
Joe Ross 日内交易DAY TRADING Cash transactions to that Futuresboersen

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0 }: j% {# f+ w8 `" o, B; kPreface to the expenditure for original l% c+ }8 M2 Q5 c' r) {
Introduction 2
7 f: q8 c3 h& j7 X$ xOver contract sets 4
( S. f& \' t0 {1 e8 P/ S  Y  T, k& @7 k' kOver the revised expenditure of 1991 5
( Y9 T+ A+ f4 I+ ^Over the second pressure edition of 1992 57 ]; H$ a# a' c5 u
4 V; R' e0 H, m1. Definition of Day Trading 7( G# r1 f; |4 V! b) x! f
1. l a short view into the past 8
6 |0 [; P$ y8 l) i1,2 similarities between Day Trading and position Trading 8$ a+ v  R/ N$ W) z3 q2 Z
1,3 differences between Day Trading and position Trading 9
5 a3 r" R( [$ F( A5 }( C1,4 differences between Day Trader and parquet dealer 11
5 W2 }1 @/ [3 \8 G  z2. Selection of the positions 15# {# @7 }4 c/ d; }2 A6 u1 k) v: e
2. l selection of a time horizon ' 7# D2 H/ ~3 S( C' ]
2,2 selection of a market 18
: ~0 r) G' T  G$ }: \1 z2,3 selection of one point of entrance 19
/ t: Z/ {4 h' [" K7 {/ R3. Large entrance signals 222 X& Y! B* {) L1 x
3,1 the outbreak from a sliding zone 23$ }( v2 p) R; w2 h! Z! p: I8 Q+ w
3,2 the outbreak from a 1-2-3-Hoch or a low 26
# z4 [$ v; R' I/ M; f4 {3,3 the outbreak from a border 28
+ f& i) o2 ?9 o$ u. E3 T. v3,4 the outbreak from a hook 32
' g, @% t# \7 m$ Y3,5 summary: Large entrance signals 33$ e2 ^9 L# W7 p2 Q! t* r7 x% O
4. Middle entrance signals 34/ Z8 Y4 k9 K$ J
7 l8 m) V  Z9 A3 o& p- U& P. p5. Small entrance signals 392 s9 K) |# I& I9 {; ~
5,1 priorities 40! T# F9 b9 V; T) z  Z
6. Stop orders
* Y: ~( `# {8 P) N- c: ?% m, g( d6. l loss delimitation stop1 `1 h) V. C& ?% C
6,2 profit taking stops
- R( N" |- Y. K7. Orders for stock exchange
( {! P1 i7 R, s* H3 ]9 \$ n7,1 orders for entrance) d6 x& x8 _: i0 K* V  z
7,2 orders for door8 M0 }+ ^, T- [- d, v' m
Table of contents+ s9 i$ x1 a' o: A
8. Bookkeeping6 v: n1 B. L* |8 W  {
9. Broker/ z' u$ K; `3 `$ |9 q5 }1 v
10. The commercial plan
5 Z! Y$ }  u" n% U8 z* E% Q10,1 the method
9 ~- y$ U% Y6 S10. l. l alive remain, Z2 {1 q6 F& ]) l
10,1,2 in the water remains8 i' j2 `9 k, l1 k* w+ D; g
10,1,3 tarpaulin the work - work the plan. z; |$ i2 G. G) o- t& r1 O
10,1,4 the plan
  v: W2 S; S  h1 T+ b  w# r" n11. Filters of the positions' j+ c$ z( _5 i& j* k; E- s
11,1 a Trading filter
$ A. a; _/ Q) ?12. Risk management and money management
# F# @5 V. o0 y2 H2 T12,1 risk management  l% U: S1 c& k
12,2 money management8 t* a8 {/ B, |; w
13. Consolidations are important
9 ^; H* j" h. \5 T; P14. Attitude of mind
- I# v: u) N7 J) j9 c3 i15. Selection of the best positions" w  c2 Y( f3 h! S$ n
15,1 control rooms on the correct business5 a6 I% B% ]  H' t/ i( o# Z
Chartformationen preferred 15,2
3 X. p. K4 J3 }) w16. The third contract* j9 c5 d7 F  |$ J
17. Strategy and tactics2 L5 }. O7 O! V% v  `3 y# Q& i
17,1 continuation business9 b4 x& _) k% ?, u
17,2 reversal business
; x# T9 w5 P8 }" f! Z- K" ?- }17,3 quotation gaps
8 n. w: F' F" K: A17,4 first outbreak and second outbreak/ h0 q( z4 d0 k6 n4 R/ N
18. The Trading of the small entrance signal
2 f8 n6 G$ F; u0 Z3 b18. l small entrance signals. \* L* Z0 F6 U8 S0 D8 O5 R/ }
19. Logic of the Tradings# k) ]- M- L7 Y: R0 a8 @: J
19,1 points of pivot* |, d% G; O4 F* `, n0 z1 T
