
共同基金The Management of Mutual Funds (2017) by Sekhar

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:4M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:基金
  • 价格:3共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
共同基金The Management of Mutual Funds (2017) by Sekhar
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* u5 R' n- R9 D4 F) FProvides a close insight into the management of mutual funds in a vibrant emerging market) n% e% X, ?* k6 q

# B- p4 t& w' l- h2 O7 ROffers insight into a vital contemporary process in today's financial industry+ J* T5 ~) w* l( v% h
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Compares the Indian market to a Western market to provide a unique perspective: b% j& s4 c5 ]/ W2 F

6 l1 L: z4 e6 ~/ E, hBreaks down themes systematically and clearly to create a practical and instructive guide to the management of mutual funds6 X7 Y$ a) _7 y" |) F$ e: J
; m; w; P. @- M3 b
This book provides insight into the multi-dimensional process of coordinating and supervising mutual funds. This book focuses on the management of mutual funds within financial markets, with an emphasis on how corporate governance and benchmarking influence asset and portfolio management. Chapters explore four important aspects of this process in particular detail: corporate governance, benchmarking, asset management and portfolio management. The author shows that the mutual fund industry provides wider access to payment systems and to a savings safety-net that operates similarly to deposit insurance. Furthermore, he demonstrates that the Indian government’s focus is on establishing the right of every person to have access to affordable basic financial services offered by banks and non-banks. 7 s9 C  j# Z+ f) g& ?

  p! R1 r# x& i& y

The Management of Mutual Funds

The Management of Mutual Funds
+ q1 V7 r6 L3 d, y2 g

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