
Moving Averages 101 作者: Burns, Holly

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:MOBI
  • 文件大小:3M
  • 时间:2015.6
  • 类别:交易方法
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  编辑推荐1 {- M# n; ~1 y! A7 I
  Moving Averages 101 is the easiest way to learn how to capture trends in the stock market9 f5 A+ Q$ d2 c' y$ k; N2 F
  Master moving averages and give yourself a significant trading advantage.8 r/ \8 z4 c9 N+ l9 h
  Benefit from 20 years of trading experience
6 w; t9 D" c) v: `1 g. h( O" I5 t  Limit your chances of trading ruin by learning from someone with more than 20 years in the stock market. Steve will teach you what a moving averages are and how to trade them.2 s/ k4 I" z; x* }
  Not sure where to start?- H5 J( G3 q( N% J4 Z% j
  Are you unsure about trading the 200 day? Or maybe you don't understand how to combine moving averages with other indicators. This book will give you trading clarity.$ W1 u# {: l. T. q" l( @7 i
  Master Moving Averages
1 y0 B5 q- Q/ T# i) C8 D- M3 V  This book will give you a great understanding of the power of moving averages.
4 E& X; |$ J9 A" M8 I. O8 y" R  Easy to understand explanations of complex topics3 k% i0 Z5 v1 q' X# Y
  Detailed, annotated trading charts2 c" V( b2 Q4 b; J5 T& O
  Access to a thriving trading community9 ~, M0 N% G( E' z9 s9 q  R8 ^/ q
  What our students are saying:* E. W1 V" `9 x7 y. ^8 |, ?
  "It's simple, buy this book. It's an incredible value add for the money. Easy reading and direct to the point. In depth education on popular moving averages. This book is an extension from the New Trader U website which I also highly recommend. You get direct access to a seasoned trading veteran who has been there and done that. The cost is reasonable and the value is priceless." - Tim M.6 f0 J3 H$ x. t
  "Steve once again delivers on the message of building a strong foundation for which all your future trading is built upon. When focusing on the method, many market gurus or books talk about moving averages and to buy and sell there but the why's are missing. This book give an excellent explanation of the why's. You'll get a better understanding of the risk/reward of your purchase decisions using the information gained in this book. Also, I see few books that have better explained to me the questions I had regarding moving averages for the price it's selling at." - Frederick M Robles
( @- E+ R  |2 l6 r! b  Capitalize on stock market trends+ B; ?& W+ b% ^* \+ J: s
  Don't place another trade before you read this book
7 E7 R3 x' S) n8 a. n, W6 A( \  You can find Moving Averages 101 eCourse at New Trader U, and you can follow Steve on Twitter: @sjosephburns
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