20. Concrete examples
# r: w) G+ A# ~9 R20,1 summary! r$ Q" T7 B% Q
21. Trend identification 132. z7 f8 T% t% G
Table of contents. l8 S$ J: O2 U0 ^& Z1 @
/ p4 ?, `* E, b( s$ ~- ^! l22. Fifteen minute Trading 141
$ q5 c' D, p( g4 L5 |6 i* j6 r22,1 6 USD per Round turn 144! _4 e# ?; D7 L& c% b& Y* l
22,2 15 USD per Round turn 145
. a& k# u% Z* E6 ~# P4
) ~& [$ G+ s$ W7 p6 R+ ]+ G1 m, w- i22,3 25 USD per Round turn 145
, }  M1 V: u7 V& ~+ J23. Thirty minute Trading 153
4 g) x; w! Q5 L1 N' C2 c23,1 the average Volatilitaet as loss delimitation stop 155# l% a& v! L' M6 I* H  _; W
23,2 falling highs and rising lows 157; i. Q; H; k- |
23,3 segment counting 159
$ r+ S, H  u. R/ B- `24. Transformation of the cash transactions into position business 172
5 k  }* a9 [2 P* W3 f% K: B4 N! {25. Sixty minute Trading 175- w5 A5 `& V* Z. l; o9 ]
26. S&P Trading 231% j, ]1 U8 v3 _0 k' q
27. Trading methods 315% u: I+ e, b! f- O2 i* h
27. l the identification of consolidations 315
7 h' w1 g9 O6 Z/ |) R27,2 the identification of trends 316
# l% v6 y9 s1 ~27.2. l following each other new extremes 316) ]0 l  U7 J" Y. s+ U) y( u& F
27,2,2 falling highs and rising lows 317) ?' ~, E: A# L9 m% i( q0 ~
27,2,3 the method of the segment counting 3182 j2 z& e5 S  g" a% p4 j' t" n
27,2,4 the method of the genuine trend 319
4 D& b0 J( U2 p1 M27,2,5 the method of the genuine correction 3270 ~* V. L, x9 d# F1 |3 z; e' f9 j% m
27,2,6 summary 328
  k# P$ y0 F5 m2 e. k9 g- j27,2,7 general remarks 333
+ G" [, L% c3 U0 w28. The circle closes 334. k: W- u+ w' ~5 Y0 X
28,1 the parquet 340/ ~0 P+ q5 R" g) H. ~) \3 G3 f4 o
28,2 cup with handle formation 343
3 ~/ o7 |, L- e* x/ n9 |7 M. F28,3 Hedging 345
* \  D+ b0 j" x5 T* q! m& s28,4 loss delimitation stops 346* k3 b2 j, Q" B: @
28,5 the Fibonacci deception 348
/ S$ T7 s0 e" u/ P& P+ B: {# c28,6 the receipt of the capital 349) U3 R0 o4 Q% V" d* M9 x
28,7 the head and shoulder formation 351
" @# U/ z5 U9 W+ o7 c5 E28,8 I act thereafter, which I see 352
+ t0 u- j0 t$ i& p28,9 a few concluding remarks 354+ q' b; f0 v7 J) z0 y

8 ]& ?. G6 a+ R8 Y  P! cJoe Ross 日内交易DAY TRADING Cash transactions to that Futuresboersen0 M3 P) w' g; T: m/ `& H4 z6 ^

5 O) c% Q2 y; U+ O! d, o

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109001322 发表于 2018-6-15 07:31:46 | 显示全部楼层
日内交易DAY TRADING Cash transactions to that Futuresboersen

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lyhcyf 发表于 2018-6-15 08:16:05 | 显示全部楼层

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tsuiray 发表于 2018-7-8 09:22:45 | 显示全部楼层

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qwerty12 发表于 2018-10-23 10:36:59 | 显示全部楼层

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hehethegreat 发表于 2018-11-8 20:39:21 | 显示全部楼层
thks a lot

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futrue 发表于 2019-3-10 09:05:33 | 显示全部楼层
Joe Ross 日内交易DAY TRADING love it, go

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ma1168 发表于 2019-3-10 09:57:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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supperXman 发表于 2019-3-10 11:22:10 | 显示全部楼层

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capitalistp 发表于 2019-3-10 20:52:09 | 显示全部楼层

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