
Hands-On Data Science for Marketing Yoon Hyup Hwang 英文

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:EPUB
  • 文件大小:24M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:学习
  • 价格:免费
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Book Description* C1 x+ T, r, R( t
  Regardless of company size, the adoption of data science and machine learning for marketing has been rising in the industry. With this book, you will learn to implement data science techniques to understand the drivers behind the successes and failures of marketing campaigns. This book is a comprehensive guide to help you understand and predict customer behaviors and create more effectively targeted and personalized marketing strategies.
5 v: e7 c* y- W; g) V6 h2 d  This is a practical guide to performing simple-to-advanced tasks, to extract hidden insights from the data and use them to make smart business decisions. You will understand what drives sales and increases customer engagements for your products. You will learn to implement machine learning to forecast which customers are more likely to engage with the products and have high lifetime value. This book will also show you how to use machine learning techniques to understand different customer segments and recommend the right products for each customer. Apart from learning to gain insights into consumer behavior using exploratory analysis, you will also learn the concept of A/B testing and implement it using Python and R.6 N- G: g/ T7 R1 {. r, u. N) \
  By the end of this book, you will be experienced enough with various data science and machine learning techniques to run and manage successful marketing campaigns for your business.
; q, T3 t$ s5 H  What you will learn
9 E8 E: D4 J5 T9 n  b9 |  Learn how to compute and visualize marketing KPIs in Python and RMaster what drives successful marketing campaigns with data scienceUse machine learning to predict customer engagement and lifetime valueMake product recommendations that customers are most likely to buyLearn how to use A/B testing for better marketing decision makingImplement machine learning to understand different customer segmentsWho this book is for
4 c  L$ g0 j1 }% I5 }& w5 e  If you are a marketing professional, data scientist, engineer, or a student keen to learn how to apply data science to marketing, this book is what you need! It will be beneficial to have some basic knowledge of either Python or R to work through the examples. This book will also be beneficial for beginners as it covers basic-to-advanced data science concepts and applications in marketing with real-life examples.
! P' v4 B7 `, Z  Table of Contents2 u) q# a0 O4 X& F- }6 \0 t# y. c
  Data Science and Marketing
# o4 Y' t0 Z* `  E& E  Key Performance Indicators and VisualizationsDrivers behind Marketing Engagement' H! K: r6 A( a4 m% D
  From Engagement to Conversion1 J. y4 J8 b: k5 m, a
  Product Analytics' d& l, }" a9 L( ]# ~1 x
  Recommending the Right Products; ~. c0 F  m, W) v4 s4 a  @
  Exploratory Analysis for Customer BehaviorPredicting the Likelihood of Marketing EngagementCustomer Lifetime Value
$ S" h: Q3 F+ z- p, t7 q  Data-Driven Customer Segmentation; t8 ]% N9 p; o, W- y
  Retaining Customers
2 v. D% E0 g8 _, E5 g  A/B Testing for Better Marketing StrategyWhat's Next?* z' w% ]0 r' m& Q+ ^: y1 G
$ G$ ^: d, L$ Z0 g

& K" p! T& C1 F  F, v

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aaaadddd 发表于 2019-5-16 10:09:29 | 显示全部楼层

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williamcmo 发表于 2020-5-2 21:00:28 | 显示全部楼层
g5ooed! edownoloqaed qaned h6qae qa olooik!

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jackdon123 发表于 2020-5-3 07:47:24 | 显示全部楼层
This book will also be beneficial for beginners as it covers basic-to-advanced data science concepts and applications in marketing with real-life examples.

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gshygs703 发表于 2023-1-12 22:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
Hands-On Data Science for Marketing Yoon Hyup Hwang

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