
英文原版Top 10 Trading Setups How to Find them, When to Trade them

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  • 类别:华尔街
  • 价格:10共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
How to Find them,
When to Trade them,
How to Make Money with them
  Different setups work in different markets. Everyone makes money in a bull market. Not everyone keeps it when the market goes into correction or a range-bound, choppy mode. A good trader is able to adapt to changing markets.
7 `2 i6 H9 \7 A  J9 w2 s& }4 v  There are four major types of markets and each of them requires a different approach: Uptrend, Range-bound, Downtrend, and Bottoming Process. In this book, I show you how to recognize each market environment and how to best approach it.
/ d) A# E  R, v0 H4 C* a+ \  This is one of the most practical trading books ever written. It doesn’t waste your time with personal stories of grandeur. It is all about setups - what setups to trade and when, why they work, how to find them, how to trade them, where to exit. It is a complete game plan for any market environment.
& t4 U3 Q* d" D( N  And since I believe a good picture is worth a thousand words - there are 140 annotated charts with examples for all ten major setups discussed in the book.
9 d! [: Q7 s- A; Gexpansion.1 T9 L2 ~/ D: T2 y: P7 W* m
Chapter 2. PULLBACK SETUPS - How to enter an established trend with! M5 O& k9 V) X# W4 c
low risk and for high reward.
# I& ]9 ^/ ^5 Q5 D5 ?& {: A# \* F! ^, yChapter 3. IPO SETUPS – How to find stocks that can go up 50% in a  a6 I# m/ H' P5 v
9 t9 l7 Y5 j* d1 I. T3 fChapter 4. INDUSTRY MOMENTUM SETUPS – How to benefit from one
5 P7 O) @/ n) a0 a. f9 h1 m. {; Nof the most powerful market forces.
. _* N' e. R( x7 X7 qChapter 5. EARNINGS GAP SETUPS – How to profit from post-earningsannouncement8 `, V' ^3 \" l9 |8 W+ L9 o
# B2 L- U+ F6 @2 W8 D* \$ `Chapter 6. SHORT SQUEEZE SETUPS – How high short interest might lead9 Z3 }+ s* R8 @  d! l) ^
to explosive short-term moves.
$ @, K: U) K3 }% ZChapter 7. HUGE VOLUME SETUPS - How to quickly grow a small
& B/ A3 N( s: baccount.( h/ `6 b) L/ k) _' b
Chapter 8. BEARISH SETUPS - How to make money during corrections.# i5 ]% O3 P+ x. K3 n  R9 W: y
Chapter 9. RELATIVE STRENGTH SETUPS – How to gain from the moves
* F/ K3 ?& Y% xof big players.- |* U" c" T. a+ k' x
Chapter 10. MEAN-REVERSION SETUPS - When is the right time to go
9 w3 A6 @9 L9 n& N" f/ z2 Aagainst a trend?  _- E3 O5 p7 H
Summary4 i' ?" z# k( S  W9 T
About the author9 Z# R$ L: s+ ?- X
Other books by the author1 ?- q+ ?3 i2 c/ M$ f4 ]( M
* c9 A$ Y: e$ x! r* z& n
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