
The Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学

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Course Catalog
4 }' ~# B& H/ sThis is a list of modules and units from the online course, available at no
6 K' L# q& m% ucharge from MarketLife.com.
7 \# U9 l" m1 U. r) k( W" _I. Chartreading 101% W5 T$ p$ N7 l1 _8 {
5 H5 k, D/ _) u$ {1 _% _) @Basic Principles: h0 |1 g& w$ C8 K& j$ _
Basic Chart Setup; O! j% r) G% [. [/ V; P
Charts: Going Deeper
9 d9 q1 [  L" q7 N! z0 M7 q, l' M: sReading Price Charts
" t- a' T. R' p% q5 \II. Chartreading, Going Deeper
& U- z0 C: W" r3 gPivots and Swings( M+ _, I6 _& P& k
Trends5 O% G6 j* ^, S- w% V
Support and Resistance
$ g( J% n; D6 l5 ]! f; k! HTrading Ranges
5 U# F( ?  S/ _9 _, TThe Problem of Randomness
4 D5 x( h6 j$ N4 d4 S( K, }$ LRandom Walks1 V/ U, x# V, |$ r) m! V; z5 p
III. Market Structure & Price Action
) F/ }0 m0 w3 ~Trend and Range
3 t, U. O$ n9 \1 KTrend to Range and Back Again
& D/ F! |8 U% h4 i6 i9 lTools for Trends* G  y! \2 n" T2 ]! H7 T( R
Ends of Trends% x8 k0 F0 o2 D& n1 q! Q$ c7 o
The Two Forces
7 {0 }- V& \* G+ m! |$ A4 U9 FMarket Cycles
. k. Y% |) o3 _1 i# _, i: cIV. The Pullback1 Y" D/ ]; ^' x8 Z- ]- t1 A
The Pullback
& D, y- a9 u( g- \9 ~7 o2 M3 xExpected Value
& Q& R6 @4 M" A/ EWhere’d Your Charts Go?) T$ x+ \! J0 N9 D3 K# T
Quantitative Techniques I3 O2 K8 w7 x- s. O% y
Record Keeping3 e( f6 \. r( V
Manual backtesting
1 ?# s( B0 @9 ?" UV. The Anti( `' {  L8 N. p, [) E
The Anti
/ z! T" A5 `0 e/ a9 C# K8 x7 @Quantitative Techniques II+ f9 F2 e5 Y7 |
What Works/ L  {* K8 T! ^
Cognitive Biases
7 K0 P: m3 D3 X3 \" WTrading System Design3 I5 j! F# T5 v) x5 V% w
Support & Resistance Project8 D; Y& [9 b7 F' w, x
VI. The Failure Test
8 j  w/ q) @# f; k/ r+ S5 Y+ KThe Failure Test
! w2 N. \: N" uBasic Trading Stats7 ]" |( R0 X9 S4 m9 |/ x' l2 y
0 M4 g$ d7 x0 I& P5 SHistory of Traditional Technical Analysis" v( I( ?0 f0 v1 J' y
Classical Chart Patterns
2 t3 Y8 p# D2 [2 @Research Journal
7 U( n( m/ a6 I4 w' p6 [VII. The Breakout
# z7 q: m8 w8 }0 y# \3 ~The Breakout
9 S9 e3 \0 M9 |. K0 }, JTrade Management! D) L; d2 ~6 f5 i0 j
Your Trading Plan
" O6 ]" S+ [7 r5 ]+ Y# G$ WMultiple Timeframe Analysis I & II
4 d% H8 c1 I6 D$ wBasic Market Knowledge
6 H: N+ L  c5 N( Q. S# `VIII. Pattern Failures
/ X4 h* B6 z, L( aPattern Failures I, II, & III$ |5 l( q2 @2 X6 U2 _
Position Sizing I & II
4 O2 z3 }  {& |9 LRisk
8 ?; j! B$ g- q: R% {IX. Practical Trading Psychology
0 I2 ]' w9 d3 X, O/ ^( |( _+ s$ `" NTwo Mistakes! S3 M2 S3 s% i; }; @/ t* M
Learning High Level Skills4 t7 C1 Z4 P# k9 Q* D( F' V
Meditation and Mindfulness' }/ G9 X- Z7 C" h0 P( f
Routine and Process& `; ^2 ^8 t1 v8 Q; |, w
Discipline; ?. }4 H3 T% D$ n
Understanding Yourself$ H, c9 r+ Z5 t( I# C' v
Reading Plan for The Art and Science of Technical
% r! ^% t5 o) A" [5 @Analysis6 a9 g. C. ]1 F; d# ~
Page numbers refer to The Art and Science of Technical Analysis by Adam
; y$ x6 E3 Q# Y6 ^Grimes, Wiley (2012)
