
101 Design Methods 101种设计方法:推动组织创新的结构化方法

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5 Q( W- s4 [- d, o  n
8 Z# x, p8 ^  ^* j  内容简介
) z/ K. }4 W: t8 S4 V- I  101 Design Methods is the first step-by-step guidebook for successful innovation planning. Unlike other popular titles, 101 Design Methods approaches the practice of creating new products, services, and customer experiences as a science, rather than an art, providing a practical set of collaborative tools and methods for planning and defining successful new offerings. Strategists, managers, designers, and researchers who undertake the challenge of innovation, despite a lack of established procedures and a high risk of failure, will find 101 Design Methods an invaluable resource. Novices can learn from it; managers can plan with it; and practitioners of innovation can improve the quality of their work by referring to it.
+ b1 O0 G- |6 g9 x% S0 r  作者简介
8 H2 Z% K  b* J4 j  Barbara Obermeier (Ventura, CA) is principal of Obermeier Design, a graphic design studio in California specializing in print and Web design. Barb is currently a faculty member in the School of Design at Brooks Institute. She is the author of Photoshop All-in-One For Dummies (all editions) and co-author of several Dummies books including Photoshop Elements For Dummies. Ted Padova (Honolulu, HI) first began his interest in amateur photography as a Peace Corps volunteer in Venezuela. He attended the New York Institute of Photography, earning a diploma in Commercial Photography. He has authored over 25 computer books on Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Illustrator, and Acrobat.
" w1 I% k+ p+ Q% [7 |' S) f  目录
& R- g, h: l$ e( b  Cover
, s& p7 u: A6 g+ K: }* y* f" J  Title Page+ B6 ?: X8 t7 V. M: G8 C( l
- x" g; t$ [- x6 U  Contents
- S8 D" t! h7 {$ L  Foreword by James P. Hackett
. T" K' u$ s! x  Acknowledgments
! V+ @  i; R% z$ R8 w# d" B3 ^  Introduction
  N' A  X- @8 S# L; U/ x# u/ f  Four Core Principles of Successful InnovationPrinciple 1: Build Innovations Around ExperiencesPrinciple 2: Think of Innovations as SystemsPrinciple 3: Cultivate an Innovation CulturePrinciple 4: Adopt a Disciplined Innovation ProcessA Model of the Design Innovation Process* t6 \& B' W" P' t' ?
  The Design Innovation Process* a- e: a$ d$ A4 n) Z$ w
  Process Is Nonlinear1 d  m9 A) E5 |9 I& F+ o0 N
  Process Is Iterative
0 T- z- E# |6 G3 S$ u  Seven Modes of the Design Innovation ProcessMode 1: Sense Intent( M. C& _5 |6 M2 N1 D
  Mode 2: Know Context
8 X: o' k& ]* o+ s9 b( T/ k; n  Mode 3: Know People
& }* k$ U1 ]- E& @; q: p5 u- _% U  Mode 4: Frame Insights
: l7 b, y7 b' s4 [: t- b9 D0 r% n  Mode 5: Explore Concepts/ t4 u$ N9 d$ Z
