
The Little Book That Still Beats The Market 跑赢市场的小册子

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  • 类别:金融投资
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! Q5 K* [) B) H+ `5 j- H  J  New edition of the The Little Book that Beats the Market (285,000 copies sold)hat includesoel Greenblatt's simple, two-step formula that is proven to be a winner in any market and a new web site that makes implementing the formula even easier.
+ B5 y6 I4 v4 x7 F" a  内容简介
% K4 I+ Q& z. u# G) o) Y9 R  In The Little Book That Still Beats the Market, Joel Greenblattxpands the successful strategy from the original bestseller to show investors how torofit in any market.hrough entertaining anecdotes and practical pearls of wisdom, the book explores the basic principles of successful stock market investing and then reveals a "magic formula" that makes buying good companies at bargain prices automatic. It also ties into Greenblatt's latest effort (formulainvesting.com) that allows investors to either manage their own accounts or have their accounts professionally managed by someone on Greenblatt's team. Either way, the magic formula still holds: the new web site just makes it that much easier. For example, if an investor chooses to manage his or her own account, a list of "magic formula" stocks is provided from which to pick with a click of a button, and alerts are sent automatically when it is time to consider selling a security. The formula has been tested over hundreds of different periods and thousads of stock picks and has been proven extremely profitable for those who are willing to "stick with it." Greenblatt guides you down the path of investment success and explains why his approach will continue to workeven after everyone "knows" it. It's never too early or too late to start investing, and by following the simple steps and magic formula that are clearly outlined and explained, you can achieve extraordinary long-term investment results with a very low level of risk. With The Little Book That Still Beats the Market as your guide, you'll know exactly where to go and what to doand it won't even take much time, just a little effort.) G# q* K2 o- A: j& S; L. Z# g
  作者简介) ^1 x( g6 T( d; M+ P) n
  Joel Greenblatt?(New York, NY) is the founder of Gotham Capital, an investment partnership. Including the 2008 market crash, Greenblatt's magic investing formula has an average 10-year annual return of 11%. He is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School and the former Chairman of the Board of a Fortune 500 company.?He is the author ofhe Little Book that Beats the Marketnd holds a BS and an MBA from the Wharton School.?
# h) o$ s9 z2 S" Z* J  目录
& N5 F/ t* A8 C- v) }  Title Page
6 W- E! p" a: l2 ~4 K  Copyright Page: G7 c9 u4 c3 n% J* n- v
  Dedication8 k% {+ {: y! @7 `/ E
6 s7 m1 C  S! U! f' ~* J- ?1 [- P# z  Foreword
2 S& R3 k# \4 n  Introduction
4 q3 P) ~+ m6 c; N/ i  Introduction to the Original Edition
) P( s; R3 E: `! B: R3 a! _9 u  Chapter One
, i. {& f* D! F' `7 K; L: n  Chapter Two( }6 X4 S) Z* J- C: o- `5 Y) ?8 T
  Chapter Three
* d5 R7 y. V8 G! B7 M' k/ y# p  Chapter Four
. B' ]& s8 t8 |8 \1 q+ w5 K! A  Chapter Five9 z+ H; |( X! D& x- V2 e4 D/ u
  Chapter Six
0 ]; n- t. X5 p, h  U# I  Chapter Seven
% b& r' `+ L& z. u1 ^" a  Chapter Eight
. u3 u2 j! w) b5 A' B  Chapter Nine8 ^' S: f4 F! h3 I! g7 r
  Chapter Ten
: `+ F- e; ^; F* W4 ]9 x0 N% \  Chapter Eleven7 |! O9 b( U2 v6 E- {6 l9 v
  Chapter Twelve$ h; l" V; j; g: C- Z/ l/ r
  Chapter Thirteen
6 `- d7 @; d4 v4 L( ^3 \; T2 w  Step - by - Step Instructions4 y4 Q( ^1 x& w) y% Q
  Afterword to the 2010 Edition3 g/ N; |( l/ w: d$ w: C% f  M
  l) Z" D# Y, z2 e* ]/ P9 ]0 _' w3 d- m* s8 a# j; G- N3 P

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The Little Book That Still Beats The Market 跑赢市场的小册子 EPUB
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