
外汇模式与概率:趋势与市场范围的贸易战略-英文 Ed Ponsi

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  • 类别:外汇
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
Forex Patterns and Probabilities: Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets( ^: z8 A9 v" S2 A: c
中文书名: 外汇模式与概率:趋势与市场范围的贸易战略$ r- G8 q0 Y" Z5 {9 C) P& l6 L

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  图书基本信息1 _; Y; I: g" M: F9 E9 D# ~; ]
  Forex Patterns and Probabilities: Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets中文书名: 外汇模式与概率:趋势与市场范围的贸易战略作者: Ed Ponsi;
3 u$ l9 A3 d$ u8 T" Z0 J. R, p  ISBN13: 9780470097298& D. B" _3 F: }! Q
  类型: 精装; \2 A/ S7 [8 C2 M
  语种: 英语(English)8 ?5 A! L$ m5 g; p0 n8 t2 s
  出版日期: 2007-08-07) r9 b/ ?- Q/ o3 [3 s
  出版社: John Wiley & Sons
7 B" U# W; V4 M) g- N3 J* O0 I  页数: 250, D# a. F3 \# ]8 r9 f
  重量(克): 467
5 w* k8 |: U0 |% R  尺寸: 22.987 x 16.4084 x 2.5654 cm
! k- e  r. `' P; O. k  商品简介! P/ W; b5 l* }6 R3 [* L3 W& a" p
  While most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics, Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides you with real-world strategies and a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading. Leading trading educator Ed Ponsi will explain the driving forces in the currency markets and will provide strategies to enter, exit, and manage successful trades. Dozens of chart examples and explanations will guide you each step of the way and allow the reader to "look over the shoulder" of a professional trader hard at work at his craft.
0 d/ N7 t% @7 \6 `% J7 h; S1 E. Z  This book provides traders with step-by-step methodologies that are based on real market tendencies. The strategies in this book are presented clearly and in detail, so that anyone who wishes to can learn how to trade like a professional. It is written in a style that is easy to understand, so that the reader can quickly learn and use the techniques provided.& n2 C& X# i7 y* B0 F

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