
Candlestick Charting For Dummies 蜡烛图

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9 G+ ?. B) S5 ~6 m1 {/ t# `  H5 j  Candlestick charting is a method of technical analysis designed to help people make trading decisions in securities markets.Candlestick Charting For Dummies allows readers to recognize and implement various candlestick patterns and lines in today's real-world trading environment--giving a noticeable edge to their trading activities.
: Z$ F& g# K+ b* c  E& A$ [  内容简介/ B; j  @) S8 H% b
  Candlestick Charting For Dummies is a natural extension of our business/personal finance category for savvy individual traders and investors.It joins Technical Analysis For Dummies, Futures & Options For Dummies, Exchange-traded Funds For Dummies, Hedge Funds For Dummies, and Mutual Funds For Dummies in our personal finance category.It includes information on observing market behavior, identifying patterns, analyzing data, and avoiding false signals.& [  ^6 [( s6 K* C4 N
% K; \6 z3 a/ C  Russell Rhoads (Lawrence, KS), has over 15 years experience as an analyst and trader, and has been involved in equity, option, and futures trading as well as fundamental and quantitative research.He has a Master of Science in Finance degree from the University of Memphis and a Masters Certificate in Financial Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology.
7 Q  w- C/ @* B8 x  |: J$ A  目录8 q$ u9 D0 g4 d6 f$ W& }, E8 j
6 A' b( Q# x$ l. {/ _* P, {  Contents
7 T; R. K- J  B9 p1 [  Introduction+ @2 m0 w* Y' A! u. M/ j9 j! d
  About This Book2 A+ p$ G5 V3 P8 w0 }
  Conventions Used in This Book
2 K$ `/ V$ a3 G/ }9 O$ o$ B0 p  What You're Not to Read9 _/ d" g, X6 G( Q. T; {2 l9 S: _1 }
  Foolish Assumptions1 k( E3 w" T! Y
  How This Book Is Organized, @1 P* r$ S4 ~3 B, @% Q4 k9 Z
  Icons Used in This Book
/ G4 _+ b2 H4 s0 U6 }  Z! g  Where to Go from Here
! d! T" Z4 W: }  Part I : Getting Familiar with Candlestick Charting and Technical Analysis( u" m! _- v% f( r$ o) [# K. N0 M
  Chapter 1: Understanding Charting and Where Candlesticks Fit In( `  y3 W# P. a, T. U5 M5 P5 f( J
  Considering Charting Methods and the Role of Candlesticks" G9 p' v$ m2 R1 J3 Z
  Understanding Candlestick Components
9 q4 A8 L1 u- O1 j' t  Working with Candlestick Patterns
4 c% }$ ?4 d2 ^. i! {, I4 t; Q$ X, e  Making Technical Analysis Part of Your Candlestick Charting Strategy
: q/ O% I8 D0 r; |  Trading Wisely: What You Must Understand Before Working the Markets
! i9 z3 D. I, }" i  Chapter 2: Getting to Know Candlestick Charts
  P1 X1 M# N4 _  Recognizing the Many Benefits of Candlestick Charting
; Z( K0 j" s! g  {  Admitting the Potential Candlestick Charting Risks) l+ Y  t  ~8 k7 E0 B
  Comparing Candlestick Charts with Alternative Charting Methods. K3 B, \* C/ }" s
  Chapter 3: Building a Base of Candlestick Chart Knowledge- t2 z  h$ b2 G' R" q1 M
  Constructing a Candlestick: A Core of Four
# X# _, o, {/ |3 z: f  Considering Additional Information Included on Candlestick Charts
; p( u& H! B* O" `4 d9 i  Chapter 4: Using Electronic Resources to Create Full Charts" e+ I$ r5 x- O2 Y) N) c9 A# O3 T
  Turning to the Web for Candlestick Charting Resources
8 R) _/ a6 A8 p: [1 X# E( L  Creating Candlestick Charts Using Microsoft Excel: N$ ?; ?$ z5 f
  Exploring Your Charting Package Software Options
! b+ E2 h8 i5 \( O  Part II : Working with Simple Candlestick Patterns
1 c1 o6 J, ]" C- F  Chapter 5: Working with Straightforward Single-Stick Patterns
  f8 K$ l' u5 G: B9 a+ d5 e" U  The Bullish White Marubozu, ]. q' S  {: `
  The Bullish Dragonfly Doji
: Q9 P( B) ^, ~( `/ E  The Bearish Long Black Candle4 ?  [' x" {  b7 Z1 J
  The Bearish Gravestone Doji
; e. }: a5 Y, i8 h8 u7 ~  Chapter 6: Single-Stick Patterns That Depend on Market Context* n4 o6 R5 q1 @0 A* I4 U  {, C
  Understanding Market Environments. ~; e8 m3 Z3 B, R  O( f
  Delving Into Dojis
. k/ Q3 M/ R, Y3 n2 T6 C1 H  Looking At Other Patterns: Spinning Tops+ z' `) A) W7 ^+ f2 I! W- y' z
  Discovering More about Belt Holds! S$ i, |2 S& W7 E5 w) Z
  Deciphering between the Hanging Man and the Hammer
  o9 |' J' H+ q) z  C9 C  y9 Z  Chapter 7: Working with Bullish Double-Stick Patterns# K! w5 _2 @9 L# ?9 S) M5 r& C/ D
  Bullish Reversal Patterns
