
The Little Book of Alternative Investments Ben Stein 著

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  编辑推荐8 X( M, Q& P& M6 f$ P
  Media savvy and New York Times bestselling authors provide the details to succeed and profit with alternative investing.
; |9 G! D) V4 V& B  内容简介5 E- q/ K  y$ m1 `: I' C2 ?
  Bestselling authors Ben Stein and Phil DeMuth know that investors are bored with their typical 60/40 stock s museum of new and strange offerings, explain in simple language how they work (or dont work), and tell you how you can use them to manage risk and boost returns in the privacy of your own home.?The authors specialize in making the technical seem simple, the esoteric, accessible, and the dry, entertaining.
# C1 P/ H! e; p6 T3 r( ~& p5 ?  作者简介0 A" w1 @4 q; j: p# l0 X
  Ben Stein (Los Angeles, CA) is a respected economist and can be seen weekly on Fox News. Stein is known to many as a movie and television personality, especially from Ferris Buellers Day off and from his long-running quiz show, Win Ben Steins Money. But he has worked more in personal and corporate finance than anywhere else. He has written about finance for Barrons and Wall Street Journal for decades. He was one of the chief busters of the junk-bond frauds of the 1980s, has been a longtime critic of corporate executives self-dealing, and has co-written eight finance books. He travels the country speaking about finance in both serious and humorous ways, and is a regular contributor to the CBS News Sunday Morning. Phil DeMuth (Los Angeles, CA) is Managing Director of Conservative Wealth Management LLC, a registered investment advisor to high-net-worth individuals, institutions and foundations. Phil has co-written seven books with Ben Stein, including Yes, You Can Be a Successful Income Investor (Wall Street Journal bestseller) and ?Yes, You Can Time the Market (Business Week bestseller). Phil has also written for Wall Street Journal, Barrons, the Louis Rukeyser Newsletter, the Journal of Financial Planning, Seeking Alpha, and forbes.com. Phils television appearances include Kudlow & Company, Glenn Beck, Squawk Box, Forbes on Fox and Wall Street Week.$ u3 q, t6 h. F) @
3 u  Q7 F9 r/ A4 K  Cover) F  O. {. {, E
; i0 o+ h) d$ y; C5 X* e; h  Title
# s; }/ h4 z- r' ?3 c  Copyright/ D$ R/ E- M/ e6 I1 y# v1 }) e5 o; Y) `
  Dedication) E9 V/ j; F9 X3 ?
) c$ q! Y: ~2 p" K4 z. X. Z/ p  Chapter 1 : Everything You Know Is Wrong
  f! D; q) C$ [9 p( }, G3 K  Addicted to Stocks3 G5 w( V8 W; f  U5 L# o
  Bye Bye Miss Portfolio Pie
5 D: ?6 h1 _- a6 `: ~  p7 W! b. g/ D  Chapter 2 : Efficient Market Theory and Its Discontents9 n$ O: P- t6 d
  Exploiting Market Anomalies for Fun and Profit7 @* W2 P% u4 |  _$ i; h- e$ U: m
  Capture that Anomaly!
8 O6 }. H" M* ]) @0 d6 h1 z- W  Bonds2 g% j# x6 q! L) ]2 \( W; `
  A Risk-Balanced Bond Portfolio3 ^6 N8 G6 n* l3 D1 [3 J
  All Together Now4 x6 N1 k# y: X8 y
  Chapter 3 : Collectibles as Investments; k  x7 r7 {3 l) D
  Love and Pleasure
  ]. L1 q4 u1 G  Buying and Selling
$ X, E" E3 G0 x1 b5 E$ o: `; l: S  How Not to Make Money
! n- _3 R: h  [1 j8 t  Chapter 4 : More Alternatives We Don’t Love
# w+ w0 e& I' u. p) C8 Y9 \  Private Equity
( f% U# h$ a" ~$ u0 O  “Buy/Write” Funds
3 a! l0 S1 H( q- ]) @8 e3 @0 S9 R: S5 O6 U  Structured Products
+ H1 J. {& y7 A  130/30 Funds
