
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques Steve Nison蜡烛图

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  From the Publisher/ ^6 z/ A4 x! U9 f2 m" q8 ]  K
  ?An exciting and valuable addition to the literature of technical analysis? this ancient Japanese technique is available to American traders in a comprehensive, well-written, and understandable format.?
  l" p& R9 X- e2 P; {- V* p  John Murphy, President
" f. _! w: y( z6 I) X! X. f' D  JJM Technical Advisors, Inc. and3 d. \6 G* y* M. B2 W& f$ G" a
  Author of Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, h" n7 T: G) c2 z
  It?s hard not to be too effusive about the quality of Nison?s work? reading [his book] was a pleasure. This is clearly one of the best investment books ever written?. We strongly recommend this book, which has already become an investment classic.1 t* p% t. h6 B
  Bruce Babcock, Jr. Editor-in-Chief, Commodity Trades Consumer Report! x/ [4 E) d4 z6 C4 f+ D0 G( S
  From the Inside Flap
, w2 ^9 ?! g; e* m  Charting techniques used by the Japanese for over 100 years are explained for today?s traders and investors in:, {4 ]* o) O* @
  JAPANESE CANDLESTICK CHARTING TECHNIQUES, SECOND EDITION: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Investment Techniques of the Far East* P1 Q! d/ N& J& T% l0 z
  Steve Nison
+ c: E8 p: c+ C  Completely informative and global in its outlook, Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition provides an in-depth explanation of candlestick plotting and analysis. This exciting book exposes the reader to the practical applications Steve Nison gained from years of study and research in this now popular and dynamic area. Today, almost all charting packages include candle charts.. O$ E/ `- Q6 O3 z/ G
  This book contains hundreds of examples that show how candlestick techniques can be used in all of today?s markets. Through such patterns as the ?dark-cloud cover? and ?hanging-man lines,? traders will discover how candlestick techniques provide unique market insights. They will discover see how candles will provide early reversal signals, improve timing entering and exiting markets and can be merged with classic Western charting techniques.
* [  A$ P8 z5 `- ^% r9 b( A  This totally updated revision focuses on the needs of today?s traders and investors with:. y! ~* S! K  X+ w  i" b% {: q
  * All new charts including more intra-day markets5 J/ Y1 \. _. E# M! Y  [
  * New candlestick charting techniques0 H9 q7 y; Y( P( ~- Z: G5 [
  * More focus on active trading for swing, on-line and day traders1 _2 Y. y% s. {" p( z
  * New Western techniques in combination with candles- Q/ c" A1 a+ n5 e# L
  * A greater spotlight on capital preservation.7 z! s1 F7 e5 \
  Candle charts are older than bar charts, older than point-and-figure charts, but were completely unknown in the West ? until Steve Nison introduced them through his articles, seminars, and his books.
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