  Mode 6: Frame Solutions- d7 @9 }" E1 C: S/ k  r( n% E0 E
  Mode 7: Realize Offerings( L  ]% x- X3 g9 b
  Understanding Methods
* [# O. W3 L' r0 ?; P  Mode 1: Sense Intent
! s4 l- I& k- ?) [  Sense Intent: Mindsets" W2 Y3 @7 r, \! Y
  Sensing Changing Conditions) C; I$ Q& @% ]3 K7 M
  Seeing Overviews9 x  F* }5 G' m9 e7 W2 ?/ L) R
  Foreseeing Trends
  G7 @6 u! ?# r' S3 t& y% \% N  Reframing Problems
7 u/ r7 c' w" K3 L% s8 c, p9 v1 q  Forming an Intent
- A" A% a( ^' K% L  Sense Intent: Methods
1 l* p5 e4 W6 [, f  1.1 Buzz Reports
% X, _! K' d+ t3 |  1.2 Popular Media Scan
8 U# |. V" R; s: @& V( R& [" A  1.3 Key Facts
- J& E6 R. ^6 u) l! V  1.4 Innovation Sourcebook
; H1 W, y9 @  i9 s, a  1.5 Trends Expert Interview2 a& O5 v, E! j+ g( Y& z
  1.6 Keyword Bibliometrics7 k* T3 Z5 S1 c8 V
  1.7 Ten Types of Innovation Framework/ j3 h" |2 i; L2 V
  1.8 Innovation Landscape! W8 x" b4 w5 r
  1.9 Trends Matrix
0 B  y4 o1 Q& a# Z9 ~% B  1.10 Convergence Map
) e; A$ ^5 p4 G, X- v; l  1.11 From…To Exploration& N% d) P5 K7 i) b9 j+ C! t; w( D
  1.12 Initial Opportunity Map
+ X$ W/ W' M) E; s& E  1.13 Offering-Activity-Culture Map& h- N! Y7 t4 {3 h& Z* C  Q$ y) o
  1.14 Intent Statement
, s9 S5 r8 S. K  M/ U* X  Mode 2: Know Context+ u1 c: L- \2 c+ a* }
  Know Context: Mindsets
8 Y1 [# i6 J* K. A! p  Knowing Context History( `8 G) x4 i  Z" V; c1 `4 V
  Understanding Frontiers; f/ v6 g+ ^+ S/ k& j4 M) Q
  Seeing System Overviews
' @; t' T' F8 {& Z) ?  Understanding Stakeholders0 X  W! l8 b7 ?6 P' L
  Using Mental Models7 e) }$ J+ W& G6 q
  Know Context: Methods. J/ b" p) a, H. N
  2.1 Contextual Research Plan- e2 @! |* w1 B
  2.2 Popular Media Search
+ e+ U( E! t6 q- D3 |( @2 O. M$ j  2.3 Publications Research  {& `: O( U- F9 g8 V
  2.4 Eras Map
$ T/ C/ I' Q, |1 E+ D$ M# m  2.5 Innovation Evolution Map; l! C: }+ a' J3 X; P7 A" _
  2.6 Financial Profile
9 F/ j% u$ o$ X  2.7 Analogous Models/ w% z  l9 x& ?- D7 r. a- X8 ^
  2.8 Competitors-Complementors Map$ L! h7 C2 F% o5 F3 f
  2.9 Ten Types of Innovation Diagnostics
* u* Y2 p5 m1 ]  2.10 Industry Diagnostics0 {* U, u' p1 O- A* J
  2.11 SWOT Analysis
' n  R9 [  @# H( ^. r& C: {  2.12 Subject Matter Experts Interview1 h7 _6 N8 x# O  p+ ]1 t6 z% a  a7 O
  2.13 Interest Groups Discussion9 n& z5 {! t1 A( ]4 L
  Mode 3: Know People4 _5 z2 S+ Y  j0 S6 e9 n
  Know People: Mindsets
' ]+ W( p% \! B) Z  Observing Everything5 y( m2 e3 `  O, t# x+ d' F2 U+ u" [
  Building Empathy
% G5 T9 ?6 F% }6 D: N  Immersing in Daily Life
& v! }1 `$ d0 p1 R  Listening Openly
* E6 W& \* I) S  Looking for Problems and Needs% k6 W- C$ [& Z& c- u# {
  Know People: Methods1 K) u: e% B# @6 R! p+ |
  3.1 Research Participant Map3 Y% i# u7 J0 u$ p
  3.2 Research Planning Survey0 h# s6 u( M- x: \0 g9 O; @