# {3 w, d2 H5 E9 a% v( i, B  Gold
. O* n7 ]+ _7 y  Chapter 5 : Conventional Alternatives I: Commodities
' m0 H% q5 B$ q3 J# x) n" Y3 `- k" v  Back to the Futures Market
1 k4 n- w+ S4 g  How Do Investors Use Futures Markets?
, R4 P) k/ \, R  So What?! G3 S, @' M) G; X
  Do Commodities Add Value to a Portfolio?. u. ~! z6 x5 _2 u, `
  How Do We Invest in It?! }( u8 ~4 c& `# }4 A5 g' E6 L/ M
  Chapter 6 : Conventional Alternatives II: Real Estate
- H  u% g1 N3 |# s* t& o  How Do Investors Use REITs?, w' V" J7 d8 z  X0 @# z) R
  How Do REITs Work?
2 d! C% I9 {5 P) B. b  Do REITs Add Value to a Portfolio?
; h4 J. C0 ~" ]- a4 L  How Do We Invest in It?+ O; \, e/ n8 Q6 l0 F
  Chapter 7 : The Ultimate Alternative Investments
+ f7 ?: d5 O: w! e  Say Whaa . . . ?
7 E; F' `2 n0 g9 t, S; w5 K0 x  Exploiting Market Anomalies
% R: @) Z! C* u& E" s. O  Illusion versus Reality: S0 e; P2 z1 T- b0 v
  It Gets Worse8 n* E: i  \& y6 \' H
  Chapter 8 : So Why Invest in Hedge Funds?
* u; s7 I( O1 f" U! b3 P  Final Answer" x' x& Z7 {9 P: M- E# {0 g
  Hedge Funds Meet Mutual Funds+ ^1 |2 K% c$ y1 M- y  U
  Master Beta
! s: N* T0 f) L9 m  Chapter 9 : A Field Guide to Hedge Funds, Part One. f, w" j0 f' n3 r/ t
  #1. Long/Short Equity( s! m$ y  K7 F+ k
  #2. Market Neutral Equity Funds  n4 p( d; `+ _3 D; h& P
  #3. Dedicated Short Bias
& P. a: s! j2 E0 u  #4. Global Macro$ W; h# ?4 i- @
  #5. Managed Futures
9 X4 f0 x& M" E  {. K6 y6 D  Chapter 10 : A Field Guide to Hedge Funds, Part Deux
# o/ `/ r+ X5 X7 [( p  #6. Convertible Arbitrage
5 N5 x2 N/ n4 C  k  #7. Fixed-Income Arbitrage# d7 g3 m2 w% ]# q; L8 L
  #8. Event-Driven
' J% F7 n3 _% j  #9. Emerging Markets$ ?- e. w. d# X3 B6 U/ W: c: d& L7 n4 Y
  #10. Multi-Strategy
5 ?9 G# E; }7 D  How They Stack Up8 W- y. P- Y* S) g  ]. l! V
  Chapter 11 : One-Fund Solutions
$ R4 ~/ _# X- |, ]. c0 U, I) _  k  Hedge Fund Replicants7 x; M/ b: @4 W  E# v
  Fun, Fun, Funds ’til Her Daddy Takes the T-Bill Away/ h$ W4 b5 _) Y  y
6 B  o0 x  N0 n6 E( d  Alternative: Roll Your Own Hedge Fund& ]- m2 H% x3 m( u7 [. h
  Chapter 12 : Hedge Funds Pigs in Mutual Fund Blankets7 P8 s$ G! W  X0 S4 K8 H
  Long/Short Funds  H1 |" g' T  w
  Market Neutral Equity Funds
6 q& M1 J: p/ T  t8 j  Dedicated Short Bias Funds
. D2 \" G+ Z, O" Q  Global Macro  y0 h; m! i" w4 E/ X( }* V
  Managed Futures
; }. R& l5 q$ \9 j+ i  Convertible Arbitrage7 y% D, Y, e$ a0 c
  Fixed-Income Arbitrage
" J3 f$ @, v5 b( T. Q  Event-Driven6 Y1 ~* ]. v8 B# w! J/ v
  Emerging Markets
$ t) y/ c4 e$ P$ S6 H: j! ]  Chapter 13 : Adding Alternative Investments to Your Portfolio
/ |9 Z( A3 ^+ n& `2 m: k  Our Final Exam
& I% s$ {/ Y- j, J5 s) E  Conventional Alternatives3 v; P" f* |4 p+ J2 B: |" ^
  The Hedge Fund Couch Potato Portfolio  K! _( Y/ }0 I
  A Deeper Dive4 I& m* k/ d5 ~# g' U
  The Portfolio of the Future
, S& z$ c' Z9 {5 X+ A! X  Conclusion : Quest into the Unknown7 M- I) n+ p1 J
  Appendix : Fundamentals) C0 v, Q& f5 ?: J' z& _6 ~
  Acknowledgments3 `/ p: t+ ^' j' g
  About the Authors
! I8 y( i) j1 F6 R4 u% f+ s8 C, f; C" Q! V3 w& D

- e2 U% D# U7 dThe Little Book of Alternative Investments Ben Stein PDF! m0 _  z9 q  w1 f( v( K

% ]/ }! a3 x3 Y3 X! yThe Little Book of Alternative Investments Ben Stein MOBI' [0 N- u$ f9 K& r2 D
' B' D+ u& S. {* B* O1 V) y0 ]: y$ j# Z

* h$ G% v0 M) |' U+ G! X, _/ M1 P  {, g  |+ ^

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