
A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading 三维的外汇交易

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Is this book for me?. Q! I; g: _5 z7 }0 [, b( E
  If you aspire to become a full-time forex trader, then this is the book for you. Even if your dream is perhaps more modest, and you simply want to have a second income trading the forex markets, then again, this book is for you." Y: n/ A2 _9 M8 H
  What will I learn?& u) ~! r9 H. e/ S+ w( ]8 F
  It has been written with one clear objective. To explain how and why the currency markets move in the way they do - the forces, the factors, and the manipulators. Many aspiring traders, simply do not realize that the forex market sits at the heart of the financial world, which when you think about it logically, is really common sense. After all, this is the biggest money market in the world, and if the financial markets are about one thing, they are about money. Making it, protecting it, or increasing the return. It’s no surprise, therefore, the forex market connects all the others. Put simply, the forex market is the ultimate barometer of risk.
9 \; H! @  K; A; C5 o# b- r- f  How will it help me?4 }9 w* `0 _0 X4 P
  So how will this book help me to become a better forex trader? First, you will discover how changes in market sentiment in the primary markets of commodities, stocks, bonds, and equities, are then reflected in the currency markets. This is something which often surprises novice traders. After all, why look at a stock index, or the price of gold, or a bond market? The answer is very simple. It is in these markets that you will find all the clues and signals, which then reveal money flow. After all, the financial markets are all about risk. In other words, higher returns for higher risk, or lower returns for lower risk. It really is that simple. And yet, how many forex traders ever consider associated markets? The answer is very few. After reading the book, you will be one of those enlightened traders who truly understand money flow and risk, and your confidence as a trader will grow exponentially as a result. The next thing you will learn is that trading in one dimension or using one trading technique, is rather limiting. You have probably met people who trade, who then make a bold statement such as: ‘I only trade using the fundamentals’ or perhaps that ‘technical analysis is a self-fulfilling prophecy’.2 a  d; h- Z5 L0 w: P- f& f
  Please do NOT buy this book if..
3 A/ g6 i$ v* L  This is NOT another book explaining forex trading strategies. In fact, there are none at all, surprising given the book's length. If this is what you are looking for, please DO NOT buy this book.4 C  a5 O6 u$ s) q+ P5 N- p, d
  But do if this is you.......
6 X& D  E) T% q* g  It has been written for two specific audiences. The first is the novice forex trader, for whom this is a new market. The second is the forex trader who has attempted to trade in foreign exchange, but struggled and has been left confused by the apparently random and chaotic behavior of this volatile market.9 a% m: Q* u6 X2 ]  P' \
  Whilst the forex market is a complex mix, it is not complicated, once you understand the people, their motives and the currencies themselves. Even those markets such as bonds, which few traders ever understand, are explained very simply. Equally important is the concept of change. Indeed you may have other books, written many years ago and explaining how the forex market works. As you will discover, the rulebook has been torn up. No longer is this a simple market of trending currency pairs. This all changed in 2007/2008, and with it, the forex world changed too.
7 R4 f3 y' a$ q. V' K  And here are some more reasons....
. O% j; U# e; N/ ?' T4 r7 j  Long gone are the days when currency pairs meandered their way higher and lower in long-term trends, driven by interest rate differentials. To take advantage, you need to understand the forces which now drive the markets. A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading will empower you with knowledge. Knowledge and confidence go hand in hand. Confidence breeds success, and success breeds money, which will then flow from reading the book.
( ?7 t! m/ Y; l, s% e, Q' k4 ?5 @8 V$ g6 b4 o
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  Table of Contents; w, f, {% Y% P" E
  Foreward* [4 h( n3 a' ~0 Q
  An introduction to the forex market and why it’s all about money flow andsentiment, which can only be seen by taking a three dimensional approach.
* M) F1 k' G9 @. y  And why there are only two risks in trading.
