
THREE LINES Forecasting Forex Price Action 三线预测外汇价格走势

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:EPUB
  • 文件大小:4M 英文
  • 时间:
  • 类别:K线
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
本帖最后由 操盘手 于 2023-8-22 21:57 编辑
/ |5 T0 M. E. h# A8 y2 [) A4 R: H7 d' p' h3 v/ @$ j  _! a  @
& w( n% _3 Y0 u1 P$ S3 X2 i) ]1 e$ i  Three Lines is a practical guide to foreign exchange trading that offers a simple strategy for forecasting future price movements based on the fundamental economic mechanism of demand and supply.
  N- |, W; L! B) s; ~# K  Just a few years ago, it was nearly impossible for the average investor to trade in the forex market online. What was once the domain of corporations, large financial institutions, central banks, hedge funds, and very wealthy individuals is now open to just about anyone with an Internet connection. Today, the forex is one of the largest financial markets in the world.
% g6 v' G( l2 H5 ~3 }/ z: F4 |# [  The forex market is driven by demand and supply. The primary purpose of this book is to show how a trader can effectively predict the next price move, once he knows how to spot demand and supply imbalance points on candlestick charts.
: k1 p! P( y8 i( g+ T  Topics covered include:6 a' E1 m6 H- o$ Z, q2 R3 p
  Introduction to the foreign exchange
3 ^3 v) G  @7 I$ {% j2 J6 p  Technical analysis- q4 G9 V' n- W4 P  N
  Trends in forex markets
' ]0 D# T7 q( J8 Q; }1 N  Demand and supply zones  P& G5 V" ?5 V/ F; M
  Trading psychology
; P0 i& ~4 s+ c' D! o) l/ H  S  Money management tips  g% n! D, w8 k9 J$ ~1 S, L
  Trading plans
" k$ x* Y, F3 [. d" k' }* l, c  Using the Metatrader 4/5 platform4 t5 D9 q: R% h4 Z* b$ A
  Whether you're a novice or a professional trader, you're sure to gain something new from the in-depth information and pragmatic advice provided in this book.+ Z3 t3 B0 I5 s) R0 ?4 d
三线预测外汇价格走势: @7 M6 M5 J' J1 O6 U
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4 x9 v& x4 o7 ?2 B5 C
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