
The Invisible Hands Hedge Funds Off the Record - Rethinking Real Money对冲基金

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:3.7M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:基金
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Timely investment advice from the investors who survived—and thrived—during the economic crisisIn light of the colossal losses and ongoing difficulties caused by the financial crisis, it's obvious that the time has come to rethink money management in the broadest of terms. Drastic changes are clearly in order, but no new model has yet been implemented. Steven Drobny explores a new model from a simple starting point—by consulting the traders and managers who actually made money during this profoundly difficult period. In The Invisible Hands, top global macro managers reveal their own (clearly successful) approaches to markets and risk, suggesting important tenets for money management in a future, precarious world.
# r3 R& m4 D; `% u% c# \# R  C  Providing money managers and investors with the proven expertise of the best and most successful players in money management and detailing many specific elements of their risk management processes, The Invisible Hands:7 f, G% y, l1 B5 `- T6 U
  Outlines investment strategies for the rocky road aheadProvides guidance on how real money managers can implement certain elements of macro hedge fund strategies, developing a new paradigm of portfolio construction anchored in superior risk managementReveals intimate aspects of the investment processes of some of today's top hedge fund managersThe book highlights the similarities among successful traders, showing that the investment process should be anchored in understanding the true risk-adjusted returns in your portfolio.
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