+ x: h: H' S" ^% o  Bullish Trend-Confirming Patterns
( Z4 y8 x; s) z  Chapter 8: Utilizing Bearish Double- Stick Patterns
8 Q" u! A, ~; y2 a  ~/ f  Understanding Bearish Reversal Patterns
0 u+ r9 E* T$ Z+ r# h  Making a Profit with Bearish Trend Patterns2 n) P2 ^) p5 I: o
  Part III : Making the Most of Complex Patterns) A7 L/ G% w" g
  Chapter 9: Getting the Hang of Bullish Three-Stick Patterns5 B. ~- O* ~, u# A* \5 {" W
  Understanding Bullish Three-Stick Trend Reversal Patterns/ d  \4 |- b! P" h& r/ b
  Working with Bullish Three-Stick Trending Patterns
" g  S. D- o6 g" P+ J% p  Chapter 10: Trading with Bearish Three-Stick Patterns5 Y( r: V, {3 d. b+ [) `
  Understanding Bearish Three-Stick Trend Reversal Patterns; X' f- w5 u% E
  Forecasting Downtrend Continuations/ [8 L" d2 n) [  q. @
  Part IV : Combining Patterns and Indicators7 u+ w& a$ _  i0 z- p  f
  Chapter 11: Using Technical Indicators to Complement Your Candlestick Charts
, U) H! V; i! i  Using Trendlines
" H' X- v" G- g/ [1 d  Utilizing Moving Averages: [' W5 \9 R) `9 ^' H
  Examining the Relative Strength Index5 O/ {, H0 Y7 v  A* j! h
  Cashing In on Stochastics
; i$ [6 n# e) s. ^8 G# D  Buddying up with Bollinger Bands' Z# u7 `, i" X) M5 d+ [
  Chapter 12: Buy Indicators and Bullish Reversal Candlestick Patterns
. |6 q% v) [8 t3 e  Buying with the RSI and Bullish Reversal Candlestick Patterns
% V8 K2 @6 z2 P' K  L7 c: q9 F  H  Buying with the Stochastic Indicator and a Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern
$ R+ S; L4 `) [1 e  Chapter 13: Sell Indicators and Bearish Reversal Candlestick Patterns$ a5 [* r7 W. n$ ^" O
  Shorting with the RSI and Bearish Candlestick Patterns0 E+ \( W6 L8 J& A7 m3 I# |0 j
  Using the Stochastic Indicator and Bearish Candlestick Patterns for Shorting
( V; f0 H! F% H4 N  Chapter 14: Using Technical Indicators Alongside Bullish-Trending Candlestick Patterns
; b# ?7 p6 p/ h: m6 V4 w- I$ r  Using Trendlines and Bullish-Trending Candlestick Patterns for Buying and Confirmation
7 F3 j4 j& ]4 i  N; i% i7 ?  Combining Moving Averages and Bullish-Trending Candlestick Patterns3 P. w$ t4 d0 [( E' J. O# N5 f
  Chapter 15: Combining Technical Indicators and Bearish-Trending Candlestick Patterns
* T# L; P0 z: q" b/ f% Q' O6 G  Putting Trendlines Together with Bearish-Trending Candlestick Patterns for Selling and Confirmation
( J8 K9 K$ I+ u9 R  Combining Moving Averages and Bearish-Trending Patterns for Short Situations
: W( V/ }6 b7 S5 }  Part V : The Part of Tens, E( M/ x; W# l& S; Q; n
  Chapter 16: Ten Myths about Charting, Trading, and Candlesticks
% I' a* u% V  i* u& a  There's No Difference between Candlesticks and Bar Charts
+ w# b+ \6 {$ R  Market Efficiency Makes It Impossible to Beat the Market over the Long Run
0 B& l) G( w" F/ b1 ^0 o  Only a Full-time Professional Can Make Money in the Markets
4 D1 K" j" c- _; y- H# E/ V  Technical Analysis Is Nothing More Than Reading Tea Leaves4 a0 C2 B) j4 s6 M7 [
  Charting Is for Short-Term Traders Only
" n( _7 E. B; I' P  You Must Be Rich to Start Trading
% L* t- H4 U0 Z; i5 z  Trading Is an Easy Way to Get Rich Quick7 W' q* Z( u4 W' V
  Candlestick Charts Require More Data and Are More Difficult to Create+ u3 G$ W* ^* w
  The Trading Game Is Stacked against the Small Trader
* n: P0 C7 }, B5 F$ `- n  Selling Short Is for Professional Traders Only
. \, R9 G" Y4 B* j* I  Chapter 17: Ten Tips to Remember about Technical Analysis; \/ n+ j* \  {- O& x, M6 x, H
  Charts Can Give False Signals1 S" `6 C) M% \1 k: M3 B* ^* L. x* ^
  People Will Give You a Hard Time
# |; Q$ O) ^+ C2 c9 b  v' F  There's No Definite Right or Wrong Opinion of a Chart" K7 Y$ S  n7 v4 G* ]! W5 v5 Q  T
  A Single Chart Doesn't Tell a Whole Story; H' Z4 B, _& n; A  }5 Z9 V% M
  Charting Is Part Science, Part Art
# {8 [/ H% `- A; W  You Can Overdo It/ P; T8 g. V& J& u5 ?/ h0 }
  Develop a Backup System
8 Y, h; e& p) [4 D; [) u  Error-Free Data Doesn't Exist
- L' c  k5 K1 F  Y: X+ l  No System Is Silly As Long As It Works
2 `& m3 D/ x" i  Past Results Don't Always Predict Future Performance2 d1 q7 l: G) m! i6 j; T
  Further Reading  H6 V4 y% H5 v8 q2 |2 f# ?' H( r

! w6 T' A- t9 B4 i; L4 E( }( t
  y6 E! c% T7 L1 J- r7 d/ o

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