
Chart Patterns: After the Buy 买入后

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About this book' u2 I. E5 B& F/ l& k' M0 B
Take chart patterns beyond buy triggers to increase profits and make better trades
6 z2 V4 c6 X% S1 }: gChart Patterns: After the Buy goes beyond simple chart pattern identification to show what comes next. Author and stock trader Thomas
. m, f+ c' s2 g1 C- k0 y4 p3 ^& v6 c
Bulkowski is one of the industry's most respected authorities in technical analysis; for this book, he examined over 43,000 chart patterns to   {2 ~1 R3 ^8 E% i

' {: r$ v; g: g( Jdiscover what happens after you buy the stock. His findings are detailed here, to help you select better buy signals, avoid disaster, and make
4 U; F0 m8 e; [# k. \$ L2 ^
% B% j& ]* T7 C+ T$ d/ u' j0 amore money.
) b5 c! P/ A* {( J
& Q. G+ @- F- T. J3 ?) W, \Bulkowski analyzed thousands of trades to identify common paths a stock takes after the breakout from a chart pattern. By combining those
7 S8 q2 A5 Z; v: z. |( c1 |0 @' |% I4 q5 n
paths, he discovered the typical routes a stock takes, which he calls configurations. Match your chart to one of those configurations and you will . ?3 h% ]2 A/ i  _7 L. J
6 g1 G: q7 s: ?8 A
know, before you buy, how your trade will likely perform. Now you can avoid potentially disastrous trades to focus on the big winners.
3 G! `2 N' L: X6 A
9 s: a5 k, v% h2 a0 o. FEach chapter illustrates the behavior of a specific pattern. Identification guidelines help even beginners recognize common patterns, and expert
1 V+ F% _3 P, w. o3 B- V7 B, F8 j! u5 T
analysis sheds light on the period of the stock's behavior that actually affects your investment. You'll discover ideal buy and sell setups, how to
6 ^, @/ ^+ S" e, |( u
& ]2 u. N- r9 {& f3 Z. rset price targets, and more, with almost 370 charts and illustrations to guide you each step of the way. Coverage includes the most common
$ o3 L( w+ x+ w& T
4 c5 T, Q6 {- E) Y/ ~# @6 ^and popular patterns, but also the lesser-known ones like bad earnings surprises, price mirrors, price mountains, and straight-line runs. Whether ; M7 B  t8 p7 T' {) a

& `+ x9 C! \6 L3 V; {you're new to chart patterns or an experienced professional, this book provides the insight you need to select better trades.
  n  B  I8 m  B) W4 s1 j' d
( Q" b4 X9 ~$ T" wIdentify chart patterns2 y* u) F* d3 v# }! ]8 P1 t2 B9 z
Select better buy signals
2 C2 S! n( O0 ?2 {9 K* r) ]% APredict future behavior
7 P: Y& z1 e/ ~Learn the best stop locations
' U) j8 G  v' H7 Q  i) z1 o; kKnowing the pattern is one thing, but knowing how often a stop will trigger and how often you can expect a stock to reach its target price is ( t4 M  W$ N) p* R% B+ j
. s9 S- `/ S/ G; `& V
another matter entirely—and it impacts your trade performance immensely. Chart Patterns: After the Buy is the essential reference guide to / ]5 g+ c* A, }0 l9 ?" \! X

- J1 |% {& K" B$ e9 \3 c0 |  ^  Y0 jusing chart patterns effectively throughout the entire life of the trade.5 G9 c2 V$ L# l+ G4 l

0 I8 q! _' \5 r! z
! q! Y. l  `% A, R6 G% ~% q7 vFront Matter (Pages: -xiii)
" s7 G- z' V$ Y  b5 X7 h8 r: v9 e6 K$ r% W4 I/ G
CHAPTER 1 Big M (Pages: 1-25)/ u* O3 U/ n1 j7 w! l, x& K

# X* k* ^6 Q- H% z2 p  JCHAPTER 2 Big W (Pages: 27-51)+ ]+ _6 Q  |: N5 K
, B3 ^5 E/ i  o* g$ m) u
CHAPTER 3 Broadening Bottoms (Pages: 53-83); J7 ^1 k5 o& l0 f( x/ l
5 }( u. N# w: u6 Z
CHAPTER 4 Broadening Tops (Pages: 85-118)6 D+ `& ~9 \: j; C$ \# J5 r
6 X& a$ q1 O" l+ W( M7 Z
CHAPTER 5 Double Bottoms (Pages: 119-145)- U- X% b6 \; m3 \4 r

