
30天外汇交易Thirty Days of FOREX Trading Raghee Horner

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:EPUB
  • 文件大小:18M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:外汇
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
Thirty Days of FOREX Trading  Raghee Horner 30天外汇交易 PDF
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Thirty Days of FOREX Trading  Raghee Horner 30天外汇交易 EPUB& u3 E& i7 ]0 |0 S) B+ |) z
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  Whether you′re a full–time trader looking to make a living or a part–time trader looking to make some extra money, the foreign exchange (forex) market has what you desire––the potential to make sizeable profits and 24/7 accessibility.# h" e6 |* x' v; q+ v! F' Z
  But to make it in today′s forex market, you need more than a firm understanding of the tools and techniques of this discipline. You need the guidance of someone who has participated, and prevailed, in this type of fast–paced environment.& r1 y- X) e& D3 n' L
  Raghee Horner has successfully traded in the forex market for over a decade, and now, in Thirty Days of Forex Trading, she shares her experiences in this field by chronicling one full month of trading real money. First, Horner introduces you to the tools of the forex trade, and then she moves on to show you exactly what she does, day after day, to find potentially profitable opportunities in the forex market.
) z4 D- `8 P! x1 {  Part instructional guide, part trading journal, Thirty Days of Forex Trading will show you––through Horner′s firsthand examples––how to enter the forex market with confidence and exit with profits.
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