- i1 D0 s/ G; K1 XI. Charts, chart setup, becoming a trader& I  {8 |( z% l7 A  _1 }0 q9 [
1-8 (having an edge)4 X3 _# p7 w3 h. {5 r# |7 j! \
9-12 (basic chart setup)
% k" w$ _) u; c7 V- l! ^22-30 (reading inside bars, charting by hand)' S$ n% T/ K9 z  X: y; ~0 q/ l
375-385 (becoming a trader)4 V4 _6 O* F1 k- N/ C3 H9 m" }3 w- R
399-408 (trading primer)7 S7 h  w) U5 L6 b
375-384 (becoming a trader)
* M& W. y+ W0 III. Pivots and swings, support and resistance, basic patterns of
$ o. H: r, Z- ttrend and range
9 A. C+ c( `: e+ Z% x13-18 (two forces intro, pivots)
& }- \. f1 I$ l2 K+ r& k19-21 (basic swing patterns); J& S% I8 y2 ^; ?9 D( \# X
49-64 (trends)
/ }3 H- [& ]6 t5 u; P9 u0 Z97-120 (ranges)- L9 c% B8 m3 R' Y, }" i; T, r
78-84 & 93-96 (trend analysis)
# |  |+ a- r% M1 _  yIII. More detail on trends and ranges, interfaces, the market
6 F# e) u4 T4 B4 {) {' E- q$ `cycle
0 w! T( T* f8 r. F; Y' y5 g/ d85-92 (trendlines)# |8 @7 V9 R8 X& d- t
121-148 (between trends and ranges), M; _# ~! Q7 s* S
189-212 (indicators and tools for confirmation), L) y2 `  U( b
31-48 (market cycles and the four trades); a- _8 L7 o- l
IV. Pullbacks and journaling
1 ?$ S* M) ]! `7 T9 @2 C4 \" h65-77 (pullback intro)7 w$ x6 v- w" i# `8 ?& n
154-169 (pullback detail), H7 g, W# X# A, x' ~/ Z' H
291-315 (pullback examples)
7 ?7 m- q# U& ]385 - 388 (journaling); G1 a; r- Z( r  W
V. The Anti and cognitive biases6 `( K8 r9 u* i) r' s& Q8 @
170-173 (the anti)
# s4 o# q$ e" J3 w$ L327-336 (anti examples)$ s. c; E$ ]1 g- J! g, R# k
353-359 (cognitive biases)( y0 \$ O# `, A" T4 ?8 M, c3 h
409-424 (deeper look at MACD and MA)5 X5 w1 l: `( }/ b! i( e2 Y" _
VI. Failure test and basic trading stats; g6 g8 ]  a& K* l  H. i# Z2 v
149-153 (failure test)! h' U% d4 N: R* L( A) m3 \  `
314-326 (failure test examples)4 ?" q9 y9 [$ Y% N; S9 N
254-262 (basic trading stats)
, N+ U+ G1 q2 V1 {0 N& j( [389-398 (trading stats)+ n& ]/ \( \# b
VII. Breakouts, multiple timeframes, trade management9 L3 }; R6 d6 l. W+ [& r  z
174-188 (breakouts)
+ n" I& x/ H; j% C4 s) G5 s2 _3 `337-345 (breakout examples)
4 f8 L& b3 B" H" s3 j9 N213-230 (multiple timeframe analysis)
8 I2 J/ Y* X( q  Y231-253 (trade management)
$ Z9 H$ I. V1 u2 o- cVIII. Risk
( A# w6 n' }" m9 w, V8 Z% [) ]263-290 (risk)
( O2 v5 t: Z+ T* ~# ?IX. Trader psychology. E8 R- ]( H) p$ N: `
346-374 (trader’s mind)
/ r% \/ N, {4 c- n; ?7 Y
" u, l6 N# Y2 C& o  [9 r2 eThe Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学试读: L" s! r" S; A% @6 ?5 G( J
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The Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学 PDF 20M
% |; w8 ?. X- R

! r- C' P2 P& K) p4 V* H- m' yThe Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学MOBI" N8 Q( |+ `9 }8 D1 q5 V
0 l$ U/ ]' `: A+ }. z. e
The Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学EPUB" M3 V  a, C! s- X! @$ c
& ^$ }0 X. j) C$ ?9 ~$ N8 w
The Art and Science of Trading - Adam Grimes 交易的艺术与科学
" O- N2 X: K- O
; s# f. W9 M; V5 o7 p

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