
集中投资Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrat...

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  • 类别:价投
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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Discover the secrets of the world's top concentrated value investors
+ Z8 M7 _/ X5 |6 L, L5 `  Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors chronicles the virtually unknown—but wildly successful—value investors who have regularly and spectacularly blown away the results of even the world's top fund managers. Sharing the insights of these top value investors, expert authors Allen Benello, Michael van Biema, and Tobias Carlisle unveil the strategies that make concentrated value investing incredibly profitable, while at the same time showing how to mitigate risk over time. Highlighting the history and approaches of four top value investors, the authors tell the fascinating story of the investors who dare to tread where few others have, and the wildly-successful track records that have resulted.4 |" |6 K5 Y4 h2 r' n, {7 E$ X
  Turning the notion of diversification on its head, concentrated value investors pick a small group of undervalued stocks and hold onto them through even the lean years. The approach has been championed by Warren Buffett, the best known value investor of our time, but a small group of lesser-known investors has also used this approach to achieve outstanding returns.
$ p! z) g. H, B  Discover the success of Lou Simpson, a former GEICO investment manager and eventual successor to Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway
. l& L, t  y- f$ a: i, j( ^  Read about Kristian Siem, described as "Norway's Warren Buffett," and the success he has had at Siem Industries  M; N3 i& `+ J) D/ s/ b
  Concentrated Investing will quickly have you re-thinking the conventional wisdom related to diversification and learning from the top concentrated value investors the world has never heard of.
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集中投资Concentrated Investing: Strategies of the World'

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