
Hedge Funds For Dummies 套利基金初阶 Ann C. Logue MBA

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:2.8M
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  • 类别:基金
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  If you want to diversify your portfolio and lower your risk exposure with hedge funds, here’s what you should know: Hedge Funds For Dummies explains all the different types of funds, explores the pros and cons of funds as an investment, shows you how to find a good broker, and much more.. x' t* }, o  Y! f$ L
  Authored by Ann Logue, a financial writer and hedge fund specialist, this handy, friendly guide covers all the bases for investors of all levels. Whether you’re just building your first portfolio or you’ve been investing for years, you’ll find everything you need to know inside:
5 U* I  A3 x1 }( R  What a hedge fund is and what it does
: y( k, S7 y- Z8 t1 d  How hedge funds are structured
" S/ Y& \; {" f  Determining whether a hedge fund is right for your portfolio3 v0 m5 y  g# I  p7 |' z4 g
  Calculating investment risk and return: ^+ P+ j2 ^  |. J9 {! k
  Short- and long-term tax issues
1 z: v+ ?: n$ u0 `4 M) ?% X/ P  Developing a hedge fund investment strategy; g# \1 F# o2 G
  Monitoring and profiting on macroeconomic trends" I! D* K0 A% Z  F1 a9 G. s
  Evaluating fund performance
4 C5 L( `& r1 @2 S% G" V  Evaluating hedge fund management
) ^' ^$ t3 [8 ~4 u: |' S, \' z  If you’re investing for the future, you definitely want to minimize your risk and maximize your returns. A balanced portfolio with hedge funds is one of the best ways to achieve that sort of balance. This book walks you step by step through the process of evaluating and choosing funds, incorporating them into your portfolio in the right amounts, and making sure they give you the returns you expect and deserve. You’ll learn all the ins and outs of funds, including:
, J2 r! J! h, M- _  What kind of fees you should expect to pay
/ l7 a$ O$ ]5 Y  Picking a hedge fund advisor or broker
( G! d% t5 j' ~; n  Fulfilling paperwork and purchasing requirements
+ Q% f( I7 Q7 y, v8 N+ n( U5 R! Y  Performing technical analysis and reading the data
% V( ^4 n0 I) ~5 d* T1 {, L7 q  How to withdraw funds and handle the taxes  n  V. k* }4 O/ M# l
  Tracking fund performance yourself or through reporting services
6 Q5 M( e9 E1 G% }& `2 Q  Hedge fund strategies for smaller portfolios, a0 @  W! _2 B. n) h9 u
  Performing due diligence on funds that interest you
  y3 [( F8 j. w6 k+ [  This friendly, to-the-point resource includes information you can’t do without, including sample portfolios that show you how to invest wisely. Hedge funds are an important part of every balanced portfolio, and this friendly guide tells how to use them to your best advantage. With important resources, vital information, and commonsense advice, Hedge Funds For Dummies is the perfect resource for every investor interested in hedge funds.
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