
The Handbook of Structured Finance 结构化金融手册

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  • 类别:金融投资
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  INTRODUCTION v# g4 G5 N* _2 Z# ~7 P! c" x
  Chapter 14 G( D3 y  p; I* N3 z1 p/ _7 i
  Overview of the Structured Credit Markets by
/ z$ v0 [* E! C3 x! c( o  Alexander Batchvarov 1
; r& Q; s  W, a; Z" r  Chapter 25 f* y' x, w( K" y+ K* M) C5 A/ Y
  Univariate Risk Assessment by Arnaud de Servigny and; l& l- N" d& l7 L
  Sven Sandow 29( n; Y% G9 r* B% \/ }, I
  Chapter 3
$ v9 R# H1 I! i5 Q  Univariate Credit Risk Pricing by Arnaud de Servigny and# {* T8 n0 i8 D( ]8 Y
  Philippe Henrotte 91) {0 F# X3 v) \% c' J& ?% z
  Chapter 4
* ^$ ?8 o/ D  L# e+ N: V  Modeling Credit Dependency by Arnaud de Servigny 137& T8 u4 \6 L* L: x4 G- c
  Chapter 5
$ m( X4 S- |* Q% k! L5 [  Rating Migration and Assset Correlation by
. a8 s; ^# A6 P9 E2 a( ^2 P  Astrid Van Landschoot and Norbert Jobst 217
2 S$ H0 w6 H$ @- ~9 v3 i, ]" I& |  Chapter 6
( }) N( a; K$ `' T! g  CDO Pricing by Arnaud de Servigny 239* P, k) R7 m$ O3 T# E  P; ~* b/ X
  Chapter 77 h8 U, e+ i2 q, E6 c: L: T/ F% O
  An Introduction to the CDO Risk Management by6 ?8 |+ J: ^- Y$ {9 G6 X
  Norbert Jobst 295
, `3 D& g' ]+ Y. s  Chapter 8
2 S- }8 x" M* r3 t8 `* t4 N  A Practical Guide to CDO Trading Risk Management by! C6 h! r2 J+ w; d
  Andrea Petrelli, Jun Zhang, Norbert Jobst, and1 M4 W& V2 k, T) }; ^: ~' A
  Vivek Kapoor 339: _  t: Q0 r& M+ U6 \7 u) Z  z
  Chapter 9
+ a; S2 v% ^) ?& N4 L; V  Cash and Synthetic CDOs by Olivier Renault 373
: b+ M% f# c0 B- J9 l( S  iii) N; U, ^# o$ W: m3 ?" E
  For more information about this title, click here
& ?* h  X6 D9 N  A  Chapter 10) ?$ s+ ]0 ?/ r% |
  The CDO Methodologies Developed by Standard
  {! i, e! I5 L6 n  and Poor’s 3977 M% v4 S4 O: r0 y1 j5 x
  Chapter 11
+ M1 C. I, r8 a" W. ]# x) z  Recent and Not So Recent Developments in Synthetic
$ B" h! s# [" c0 J; i9 o  CDOs by Norbert Jobst 4658 Y2 R/ J4 w" |5 Z  R0 W& ]
  Chapter 128 X0 k  p" ~, t' l0 E, K
  Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities by Varqa Khadem and
" {9 |( R1 J2 [1 k  Francis Parisi 543! C4 T. D& |& p) @! j/ m/ f$ ]
  Chapter 13' c+ M3 n: l  H; ?
  Covered Bonds by Arnaud de Servigny and1 h- `: u8 ^) W. E6 c
  Aymeric Chauve 593* L( S7 J! y+ Q# B2 H# k
  Chapter 149 \- Q& ~! y1 H" P
  An Overview of Structured Investment Vehicles and Other; P* z' S4 f6 u) G  o( g
  Special Purpose Companies by Cristina Polizu 6218 B- h. k$ Y! E8 f$ Q
  Chapter 15
* o+ o2 C) ?* k( L" I! `6 @  Securitizations in Basel II by William Perraudin 675
4 C! [+ M3 r4 G6 C# D  Chapter 163 R. x$ E. ?$ y8 J  H
  Secritization in the Context of Basel II by" f3 v7 t" M0 n" b" I2 Z/ p
  Arnaud de Servigny 697! J( e/ G  [& i$ R. w7 [9 _

$ \  K" C5 ^' s  k$ R: T8 W$ n$ V& h/ a
9 o  ?4 K+ h( b' k5 U+ O9 F5 f
+ }0 B  Z; g* E3 ~  U4 s" k

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