
Technical Analysis Tools: Creating A Profitable Trading ...

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Bloomberg Financial:Technical Analysis Tools: Creating A Profitable Trading System Mark Tinghino  著
! i% E% A7 j! E1 b+ d
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) H4 U3 ^) y4 w
+ M6 Q" z% ]4 ^/ z2 N1 w  内容简介8 Y& f7 _4 S; c) A9 d8 f* p

% P; r2 I5 V) E  Mark Tinghino is a commodity trading adviser (CTA). He has taught numerous online seminars on technical analysis at the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He contributed chapters to Tricks of the Active Trader by Neal Weintraub and has written articles for Futures magazine and TradeSOURCE magazine. Tinghino has spent decades developing a unique model for market timing, which uses a combination of several hundred separate cycles. Visit www.tinghino.net for information on his newsletter and ongoing research.
5 o( Z& @+ L( B* v/ @5 e  目录
6 V* Y7 M: h; S, m4 C( F4 j  Title Page
: f1 a4 }1 `1 X  Copyright Page
! h7 s+ o5 I; h  Dedication1 ?4 l/ f+ f6 Y- J5 q3 T0 A) A! X
8 J' K( X" G: h) L) [' L7 y; S, C  Acknowledgements
4 T: x9 @) N8 c6 H  Introduction
& z, k2 l) m. j) i& m, ^  Part One - Technical Analysis Trading ArsenalCHAPTER 1 - Approaches to Market AnalysisCHAPTER 2 - Fundamentals: Navigating the LabyrinthCopper and the Mobius Strip of Supply and DemandMajor Trend Influences from Money
. T- }( d5 e, O6 R" v& `4 c1 D  Conclusion" {& z, |) V0 j0 o
  CHAPTER 3 - Chart Patterns: Landscape of the MarketChannels5 g  Y8 n/ n* R
  Support and Resistance! x0 w. Q9 L0 Q7 K7 x
  Trend Lines
! @3 C: T* X: R" ]3 S6 f2 N  Reversal Patterns
& |3 Z. ]; R8 X! p2 K* Y  Gaps
( A' y9 X4 b* N- q0 I8 r( O  Continuation and Other Patterns8 Z& V( C3 Z+ C( q. t& e
  Fibonacci Retracements& \/ |' \& h' L: t! w% `
- Q6 v; k: j4 ]" a, \  CHAPTER 4 - Alternative Charting TechniquesCandlestick Charts
/ V. G& q6 ~" Y) V! I) ^" j  Point and Figure Charts
/ p: h. j1 i5 Y2 ^4 b  Volume and Technical Analysis' m4 J: a8 \: A7 a" Q
' M  h$ B- z. B  a1 d  CHAPTER 5 - Indicator Soup: Not-So-Secret RecipesThe Pitfalls of Indicators
" i- Y& z* @3 q( Q! ^' J8 ]  Indicators and Price3 Z$ O  i; y1 w! f4 |
  Implementing Indicators
7 }" @+ h0 y2 i$ b. S  Combining Indicators% a% \$ k  S" Q' S* G1 {
  Indicators Across Multiple Time Frames
3 F( c) g5 |) q0 ]5 l# s- U  Astrology as an Indicator0 k% O; W6 G- x. V1 |8 f$ Y
0 d5 {( K1 W. F. M% k$ a8 k" J  CHAPTER 6 - The Market As a Wave PhenomenonConclusion: I( V$ q- J. ~2 u$ @; a! Z
  CHAPTER 7 - Leveraging Derivatives
+ F2 P4 a& i+ j6 J  Forex Market = High Leverage( W; q& d. ~, R0 l* T0 j. `
  Options Markets = More Leverage with Better Control of RiskDerivatives and Leverage7 p$ M' w9 Q2 x' U/ @) M
  Conclusion+ s& c2 J0 f- u
  CHAPTER 8 - Finessing the Risk Factor with SpreadsThe Greeks
0 `9 [8 U* \2 R) _/ j  Spreading the Risk Around
! \, Y& ~+ r2 \  Naked Positions3 O5 _  w( O4 X7 y. ~) n
  Strategies Involving Spreads% W" Z( v- K0 p5 D% d& u* v# X
  Correlated Spread Market+ |2 v6 E& i  A, ]: G6 c4 P: [
  Conclusion" n# t' u0 _3 b, i; Y
  Part Two - Putting It All Together
+ Q5 A+ @0 Z2 P  CHAPTER 9 - A Cyclical Model of the MarketsWhy Cycles?! P/ ^  C' N( z+ C1 f. ]' j9 M
  Historical Credibility of Cycle Analysis$ j( P8 V2 q0 w  @9 h& \8 k
  Definitive Cyclical Market Analysis
' j# q" g' g" b2 ]  Developing a Proprietary Approach
4 J' o) m) e9 }# a; w  Cycles and Changing Conditions; p1 k, S  J  ?4 A
  Trend Directionality and Cycles
6 O; D/ O/ h: k' S& L6 {# ]. T  Short-Term Trading Based on Cycle AnalysisMoney Management for Cycle Trading! `  n! M) }# a& G5 d: e
  The Cycle Advantage
- i* i  G; y& I  Conclusion
4 o4 j: X/ x2 i, Q/ |1 G  CHAPTER 10 - Backtesting and Planning Trading StrategiesMasterminding the Trading Plan' p  _- V  q# z" f1 ?
  Test-Driving the Trading Plan
# p4 V0 E; L/ y  Conclusion
: a% |, L+ G) _! l4 I  CHAPTER 11 - Mental Discipline and Risk ManagementConclusion
) k4 ^) G% s* ?  APPENDIX A - Commonly Used Technical IndicatorsAPPENDIX B - Futures Products with High Daily VolumeAPPENDIX C - Educational Resources9 |  J' S7 Y0 i( b6 @
  APPENDIX D - Trading Reports and Other Forms of News ServiceAPPENDIX E - Software Products
& B- T: B+ z8 Y* k$ F, L% v  Index5 b6 I, C  ~, |/ d
  About Bloomberg( ^$ X8 k- ]0 d2 d
  About the Author+ M5 Q" t' z; u1 D  d( {
& z- H6 H! d; C# k4 O

2 ]: W7 B+ p$ ^7 ]* j% t* d5 L- K

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