
基金Fund Managers: The Complete Guide (Wiley Finance)

ynjie 发表于 2019-12-28 19:05:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 | 百度  谷歌  搜狗  360搜索 
  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:6M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:基金
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  The definitive guide on fund and asset managers worldwide3 q) u- E& {! n: x
  Fund Managers: The Complete Guide is an all-encompassing overview of fund and asset managers around the globe. The only comprehensive guide on the subject, this book covers both the fund manager and the market as a whole while providing insights from current and future fund managers and leaders in the technology industry from the UK, EU and US. Focused examination of the fund managers and their investors – the categories of manager, the asset classes they participate in, how they are using technology and their views on the market – complements a wider survey of the market that includes upcoming changes to regulation, taxation and political shifts in the Western world.3 [. Z3 a6 L9 b, [
  The asset management industry continues to undergo significant changes that rise from the Global Financial Crisis and its recovery, the recent technology boom and political fluctuations that have altered the way business is conducted in financial markets around the world. Questions concerning China and Asia’s rise, Trumpian influence in America and post-Brexit UK-EU relations underscore the contemporary relevance of Fund Managers: The Complete Guide to current and future discourse within the industry. This important volume:
% e$ E4 L! n; I) m; q% }# H* o7 E  Explains worldwide roles, purposes and operations of asset managers including how local culture influences their strategies
  g6 Y6 L* ]% v  Examines different types of assets and asset-management strategies
. l+ q0 j$ v7 `6 R6 r  Investigates the influence of macroeconomic and political factors such as governance and regulation, international taxation, anti-globalisation and populism" Y1 u7 D. M4 t: X3 z$ l( K
  Illustrates the impact of technology and its disruptive products and players( `9 _, ]8 E4 F. ~; Z$ b
  Describes the different types of investor investing in the managers’ funds and how they view the industry) I# a& X& q3 N
  Future-gazes over the ten years and beyond for the industry
; R1 O$ B  e7 s- W) J# j! J  Fund Managers: The Complete Guide is the authoritative resource for anyone who requires an overview of the asset management industry and up-to-date insights on current and future trends and practices. The book also complements the author’s earlier work Funds: Private Equity, Hedge and All Core Structures.
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Fund Managers: The Complete Guide PDF
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