7 F3 \( p5 O; y% M, n/ U/ H  Chapter One : Assessing Market Sentiment
) q. u- }* W+ d! W4 Q6 b  Market sentiment is one of the keys to understanding money flow as tradersand investors move between fear and greed and back again. This is revealedin the four capital markets and their relationships with the forex market attheir heart. In this chapter discover how to interpret money flow for yourself,quickly and easily.7 Y9 _# O" D1 W6 O3 T$ ?
  Chapter Two : Bonds & Bond Yields! A& g- i, c0 N* u& X5 l) ]
  Bonds are the least understood by forex traders and rarely, if ever watched.. U3 h  H! t, [
  Yet the bond market underpins the cost of money and consequent riskappetite and is therefore vital to understanding market mood. Here you willlearn about the power of bond yields and the clear message they are sendingyou, as a forex trader.; F1 D0 v( R& z  c9 V) T1 [3 J
  Chapter Three : Commodity Markets ExplainedWhy the commodity market is the fulcrum of the financial markets. The placewhere real currencies are converted into real goods. It is where money meetsthe real world of economic supply and demand. It’s a market full of clues forforex traders if you know where to look. This chapter will teach you how andwhere.
; o1 _0 t* @/ B* I1 B9 d" {+ E  Chapter Four : Equity Markets Explained6 J6 g. \* ?, T3 O
  Just like commodities, equities signal risk, return and money flow. It is wherechanges in the broader economic cycle and risk sentiment are reflected inspecific currencies. As one of the few cash markets it also provides a realinsight into money flow and volume.
+ o5 i: T& O1 A: D( |* @/ D  Chapter Five : The Forex Market Revealed
4 c. w0 U9 P4 t# D% D7 Z& b- F  This is the market where global politics and money collide creating a marketof intrigue and political chicanery played out at the highest levels. Here youwill be discover what few forex traders ever realize. This chapter alone willsurprise you.
1 g; z9 f" z  g$ e! \$ q2 [/ M( ?  Chapter Six : The Bond & Commodity RelationshipOne of the most complex of relationships which most traders ignore. Multifacetedand constantly changing according to the economic cycle, thisrelationship reveals where we are in the economic cycle and, as aconsequence, the likelihood of impending interest rate changes. Changeswhich will ultimately reflect interest rate differentials in currency pairs withconsequent strength and weakness.
) D( p% w/ o' Y6 d  Chapter Seven : Bond & Equities
# F6 f6 o, c% l: H  A non linear relationship, connected to the economic cycle. But one which isalso heavily influenced by sudden and unexpected market shocks. This is apivotal relationship and one that few forex traders ever appreciate.4 M. F4 R$ ]: \
  Chapter Eight : Bonds & Currencies8 J+ \$ {' R" ?3 x3 `
  A key money to money relationship. Differential bond yields can and docause huge shifts in money flow as central banks also indulge in the carrytrade. This can result in great trends which retail forex traders can alsoexploit.& j9 J7 Z9 L: l2 T
  Chapter Nine : The US Dollar
+ t, s/ L+ n7 E- s% Q' A  The king of currencies, and still the currency of first reserve. The US dollarremains the lynchpin of the global economy. It underpins every capitalmarket. As forex traders this is the one currency we need to understand andtrack. This chapter will tell you all you need to know about the US dollar.& C1 O: N' r3 \- V4 {, I2 N5 v$ s
  Chapter Ten : Indices & Market Internals
+ e& o; a/ H/ B  Cross market and relational analysis can provide forex traders with somepowerful insights into market sentiment, risk and money flow. The key is toknow which indices and markets to follow. The price action on theseinstruments can help support and validate trading decisions in all timeframes.
* w1 _6 h! k% ^2 P  Chapter Eleven : Secondary Perspectives
" X* z% ^3 a+ X- w3 m. \3 j  This chapter considers aspects of relational analysis with associatedanalytical techniques, such as ratio analysis. This chapter also explains howto interpret the Commitment of Traders Report (COT), the Gold Oil Ratio,and how they can be used in forex trading.
