
领导Eight Paths to Leadership: A Guide for Special Educators

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Administrators aren't the only education professionals who can take on leadership roles. Every teacher can be a leader—and this book shows special educators how to choose and navigate their own individual path to educational leadership.; D8 J; r1 r6 d- z
  Author Belva Collins, a seasoned educator herself, knows that many special education teachers are called on as “leaders by default” when colleagues turn to them for expertise. In this empowering professional development resource, she shows special educators how to pursue more intentional leadership roles so they can maximize their impact in preK–12 schools. Preservice and in-service teachers will discover eight different paths they can follow to become leaders:! u, O! k$ M: l; c7 H5 g( x
  Making data-based decisions and conducting classroom researchEffecting schoolwide change1 X1 N6 O' f2 f9 k8 b* v2 l
  Mentoring other teachers and paraprofessionalsConducting professional development and consultationsWorking effectively with families
1 A6 K' u. P5 A! h1 v+ A! W' I  Supporting students during transitions5 l4 H# m$ @5 U3 p
  Advocating for students
, n2 n0 x, U6 \3 V  Connecting with professional organizations that address disability-related concernsFor each path to leadership, teachers will get detailed guidelines for success, grounded in up-to-date research and the author's deep understanding of the everyday challenges educators face. Throughout the book, “Voice of a Leader” interview excerpts share nuggets of practical wisdom and show how real teachers evolved and triumphed on diverse paths to leadership.  X! S* A+ z3 |; r1 R3 U
  Based on the successful teacher leadership course Dr. Collins developed at the University of Kentucky, this forward-thinking book will prepare special educators to make a powerful difference in schools, communities, and the lives of their students.
) `, f/ h; k" a5 ^  J  PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Chapters include learning objectives, definitions of key terms, thought-provoking reflection questions, interview excerpts, and follow-up activities to help teachers delve deeper into each leadership path. Full transcripts of interviews with eight teacher leaders are available online.
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领导Eight Paths to Leadership: A Guide for Special Educators
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