
原版Learn How to Trade Momentum Stocks 2ND EDITION Matthew R. Kratter

  • 地区:欧美
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  • 文件大小:2M
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  • 类别:量价
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Ready to get started trading stocks, but don't know where to begin?$ D/ V6 s# h, j' c% F: z' x
  Momentum stocks are a great place to start.. h7 Y/ r/ T! j( Z9 {/ g8 R
  Imagine what it would be like if you started each morning without stress, knowing exactly which stocks to trade.' h0 l) H, Y. S: I. L
  Knowing where to enter, where to take profits, and where to set your stop loss.
8 h9 q- {9 E8 M, q! l; Z  L. o0 ?  In this book, you will learn:4 l( p! M' D" i# M% g
  How to spot a stock that is about to explode higherExactly when to buy and sell the stockHow to screen for the best stocks to tradeInsider tricks used by professional tradersHow to find big winners like Apple and FacebookHow to tell if you are in a bull market, or a bear marketAnd much, much moreIt's time to stop gambling with your hard-earned money.  J" d1 }) l! D, d; H5 O0 T! s1 _( B
  Join the thousands of smart traders who have improved their trading with this book.% a0 u# ?" a, M. z; {
  Amazon best-selling author and retired hedge fund manager, Matthew Kratter will teach you the secrets that he has used to trade profitably for the last 20 years.
! j+ A2 ^- B$ M" a# I: M! ?  This strategy is powerful, and yet so simple to use.3 j2 v' E/ h( k
  Even if you are a complete beginner, this strategy will have you trading stocks in no time.
( S1 ~/ u- P% c1 H  And if you ever get stuck, you can always reach out to the author by email (provided inside of the book), and he will help you.
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