
Options Trading For Beginners 交易

  • 地区:中国大陆
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  • 文件大小:2M
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  • 类别:交易方法
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
' e" l; o" u. R; u' [  Chapter 1: What is Trading and How to Start7 U: d7 T4 S* f! r& z
  Similarities Between Investing and Trading- J' _# u3 Z- Q! Y8 }. ]
  What is Financial Planning?' F- u+ M0 z5 y- j  X
  Determination of Capital Requirements3 M8 C, |" P) l
  Financial Policies Framing
1 x( C6 u5 l: i; s  What is a Financial Plan?* B9 Y& C! K5 |- g8 p6 u* a
  Chapter 2: What is Option Trading?& Y6 \- g; d- l$ C* g& A1 k
  Call and Put$ i! F, T) P! d
  Practical Example. U+ k( ?& m5 R
  Notes:% ~& G3 e$ Z2 C2 c
  Indicators:/ i: w  L/ q% ~. k2 {  P) p. e7 d
  A Bonus of Options
( Q1 I& J, X8 m4 N  Chapter 3: What are Options Contracts on the Stock Market?& ~- W9 b9 I, b+ O
  Components of an Option Contract
6 T4 m. D  k% N  Different Types of Options contracts: N4 K3 N# r( s9 {7 @" w1 Z
  Chapter 4: Understanding the Purchase of Options
( ?9 W1 D) l' d+ O: q6 h  Chapter 5: How to Start with Options Trading
6 K( {* Z  {" s  Options Exchanges5 d1 ]7 e6 y3 G7 l4 }7 ?
  Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)& _& O' j- u% C5 ~2 x: ~
  To open a Trading Account
( L2 ~3 R1 W2 ^6 D3 A( F  Options Agreement4 @. {' A$ J( |9 r1 \+ `) G
  Placing Your Order
8 {, W+ z0 [% p! L4 n1 W  Order Types
# E# M& O# k! ^" S5 ?" E4 }  Types of Fill Orders
7 x8 O) y. a* ^; [2 I6 c6 m6 ?  Timing Orders
9 b. ~0 r- v3 A" g" n  Understanding Options Chains3 E  e/ y  e  P7 J% y+ T- T: \- a
  Making Trades
9 |6 P- ]! V- B- {) Z8 h  Chapter 6: Tips for Success1 `+ b2 j. ?" q* N& q  t( v% t4 X
  Know When to Improvise Your Plan
9 B8 H5 H" w$ |0 ^; X, d( |- d  Always Have Your Exit and Entry Plan Ready Before
! C* F9 n9 Q# ?; t, D9 [  Starting; p: @, r. s( N. \- \$ _" ^% y
  Avoid Out-of-the-Money Trades. Q4 W  c4 d5 \) T! O; @
  Don't Shrink Your Homework( o6 e  q# E( U
  Don't Trade for Wealth but Income
/ J; _8 \0 o$ D1 G9 Y7 m7 @, H  Never Believe in Unfounded Tips
8 ^2 L% q3 f4 G  G  Start with Enough Capital: q$ b" U" x& u# G6 _$ Z
  Don't Purchase Too Much with Margin1 C2 V! a+ }# D! Y0 }
  Chapter 7: Options Trading Strategies: O' V3 v$ N- t1 o" I: O. X/ h
  Let's look at some methods.. x% C* V, r9 y
  Analysis of market movements for options trading.
3 R& ?8 w  ]/ u/ v( P/ N! a  Chapter 8: Top Trader Mistakes to Avoid in Options
7 c5 h4 d( u2 i" x8 a' T* |  Trading) ^  k' N$ Y1 |6 v* C8 R# ]& V( l
  Going into a Trade Too Big
5 A1 h/ E" p, D6 m2 e- e  Not Paying Attention to Expiration  N: `" b: |) d) x# Y; [
  Buying Cheap Options
& N* D& e9 q9 |; w% K+ U9 @  Failing to Close When Selling Options0 a: O* u% E* S0 y, j( n; q; S6 u
  Trading Illiquid Options8 O/ b' _" K1 p  _$ [
  Not Having a Trading Plan- n0 c! a& P. e1 c7 W" I
  Chapter 9: Volatility in the Markets9 G: r' M) m) f
  Time: H) x1 U% c, A" C5 y$ y, T4 m0 p
  Volatility7 [3 w# u" D) [4 ?% n
  Historical Volatility9 v/ D7 p! I, Q( ~& }% @9 j* N. G* l  x
