronicle of China’s International Energy Cooperative Events in 2015
; `3 {6 u- Q- M" A! |# @; V9 [
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' d- F9 I* E- |8 [+ P
4 d1 }5 y9 j  m8 s) i7 ?
# j" x( }7 J5 X+ V; \
百度云:& m6 E" i/ T6 ^% h4 B' y7 o

, [8 b( H! H' H, Z# z$ V1 A$ N微云:9 C, y' n3 O$ _; q9 o

3 h% i$ t- [* T5 ]& t$ i2 r) B) h- H* k1 j/ p/ A, W" o7 Q* D

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