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TradeStation变得轻松:用全球最流行的贸易软件通过EasyLanguage构建利润 . ~! A) s9 {; Y8 }" R. O) ^
  图书基本信息2 L- x. k1 |$ H( M9 k
  Tradestation Made Easy!: Using Easylanguage to Build Profits with the World's Most Popular Trading Software中文书名: TradeStation变得轻松:用全球zui流行的贸易软件通过EasyLanguage构建利润 (丛书)作者: Sunny J. Harris; Bill Cruz;
% E4 E9 P9 V* z6 r4 |! V+ E  ISBN13: 97804713535397 i; c$ B" Q8 u5 [3 I
  类型: 平装  D* P5 B) n! o% t) ^5 t
  语种: 英语(English)
6 w/ X. ], \: {1 P1 l" r6 m; U  出版日期: 2011-04-05, ^+ r2 }. ^+ ^
  出版社: Wiley
6 q0 w+ M, G5 F/ P4 o  页数: 744& o7 A! Y4 A6 O, y: u. z9 T
  重量(克): 1256
( D: v. h0 y0 G! e5 N- L( A  尺寸: 188 x 38 x 236 mm$ Y) d9 p* G: X5 o5 J7 V3 N" d. ^& I
  商品简介  t; j) t1 u* ]: X
  Customize your trading plan for greater profits using the most popular charting softwareThe majority of professional and individual traders use some kind of trading software on which to base their strategies. With over 100,000 users, the most popular trading software today is TradeStation, published by TradeStation Technologies. While this software is favored by many, TradeStation's computer language can be confusing, especially for the novice.
: V3 u7 }0 h& R( R! K- P: \5 r& M3 Z  TradeStation Made Easy is the first and only book to explain exactly how to use the unique computer language behind this bestselling software program. It is not meant as a replacement for the TradeStation manuals, instead it will cover the essence of programming in EasyLanguage and focus on a consistent set of data and an elementary system throughout.
! j9 v* d, ]+ f8 U3 u  An easily understood guide to TradeStation that also provides tips for the user in designing a personalized trading systemEndorsed by the software provider TradeStation TechnologiesWritten in a straightforward manner, that is accessible even for those with little computer experienceTradeStation Made Easy fills a much-needed gap in this area and puts the basics of EasyLanguage in perspective. With it, you'll be able to write simple and intermediate programs that will accurately express your theories and ideas about whatever market interests you.
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