
Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan 英文

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; L1 ^% k9 N! W2 p( k
* E4 L  y, h. O- B" t6 Q8 K  Contents& p) f( b0 c8 U- x9 C5 g9 E
  Acknowledgements vii
. \: j1 m6 g9 O  Introduction 12 j5 ~  J9 h& y1 L9 ]
  1 Methodological Approach
& n% A3 |9 s" i' G  1.1 Introduction 9
* r& D% o/ j6 N' J& Y- Y7 N+ X  1.2 The nature of legal analysis 9. l1 h& {6 _: g& Y. }
  1.3 Political stability 110 ?, k. h$ s7 U' L2 q2 X
  1.4 Externalities 12: P8 {+ \* v/ z
  1.5 The law and economics approach 13- l3 S4 R5 ~) B8 ~3 V5 k. u
  1.6 The neo-institutionalist approach 18% d  r3 F7 i0 l/ t: ^3 `1 \# I3 U
  1.7 Summary 23
8 i1 x* C2 C  m" d9 C  2 Units of Analysis% b. R& _5 Z. l5 |9 M. P
  2.1 Introduction 24" ?% g" r' P- N9 @8 ~' b, N
  2.2 Foreign direct investment 24" H5 v8 H# n3 T# J1 S7 J, w! ~
  2.3 Transition 30
: o$ J$ V% @* K# _: V! m& B; X  2.4 Transition as it affects property rights 36
; j; e8 C+ N' a& ~3 p2 O6 B$ J  2.5 The state 38
1 F1 F0 |7 m8 U  L; l  2.6 Legal regulation 45
. k3 Y: O+ T5 b4 c( m  2.7 Summary 50
+ w  X( q) A! Y  A/ Y6 L$ C; A  3 The Legal Framework for FDI: Origins, Principles and! v# k- I% T5 @8 s  W
  Structure4 H; I4 v  m' B) S: G" v+ U
  3.1 Introduction 51$ _9 \6 k! f3 A  P, F) y  l+ b
  3.2 The historical determinants of the legislation on FDI 51+ I# a" V" o, K) b" [
  3.3 The post-independence period 58
6 ]: ^6 v8 ~: S0 {+ \/ S3 k2 I  3.4 The post-independence sources of legal innovation 613 X, A: T1 [" q6 T
  3.5 The structure of the legislation 62
0 \5 e% b$ I3 a+ ?  3.6 The Constitution, Civil Code and FDI 657 {4 g9 m/ s* q# M" H6 Z
  3.7 The Constitution and the legal regulation of FDI 73
* `/ ~/ c) A. }; `' T2 t5 a* b  3.8 Summary 76
) F8 W) T; }. ?8 S$ T7 {' E  4 The Types and Choice of the Model for the Legal
! F& e0 r, T' y  Regulation of FDI
6 s7 T: l# _; }  4.1 Introduction 77
0 w: A: A( P- i/ f, F$ ]! ]  4.2 Models of legal regulation of FDI 78! w  d: Q6 b* m/ D8 Y8 f! w
0 c3 V4 I/ h& Y! o. o4 [8 v  4.3 The elements of the free entry model 84% J& h3 f, N) H# N
  4.4 Country-specific criteria and the choice of a regulatory
+ d% T9 X( k( H! v6 z  model 86
2 [9 m1 G, A# P- X  4.5 An optimal model for Kazakhstan 95
& q4 t. m# L) s- J: p' _+ w6 d  4.6 Summary 99
# Q- q/ ^, K' e2 `. e. x- z& j7 E  5 The Kazakh Model for the Legal Regulation of FDI7 D7 M' \$ v% W' [' x# D
  5.1 Introduction 1010 H4 V$ V; S$ O0 J- A; t# k
  5.2 A Kazakh model, 1991–1995 101
. M) ]+ ^/ w  n, H9 a1 u5 ^" T  5.3 The 1997 Law on State Support of FDI 1175 D* M4 @2 \* H* x' Q
  5.4 The 1997 Amendments to the 1994 Law on Foreign/ i. d3 u2 h$ H  `7 g
  Investment 120" @2 x& c; J* |
  5.5 Summary 122
2 ]9 n, M2 v9 r/ o4 b! C  6 The Legal Regulation of FDI in the Context of Legal, J$ t! D4 h* o" G
  Reforms5 U2 c0 ]4 c3 c8 o  L5 r+ ~
  6.1 Introduction 124* Y2 Y/ ^% y4 x0 ~
  6.2 Legal reform in Kazakhstan: a methodological approach 125& J- Q( d6 V% F
  6.3 Nature of the post-independence legal reforms in: |( h* E  ~( T: D" r" C
  Kazakhstan 129
( B- I. Q: L& \) E/ h" z* |  6.4 The legal regulation of FDI in the context of legal reforms 135
( w* a$ e$ g# ~# Y% Y, f: Y1 q/ n* ]  6.5 Summary 139( ?+ y9 d1 O0 H0 D+ }
  7 The State as the Regulator of FDI
3 c7 v+ W# p) Q! Q) C7 `& z* t& q  7.1 Introduction 141
( X! m" u$ m; m: W! U* ~' A9 y  7.2 The economic policy of the state: institutional
/ q+ g8 Y' ^# G( Y1 [  p" L' z/ i  implications 142
- L2 E4 J* j6 Q* w  7.3 Post-independence evolution of the law-making
0 O' j7 o  D  K0 f/ {3 f  institutions 145
. q, ?; x6 `" M' X4 |  7.4 The internal organization of the state 150- U1 N$ p5 J/ A  R& D: x! Z; s1 p, o0 }
  7.5 The executive 157; c9 a) Y3 W# F! w
  7.6 The 1999 presidential elections – a shift towards an
" M2 g2 {9 j" }  optimal model? 161! z6 N' ?1 }9 A( q
  7.7 Summary 164% ~( [/ Q  p3 [- C
  8 Conclusion 166' w7 v( g8 {3 P1 @
  Appendix: The Normative Acts of the USSR and the
2 P$ w" |# Y* f4 T' o; t- F  Republic of Kazakhstan 174) P" |, W7 M1 U) l
  Notes 176
( o3 n; _9 T. V, A/ j# ^; {  Bibliography 209
% p2 }: @, U, ?6 `

8 q6 W1 F4 i1 t7 \: m; ]4 q
$ _  c. H1 \' C% N

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