
The World’s Newest Profession Management 英文

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  • 类别:管理
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
Series Editors’ Preface page xiii- i2 M# u4 D' m0 a' ~" K
Acknowledgments xv1 t6 w+ d( R; T, |7 U! B
Introduction. Making a Career of Consulting 1
0 h  m: }/ t- c% V& ]1 Economies of Knowledge: A Theory of Management
- \/ g0 ?1 d  \" M; f, D4 kConsulting 8. ?+ S! n2 h: O7 o6 _' B
2 Accounting for a New Profession: Consultants’
1 B! l* u0 W$ V* |Struggle for Jurisdictional Power 26
& K: Z! Z' I( u: z! c0 |3 How Have Consultants Mattered? The Case of Lukens# P2 Q  N9 B; J! J4 |
Steel 51
( ]8 ]9 o  g4 B7 P* ^3 j4 Creating the Contractor State: Consultants
- Y3 h: v6 K: s( f3 X$ ~in the American Federal Government 80, L6 n; R* S4 f
5 Finding Profit in Nonprofits: The Influence
: |" G: i1 Y! P8 p5 Eof Consultants on the Third Sector 111
/ M5 `7 m7 u- N/ Q6 The Gilded Age of Consulting: A Snapshot
6 D2 b$ E' x, @. ?7 Iof Consultants Circa 1960 1456 Z' P4 O9 ]) L
xi+ B; r) u" ?7 V8 I. w9 _
xii  Contents
# I/ I$ J0 \/ a9 T7 The American Challenge: Exporting the American7 X# ?; S; ?: \3 b/ a
Model 165' ^3 Z6 c% U$ ^
8 Selling Corporate Culture: Codifying0 w( m0 N1 @. _$ A1 n3 L
and Commodifying Professionalism 192
! o( B/ ~* Y0 V, l4 N9 Watchdogs, Lapdogs, or Retrievers? Liability( e- e8 a) T: L8 f' V- f
and the Rebirth of the Management Audit 2162 R8 S3 |5 M. k$ I
Conclusion. TheWorld’s Newest Profession? 245) l/ g" b) D6 ?2 c/ U# d" y
Notes 253
: t2 k6 b4 e6 r6 [Index 357: U2 ^8 y8 U9 c0 I$ g
3 Y+ k- b& ^' e; ]1 ^  o! }4 \
8 J# K5 T) J$ d% |/ \" ^2 x

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