
The Warren Buffett Portfolio: Mastering the Power of the Focus Investment 英文

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  • 文件大小:9M
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  • 类别:价投
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  The Warren Buffett Way provided the first look into the strategiesthat the master uses to pick stocks. A New York Times bestseller,it is a valuable and practical primer on the principles behind theremarkable investment run of the famed oracle of Omaha. In thismuch-awaited companion to that book, author Robert Hagstrom takesthe next logical step, revealing how to profitably manage stocksonce you select them. THE WARREN BUFFETT PORTFOLIO will help youthrough the process of building a superior portfolio and managingthe stocks going forward.
' L( U# f8 C4 G: b. f; f$ P7 W" x  Building a concentrated portfolio is critical for investmentsuccess. THE WARREN BUFFETT PORTFOLIO introduces the next wave ofinvestment strategy, called focus investing. A comprehensiveinvestment strategy used with spectacular results by Buffett, focusinvesting directs investors to select a concentrated group ofbusinesses by examining their management and financial positions ascompared to their stock prices. A strategy that has historicallyoutperformed the market, focus investing is based on the principlethat a shareholder's return from owning a stock is ultimatelydetermined by the economics of the underlying business.
/ ?  `, J  K" d  D$ S" ~  Hagstrom explains in easy-to-understand terms exactly what focusinvesting is, how it works, and how it can be applied by anyinvestor at any level of experience. He demonstrates how Buffettarranges his stocks in a focus portfolio and reveals why this is asresponsible for his incredible returns as the individual stocks hepicks. Ultimately, Hagstrom shows how to use this technique tobuild and manage a portfolio to achieve the best possible results." ?; R4 q9 v6 O* l# P% |9 O3 D
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