
股票操作赢在起跑点(大师轻松读) Jim Cramer's Real Money—Sane Investing in a...

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股票操作赢在起跑点(大师轻松读) Jim Cramer's Real Money—Sane Investing in a...
2 K; E9 I0 f/ S0 @; q8 H2 |- x
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  你个人的投资策略绝对无法单独存在。世界上没有所谓放诸四海皆准的投资原则或内线消息,可以永远适用于每个人。个人的投资目标会随着工作生涯不断改变、调整,投资策略便可以,也应该跟着投资目标同步改变。4 L! E3 W* b/ q' I7 T3 t2 |: P# G$ i
  Your personal investment strategy cannot exist in isolation. There are no such thing as universal rules or insider secrets that will apply to everyone all the time. Rather, your investment strategy can and should vary in sync with your individual investment goals, w
+ s& j( g, T/ X$ W5 i  股票买卖原则和投资法则两者截然不同,许多新手不了解这其中的差异,或看不出两者的差别,结果张冠李戴,错用了方法,不仅无法达成个人投资目标,而且几乎不可避免会落入股票市场典型的“非理性繁荣”循环陷阱。
& `. V3 U  w! R* q6 n# S  The rules of trading and the rules of investing are quite distinct and different. Many newcomers fail to understand or make this distinction, and end up taking ideas that apply in one context and applying them to situations that actually require an entirely different approach. This can be detrimental to your ability to achieve your investment goals, and almost guarantees that you'll get caught up in the periodic periods of "irrational exuberance" that typify the stock markets.
4 y. B0 C  k  N2 C+ V  詹姆斯?克雷莫是全美联播的广播节目“现金”(Real Money)的主持人,同时也是TheStreet.com创办人之一、身兼《纽约杂志》(New York)专栏作家,及CNBC商业金融电视台市场评论家。克雷莫毕业于哈佛法学院,从1987年到2000年间经营自己的避险基金,扣除手续费后有高达24%的复利报酬率。克雷莫在2001年结束避险基金的操作,以投入他其他事业和媒体经营。克雷莫著有《一个华尔街瘾君子的告白》(Confessions of a Street Addict)和《你被骗了》(You Got Screwed)。
2 W* c/ E& ]  s) m  5分钟摘要
, e7 r/ _9 z# c. ?  个人投资蓝图
6 Y) n, n0 ~' A: H* c7 M6 G  必备的基本工具
1 l# T9 K, d# p3 n1 _  股票买卖10诫
2 \7 X, r( ?8 S5 {$ K( X& |! I  投资25大法则
/ `6 i! S/ _8 U% b( Y4 ~  把这些投资法则与诫令化为行动——自己设计一套投资组合
. h% ?3 ~6 ]$ a) l  MAIN IDEA
. ?1 {: x0 K- M6 O$ v0 j2 t( f  A Personal Investment Blueprint, ^7 c6 E* [, l/ @
  The Basic Tools You'll Need, m; z5 M0 \0 U+ r' p& h
  The 10 Commandments of Trading( z9 n, V4 o  B* o* S4 d# @& S
  The 25 Rules of Investing3 T$ d/ @5 ^3 \) D  C
  Putting the Rules and Commandments into Action— Building a Discretionary Portfolio! g) `/ t; x) t3 d, o
0 B; i5 M& _  B) H- c- Y3 e1 N

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