  3.3 User Research Plan. M0 [' j, L& P( J7 {3 t% B
  3.4 Five Human Factors
1 c8 Q, d6 b2 e* |# j( k1 W4 Q% F  3.5 POEMS
) d! u& m2 S' {' r6 F  3.6 Field Visit
! d' @- |3 n6 P  f  3.7 Video Ethnography3 d9 s+ Y$ K7 }; Q. f
  3.8 Ethnographic Interview
9 e( N1 i. V) ?! G9 t% L9 o% v  3.9 User Pictures Interview
" z( G' {8 @4 V, Q7 L# [/ ?  3.10 Cultural Artifacts- O) D" \  J9 r' M/ e4 h& _
  3.11 Image Sorting
) d4 \4 {$ O( V, R* \" k/ `  3.12 Experience Simulation
- ]  E0 H2 q! E# T) d  3.13 Field Activity
$ D3 a1 G: ~9 T7 @  3.14 Remote Research
4 `; r) S9 B; f0 @! G2 B  3.15 User Observations Database/ m) r2 l, ?& q* A
  Mode 4: Frame Insights
" }, ]4 f$ g$ A$ d9 P% [6 t) v5 H  Frame Insights: Mindsets
, e8 `% c! h  w9 D4 q  Exploring Systems
# O. f* H* G; J& m  Looking for Patterns2 M4 |2 |6 \5 R* [7 n' o
  Constructing Overviews
- J3 m; H; O/ g7 l2 h# ?0 [6 }3 l  Identifying Opportunities$ F, e( x7 ~2 u/ P. l% K
  Developing Guiding Principles' z; \& W% v. k6 N
  Frame Insights: Methods
' K0 m0 I0 ?/ O  4.1 Observations to Insights% B- y: W( J4 @, T' L, u# X; T, j% }
  4.2 Insights Sorting
/ d* H! d3 g7 Y2 p( I  4.3 User Observation Database Queries
7 m: d. q  @  ~0 }! S3 [  4.4 User Response Analysis
0 K& Z1 D9 |: \0 l0 L: d4 g2 W  4.5 ERAF Systems Diagram
9 E+ Q! \6 E. s  4.6 Descriptive Value Web
- F4 q) G$ ~; ^2 F" w  4.7 Entities Position Map
: Z+ ~' D* J& e: G  4.8 Venn Diagramming$ N! _  }. d2 t
  4.9 Tree/Semi-Lattice Diagramming
1 t% `; z4 d; g, S" M: }  4.10 Symmetric Clustering Matrix
. u% `- D& i9 B  4.11 Asymmetric Clustering Matrix( {2 G5 |+ L; i
  4.12 Activity Network$ t5 H1 z* r1 U1 @! [; i& ^
  4.13 Insights Clustering Matrix  I7 n5 v, F8 I( J  k  t2 R
  4.14 Semantic Profile
' R8 m& ^" f9 j* K6 V  4.15 User Groups Definition
' ~% X. u2 s! r; {. k# q8 E! _+ l1 V  4.16 Compelling Experience Map$ M: `2 o, ?. V& B# P
  4.17 User Journey Map
# W/ H8 j$ a9 D& a  4.18 Summary Framework; F6 z& D) Q. M0 s  W4 v* G
  4.19 Design Principles Generation
3 z+ v" S5 y8 O1 G! s" e) h  4.20 Analysis Workshop, ^# b0 {/ c/ F5 g4 s
  Mode 5: Explore Concepts  ]1 F8 m' Z, v5 ]& ?) z% x8 {
  Explore Concepts: Mindsets$ ^; Y& j# Y- l3 ~; p4 J
  Challenging Assumptions5 {: j$ o, W  E2 A0 t% k: L
  Standing in the Future
4 v/ t6 ~* M2 V0 T9 E: U2 n* o# x, U  Exploring Concepts at the Fringes
, m9 i% Y# U& S" U# r! k; ^  Seeking Clearly Added Value
6 `$ a# X. G' O/ W  Narrating Stories about the Future  n( Q! g5 ~7 B6 j+ y% D& X
  Explore Concepts: Methods
0 }2 Q. b- N8 u# z. Q  5.1 Principles to Opportunities
6 W! b, f$ I# j* y7 _& X  5.2 Opportunity Mind Map7 p- X+ ]4 c' s* Y
  5.3 Value Hypothesis; r, Z  d' t; F+ j/ a
  5.4 Persona Definition