  Implied Volatility, X2 e" t0 d+ H6 z- |
  Chapter 10: Trading Psychology6 K9 Z3 M; O; b# G/ h
  Fear  I# v  Z$ R& ?$ p" E) H
  Looking at the Analysis  B+ w( u) s7 y- ], X# x. \
  Hearing Rumors, O; g2 ~* c+ _$ o0 T4 {
  Accepting Change+ l. R9 `' u6 B" l6 d- ]
  Greed5 f8 Q/ N& i, g" ^/ i$ Q
  Know When to Stop
0 m  Y  E6 N  [8 N  Accept Responsibility
0 Y0 r0 p- H" I% v  Pigs Get Slaughtered' m; H8 x& Z4 f6 |- J3 U
* _! @% j5 O5 s1 B  Stick to Your Plan# g( G1 I% M% w5 @" c
  Prepare for Risk Management
4 Y) ?6 X: [# R8 _' B* \  Determine What Works Best* j7 @9 X* p1 u, m; c8 U$ H  I
  Things That Distinguish Winning and Losing Traders in Options Trading7 Y) Z( l; j% {2 B$ y4 O& F
  Chapter 11: Iron Condor3 U& G+ E" n# _$ {: P
  The Logic Behind the Iron Condor
9 `: G0 ]* t$ ?6 K6 j  T. A  When to use an iron condor
( x. Q1 u! g- E  Why use an iron condor
# x+ P9 ^9 |5 ]' k% V  Options Strategies
  Z4 }9 y7 N) B9 x* C5 |8 z, g  Chapter 12: Common Beginner Mistakes/ g$ i7 [4 N+ Z, ^% B' E
  Rushing in Headfirst
1 Y# G7 ?; p0 e  k  Using Brokers Who Charge Too Much' T; S! f  q" |3 E- D& h; F
  Investing in Penny Stocks5 a4 h/ S$ e9 d% C$ v: S2 B
  Buying an Option with High Volatility.
9 f# p$ @# _. H  Basing Your Investments on ‘News’
9 z- C2 e9 {1 c$ X9 U6 o' n  Investing Your Cash Reserves; Z1 Z: u$ e6 Q( ]  e2 ]- t+ Y
  Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket. V  u+ U+ Z9 \: u
  Not Cutting Out on Your Losses When Needed
7 L$ m9 a2 E" `  e# o+ r' e  Failing to have an exit plan; ]) D2 ?9 A3 E. g5 G) A6 o
  Chapter 13: Money Management7 ?  M! m: |/ O7 Q; ~$ X$ }
  What Is Money Management?
& h- z" \% h- h  The Basics of Money Management
% A: _0 w4 h# H% U  The Advantages of Money Management
( u$ g, |0 c& z' Q% c+ L! c' g+ ?  The Disadvantages of Money management5 g( I2 Q' g2 N" h
  Why Is Money Management Important?+ z: K' S; F6 k8 O! E6 [, {
  Chapter 14: The Terminology of Stock and Options- Z9 {2 |# f7 [* I) B
8 y, ?# f- H+ d4 c  Chapter 15: FAQs
/ G9 @, m4 N5 m) q  What is a dividend?
: F' v/ M  ]6 I3 W# |  How to choose the right company to invest in$ i/ V1 ~  t+ }4 ~; J- \( n
  What is the difference between forex trading and stock trading?
% _, k0 n: h3 j! {. w  What is the role of a shareholder?
0 R* T& w# \, z% b, C  How can I become a stockbroker?
7 R* l! j2 A+ l8 @( a. t  What is the duty of the stockbroker?5 K& G. b. z; F$ L8 @
  What is the minimum amount to buy a stock?! B, Q2 i* Q+ ~  v
  What is the difference between mutual funds and stock exchange?
; {5 h- p2 ?, `" {% {% o  What happens when I lose my money in the stock market?/ U0 u' ?' ^; f6 V$ O8 A
  What does it mean to short a stock?$ U) c$ y2 i/ `, \( W3 I: C/ A
  How can I measure the health of a stock?" b' E. P2 ^( C
  Conclusion5 ^  h" `' C5 I7 J
7 M2 @5 o) e; L( l0 i. L3 R  Write a Journal8 v/ |( U! @4 e& i. q0 M; C
  Have a Plan  l( k  \$ f7 X+ @& }' f0 J) C
  Take a Break and Have Fun
, w# g$ ~) u5 @3 s; s
0 W$ v( R" r5 X+ F. N

  _4 o; K) n0 L  q3 @2 i* k

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