7 |0 [' m6 `7 |( d, NCHAPTER 6 Double Tops (Pages: 147-168)
, ?8 a% q* l2 I* o5 t1 c* k! R" {
7 j; M1 _/ K' \CHAPTER 7 Earnings Miss (Pages: 169-183)# Q$ D( a+ e" }% r
- Z, `4 d/ y" |6 r/ h8 l3 @: s
CHAPTER 8 Flags and Pennants (Pages: 185-204)
1 d  ~& w$ J- p, n; F1 K
8 u5 }; y3 Y* O9 N/ h5 V, ACHAPTER 9 Head‐and‐Shoulders Bottoms (Pages: 205-229)  \0 S' e+ n/ g# C

5 U4 g# ], ]! T! p1 F3 eCHAPTER 10 Head‐and‐Shoulders Tops (Pages: 231-253)
- y- u$ P  g& h+ V# X" J" ]
( x9 v! Z, Q! T; WCHAPTER 11 Measured Move Down (Pages: 255-265)
2 j" T  f5 O0 h, [( U& ~' A0 m) g2 }, E  m* _' x, H8 v
CHAPTER 12 Measured Move Up (Pages: 267-276)
% H% R9 y4 E! B
& l& S! e3 N, ^- |3 c+ s" oCHAPTER 13 Price Mirrors (Pages: 277-281)
: \+ l0 }: J& D; u! n/ e
1 a/ W& |# P. Y' m! |. QCHAPTER 14 Price Mountains (Pages: 283-290)' F, z5 s5 y8 K% a' b# u

8 _1 G. S0 n4 {# P5 e( CCHAPTER 15 Rectangles (Pages: 291-324)5 p- P) M( M6 F0 ^
, E3 m  E9 j' O! Z  M  s' Y: r
CHAPTER 16 Reversals and Continuations (Pages: 325-331)7 N+ `7 o$ F% e8 }

: A2 s6 `+ P/ {. H: L* oCHAPTER 17 Straight‐Line Run Down (Pages: 333-345)
  {- G: N& W% @2 |" y7 Q
& w8 K1 X1 [4 GCHAPTER 18 Straight‐Line Run Up (Pages: 347-359)
5 }7 K" \& i0 n% m3 i7 f( x) P9 {" ~( k7 L2 P3 Y: K
CHAPTER 19 Tops and Bottoms (Pages: 361-369)+ n9 n# q4 R3 n* K/ }
& L  k+ Z* {7 L9 k* F& v+ `+ b* F
CHAPTER 20 Trends and Countertrends (Pages: 371-382)+ `0 F* R5 h5 M3 ]3 D

& V- ?0 A; J4 m, pCHAPTER 21 Triangle Apex and Turning Points (Pages: 383-389); p, M8 J$ D) {; G5 S: P; V
- @+ \% c' w; {) o
CHAPTER 22 Triangles, Ascending (Pages: 391-426). l" |, d+ _) V: v6 n6 C* U

3 G9 v: S1 J, L& m: s( {, r' S0 O4 mCHAPTER 23 Triangles, Descending (Pages: 427-463)# `! w9 z1 c6 Y) s7 e- Y% ^" R) o

6 |! T3 e# J$ ?" S% A% Q. eCHAPTER 24 Triangles, Symmetrical (Pages: 465-494)
8 g6 i% D) {7 r# s; r& N9 E+ U: D& Q5 b5 d1 _
CHAPTER 25 Vertical Run Down (Pages: 495-507)' ?% Q- U  D% s( E* U7 k
/ f! F/ O& `% D' p: @
CHAPTER 26 Vertical Run Up (Pages: 509-521)
4 }' d+ q2 Z: K$ k, s
# F4 [) z3 z% ~( bGlossary (Pages: 523-529)8 a7 I, G4 I0 J% \
9 n% g9 u4 U) x9 f# D0 V* {0 e2 ^  p
Index (Pages: 531-538). J' {" X0 G" |' }' m

  f1 T" p+ A0 ~, I) u1 D, S) i+ o3 q7 o1 ^7 z

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