
Pulling Profits Out of a Hat Adding Zeros to Your Company Isn't Magic英语

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Grow Your Company By Multiples Not IncrementsCompany’s like Apple, Amazon, IKEA, Uber make growth look like magic.
+ Q0 h4 m' L  q9 ?. _) ?7 B4 ]  That is because it easier to believe business success is the result of luck or mysterious forces rather than careful, consistent, and disciplined behaviors.' E! g& U. Y6 l8 M# E
  What truly sets great companies apart is their ability to instill and master the 5 Disciplines of Exponential Growth.
8 P' C! h3 Y3 B( V  These disciplines are universal, and any company, of any size, in any industry can foster them to achieve massive growth in all areas of their organization.1 W; C# z1 Q  x! w( V
  Pulling Profits out of a Hat demystifies business growth and provides an actionable guide to mastering the 5 Disciplines to achieve:, [( ?; |% A6 _2 v9 d6 h
  Long term sustainability through sound strategy.
  a& P! J9 a& M  Sales predictability through improved business development;Greater company wide stability by effectively developing people;Consistent company performance through more efficient execution;A more powerful emotional connection with your employees, customers and community - the magical potion of exponential growth.
# o0 R$ ?# X7 x+ @% v9 T  Are you ready to take your company to the next level?
/ W- l* @, L5 r% b- a; e' ^$ K6 ]  In the book you will discover how each of the 5 disciplines: strategy, business development, people, execution, and mission give you the processes needed to best satisfy your 5 constituents: your company, yours customers, your team, your stakeholders, and your community.& B! n0 j. K' X0 p
  Assess your own company’s performance in each of the disciplines by using taking the 5 Disciplines Assessment that is included in chapter 6 of the book.
/ t) s" e# m2 @; `6 n  This book is a must read for any CEO, corporate executive, entrepreneur or business owner that is tired of small painful incremental growth.
( ?8 S* I& b  x, p; ^! n  It will inform, inspire, and show you the steps you must take to achieve exponential growth.7 h- H+ G6 T# ?* I# o. I
  Now go make business magic!
' W, d% t. I% J2 B9 m6 ~# `

+ p7 D2 V: S* Z( p6 z  ^  p$ q8 r# y" A

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Pulling Profits Out of a Hat Adding Zeros to Your Company Isn't Magic英语
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. X# o& ]. Q( _/ O(出处: 与你共享街)/ o" s8 B4 J" j, `) g

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