# F* c$ W% y. x: U  5.5 Ideation Session+ `; U0 f+ |7 x) ]% @# }
  5.6 Concept-Generating Matrix& e3 M( U0 H, D7 Q
  5.7 Concept Metaphors and Analogies6 I+ y7 ?3 i+ u- W
  5.8 Role-Play Ideation/ }9 k, U/ y4 `6 e; {
  5.9 Ideation Game% t& C9 m  O4 h8 \. u4 L. a  F
  5.10 Puppet Scenario
1 L4 i, F+ K) n6 x& R; V; Y* l  5.11 Behavioral Prototype
3 t" O- D( C0 ^, j  5.12 Concept Prototype& [3 H/ @5 u8 h
  5.13 Concept Sketch# ~/ A6 A5 B$ o* d% d0 U3 I+ |$ h' \
  5.14 Concept Scenarios- t# T% n- F+ D" L$ J" R, @
  5.15 Concept Sorting
+ D2 R' V5 A: F) y% {9 X  5.16 Concept Grouping Matrix
$ e( E" n+ _. ]9 R) N8 t( i  5.17 Concept Catalog7 @; h) @; o6 D! p0 k
  Mode 6: Frame Solutions0 Z+ V# |! N5 b' L+ z+ I
  Frame Solutions: Mindsets
5 J. `9 G7 n1 ~' F& H  Conceiving Holistic Solutions/ o6 y# Y2 n8 A+ c
  Conceiving Options
3 [3 z2 Z  b' g+ C8 \4 b, }- Y. u1 J8 m  Making Value Judgments( c. ]/ J. y- H5 d2 G
  Envisioning Scenarios. z/ Q8 |2 a& S
  Structuring Solutions/ p  D% Y1 c( v/ U5 V8 V6 h! H6 u
  Frame Solutions: Methods
9 h/ D4 K0 q' b% i3 `  6.1 Morphological Synthesis
3 p* a4 k3 R4 y! N; ~) n  6.2 Concept Evaluation
5 \  [9 I+ R3 i; {0 |. P- L  6.3 Prescriptive Value Web
: e. W7 ?( s6 I3 _; W* ^  6.4 Concept-Linking Map, S7 v3 V0 n* s* V
  6.5 Foresight Scenario
8 X6 X; [( @2 L; w* ^& \/ J  6.6 Solution Diagramming  @# F, P: y) f! f* N* c  B
  6.7 Solution Storyboard- L$ x$ {" t6 u) Z: E
  6.8 Solution Enactment4 d# D# s8 I( q  p5 k3 l$ P& s
  6.9 Solution Prototype0 v; ?6 B6 v2 T, }6 t4 {; O" m
  6.10 Solution Evaluation( r* B  F' @4 T  }9 U
  6.11 Solution Roadmap
$ i! z/ M1 T! {( C  6.12 Solution Database& b' `, C2 M3 a% x5 i+ _. e
  6.13 Synthesis Workshop
/ |( J4 h6 m$ @1 I4 b  Mode 7: Realize Offerings5 z4 W6 Q$ y4 b- J. J1 b0 _4 a4 A
  Realize Offerings: Mindsets
7 @7 ?( ~: o1 _7 W+ l! O  Reiterating Prototypes. Z! V# k$ ?( O& g, j/ \
  Evaluating in Reality
* V& F5 |- E) b& z  Defining Strategies
& j" @: u2 o* `% S' ]. y9 E  Implementing in Reality
. L4 [$ J, ?9 A7 H% E  Communicating Vision; r7 m. y* Z" \% s
  Realize Offerings: Methods
6 _; J# ]" p( X* B  7.1 Strategy Roadmap
) q7 c0 {- \2 \) m/ A9 a( W  7.2 Platform Plan
3 I* _! g8 F: w  7.3 Strategy Plan Workshop. f9 J2 `! ?* @, l
  7.4 Pilot Development and Testing4 D& y7 e* ^$ c4 b. ]$ Y1 s; A! v
  7.5 Implementation Plan
  i: Q% _$ L* ~; l6 U2 b$ Q& P: f  7.6 Competencies Plan
: [' b  f- B! s  7.7 Team Formation Plan
+ ~2 s# Q0 ~7 b2 t$ d  n  7.8 Vision Statement
; `$ b' Y! s5 d3 G9 e  7.9 Innovation Brief6 `2 V1 b+ U2 a$ h
  Credits for Example Projects' ^& S2 X3 V( p& w1 J' ~  X8 A$ N% ~
1 c, N1 j! c3 T/ L( h" K* D6 d# M) f8 a
8 _$ ~1 t! ^+ d

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