2 ?% L1 R8 J% K7 m8 Y; N8 r  Chapter Twelve : The Fundamentals of Global EconomiesIf you don’t understand the economic powerhouses of the world you cannottrade forex with any degree of confidence. This chapter takes a detailed lookat countries and their economies which currently dominate the forex marketsand why./ i2 h! N5 X: v) l" J, v
  Chapter Thirteen : The Next Generation2 w1 g& d. a5 J0 F9 {/ M; F2 G
  The economic powerhouses in waiting. The emerging powers and theirassociated currencies are explained in detail. After all, it’s not always themajors that offer the best trading opportunities.& S; A/ `( _9 R! K
  Chapter Fourteen : Asia Pacific EconomiesWhilst Western economies continue to struggle, Asia Pacific booms. Onceagain this offers forex traders some unique opportunities, provided youunderstand the economies of these countries.
; j* f' _! o) S5 V' |  Chapter Fifteen : Economic Cycles & Their DriversThis is the world of global market cycles, interest rates, inflation anddeflation, and is the business of forecasting and managing economies aroundthe world. Understanding the economic cycle can give some greatperspectives on where and why currencies are moving.) K2 I( k, h2 \
  Chapter Sixteen : Economic Indicators ExplainedWhether we like it or not, economic releases are a fact of life and can blindside even the best technical trader. This chapter covers the most importanteconomic indicators and fundamental news releases which drive the markets.& X& Q" v1 l% T+ z6 B% ]
  It also explains their significance, their impact and their relevance which alldepend on where we are in the economic cycle. This chapter also explainswhy the Rating Agencies are losing their power.
8 s/ K4 x6 ?1 N$ q3 E1 ~  Chapter Seventeen : An Introduction to Technical AnalysisThe third element of market analysis. This final element completes the threedimensional approach. Technical analysis is an art, not a science and in thischapter you will discover why.
& k5 J' z9 Q9 O  y, v5 J( N  Chapter Eighteen : Technical Indicators
7 y: t2 H3 p) P9 }) i( l/ V+ I$ R( I  One of the problems many traders face is knowing which indicators to useand when. With hundreds to choose from it can be a very difficult decision.
& ?: z: S+ x7 N  Here we cover some of the more popular, and also explain why volume andprice are the most powerful. The methods revealed will revolutionize yourtrading.' t7 Z! ]9 @4 Y4 Z- I1 Z2 L# p
  Chapter Nineteen : Technical Analysis TechniquesThe most useful technical analysis techniques explained in detail and howthey can be used to determine market direction.
2 u+ E1 }7 ~  J, p1 Z  Chapter Twenty : In The Currency Jungle
4 d" @1 q  z& ~, w- a  In the final chapter of the book, I explain the characteristics of each currency,as well as a variety of major, cross and exotic currency pairs. Just as in thejungle, there are hidden dangers awaiting, and in today’s forex world, evenmore so. Here you will discover which currencies to consider and why, andhow their personalties change, once they become a pair. In addition you willalso discover the power of the currency matrix.+ ~/ E4 O4 y! i. E" A5 i
  You will now have the skills and knowledge to become a master forex traderin your own right. Please keep in touch and let me know how you you get on.
& k( |7 t' g6 V+ @$ v; U  Acknowledgments & Trader Resources
. ]7 d+ _/ q" [$ a3 O% C, g! t  List of the chart providers used in this book along with details of freeresources for forex traders.
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A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading 三维的外汇交易 PDF
  G; i2 a% R. k6 T$ r8 e" K4 K3 T, m

: _+ {2 F( G: E/ A6 K0 T2 s( IA Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading 三维的外汇交易 EPUB6 l5 y/ z# C# c# o

- F, a) m- n+ w9 |0 H  g/ @9 X) Q

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