
精準獲利K線戰技 Profitable Candlestick Trading Stephen W. Bigalow

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
ISBN: 9780470924709
. z1 S5 A! Y. {+ n( p2 b. n" U  _作者: Stephen W. Bigalow
  K4 o! J" A8 C2 _装帧: Hardcover; H2 n8 N7 F6 w/ }: S7 J& h
页数: 384" v3 y  C) P' e! F2 |+ w5 `1 k7 k+ \
出版日期: 2011-03-08" J- S2 b% S) m7 A) Y
出版社: Wiley
# Q+ E* D2 X7 [9 I7 M$ G% r9 ?6 [/ |! T1 |
& |& X) U: D4 m: l! r$ B/ I" p% MThe updated edition to one of the most popular books on technical analysis
Japanese candlestick charting and analysis is one of the most profitable yet underutilized ways to trade the market. Signals created by this unique method of technical analysis-represented in the form of graphic "candlestick" formations-identify the immediate direction and effects of investor sentiment through price movements, allowing traders to profit by spotting trend reversals before other investors. This updated version of Profitable Candlestick Trading: Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits makes learning the method fast and easy by introducing specific patterns, as well as the psychology behind them. The book
7 P. E/ J/ M9 O/ ]3 M$ J6 c7 m* w
  • Details the most valuable aspect of technical analysis-reversal patterns-as well as reversal signals, including the Doji, the Hammer, the Hanging Man, Engulfing Patterns, and Dark Cloud Cover
  • Explains continuation patterns and explores how they can help with the decision-making process during various trading periods
  • Reveals how to find trading situations that have the maximum potential for profitability, the highest probability of success, and the least amount of risk  h7 G1 {' r8 L5 }- k
3 z% q4 Q' b8 I: z. D
Learn how to quickly search, view, and profit with candlestick formations with Profitable Candlestick Trading.

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