
当泡沬破灭When Bubbles Burst: Surviving the Financial Fallout

  • 地区:中国大陆
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:2M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:经济
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  What will be the outcome of the current financial crisis? How bad will the recession get? Could it turn into a depression? How far will house prices fall? Will the downturn lead to deflation or will the measures to deal with it eventually lead to inflation?
$ s3 U% G: D' i  These are some of the questions that John Calverly adresses in the extremely timely and topical new book. He helps everyone understand what's going on, how policy impinges on it, what investors can do and what is likely to happen. The book examines in depth the financial fallout of 2008 and explores the implications and solutions for individuals, companies and policy makers alike.
+ T+ F# y+ ~3 G/ c2 w  An investor's survival kit, When Bubbles Burst is a readable analysis of the multiple crises we now face and how we got to this position, as well as exploring the anatomy of bubbles and offering a checklist for identifying when one is happening. Calverley provides in-depth anaylsis of the housing and stock price bubbles around the world, recent events and the profound difficulties we now face, and, just as importantly, an expert look at what will happen next." W/ W4 _) J4 q

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