
股票魔法师Trade Like a Stock Market Wizar - 《超级绩效》

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Trade Like a Stock Market Wizar - Mark Minervini
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/ C. W5 o; D, O9 ?0 ^" l* |基本信息' O8 y5 P1 m& \( {
书名:Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard: How to Achieve Super Performance in Stocks in Any Market股票魔法师定价:626.90元
* \6 o3 e, ]9 ^* u作者:Mark Minervini
! I( C; Y/ S9 B( i, p" ^出版社:McGraw-Hill Education
$ P6 K6 {5 \" v8 V" _( h; F/ D出版日期:2013-03-21& K, a/ l$ F8 u1 y# o
; g7 M+ c; o, q4 x字数:
; [! p" L, h9 Z7 K页码:336
& s( Q* k8 `7 h0 G& C9 P版次:1
4 E' g  c' a7 y- t% _装帧:精装
1 a+ i  L( I: }" `开本:8 k3 K5 A7 S; {0 E* n% Z2 z
7 W6 o  e9 H" f% g编辑推荐
& o6 Q  Z7 y/ r0 Q# E暂无
0 H1 Q! _" d) D5 J内容提要, U5 p9 A- R1 I% u9 [
! ?1 j" E9 Z% z5 w$ _Dramatically increase your stock market returns with the legendary SEPA system!
. d6 i8 \3 x2 i7 dFor the first time ever, U.S. Investing Champion Mark Minervini reveals the proven, time-tested trading system he used to achieve triple-digit returns for five consecutive years, averaging 220% per year for a 33,500% compounded total return.' j5 Q: E; M- V5 n) i
In Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini unveils his trademarked stock market method SEPA, which provides outsized returns in virtually every market by combining careful risk management, self-analysis, and perseverance. He explains in detail how to select precise entry points and preserve capital—for consistent triple- digit returns.! n0 E7 |( f' @- u/ z1 O1 m/ I
Whether you're just getting started in the stock market or you're a seasoned pro, Minervini will show how you how to achieve SUPERPERFORMANCE! You'll gain valuable knowledge as he shares lessons, trading truths, and specific tactics--all derived from his 30-year career as one of America's most successful stock traders., x8 {& F  ?5 M" N4 U. S
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard teaches you:
1 V% K+ k: G1 ?* How to find the best stocks before they make big price gains* How to avoid costly mistakes made by most investors* How to manage losses and protect profits* How to avoid high-risk situations6 G1 p7 u$ k) H
* Precisely when to buy and when to sell6 \% ]# }* q" h
* How to buy an IPO
- ^& ~" r' P2 u$ w* Why traditional valuation doesn't work for fast-growing Superperformers* Examples of Minervini's personal trades with his commentsWith more than 160 chart examples and numerous case studies proving the remarkable effectiveness of Minervini's methodology, Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard puts in your hands one of the most effective and--until now--secretive stock investing systems in the world.
0 g1 u2 T" m$ T; m. ~, E6 p" v- m) B9 |
) u; a( O0 a) q+ e" B# K$ b" U# yMARK MINERVINI, one of America's most successfulstock traders, has been a veteran of Wall Street for nearly 30 years. He founded Minervini Private Access, an online members-only platform that provides real-time access to his SEPA stock trades. He also conducts a live Master Trader Program where attendees experience hands-on education about his methodology.; X7 @  T& @0 }" N6 I$ Z. a+ ]2 s8 C

( M" T; P, @& M4 {6 v0 |& Q' P媒体推荐# H4 |  M/ F' Z) \; r% W; z* f
"Minervini has run circles around most PhDs trying to design systems to beat the market."-- JACK SCHWAGER, bestselling author of Stock Market Wizards"Mark's book has to be on every investor's bookshelf. It is about the most comprehensive work I have ever read on investing in growth stocks."-- DAVID RYAN, three-time U.S. Investing Champion"[Minervini is] one of the most highly respected independent traders of our generation. His experience and past history of savvy market calls is legendary."-- CHARLES KIRK, The Kirk Report% o& ~# ~, C* {$ R! e
"One of Wall Street's most remarkable success stories."-- BEN POWER, Your Trading Edge

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