
Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Mar...

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Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Mar...9 x3 z) a+ x6 x! ?
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  J5 h  ^4 t/ I! K& j) {6 _
1 D( W8 _/ P/ C+ z) b9 d" s, mAn accessible guide for traders looking to boosting profits in the financial markets from a trading superstar.2 c# o( q( {, D+ @5 J: z! Q$ o
; f) t2 I. W" P- O+ d1 I! S- n
Dubbed “The Messiah of Day Trading” by Dow Jones , Oliver Velez is a world-renowned trader, advisor, entrepreneur and one of the most sought after speakers and teachers on trading the financial markets for a living. His seminars and workshops have been attended by tens of thousands of traders the world over. In this highly-focused and effective trading resource Velez imparts seven key lessons to further any trader’s education. From market basics to managing trades, trading psychology to investment planning, technical analysis and charts to income versus wealth building, these lessons contain powerful insight and advice far beyond anything you’ll find in most introductory trading books.$ l/ I5 `3 y  K$ D5 A' O

+ ?/ ?4 `- d' {0 {/ D( {* Each section of the book offers clear examples, concise and useful definitions of important terms
+ Z' y2 W( Y8 C; x  a* Includes more than ninety charts illustrating market challenges and opportunities, how to profit from patterns, and much more
* \* r+ y% X) y% Q, }* Written in the parlance of the day trader’s world, this book offers you the experience of being taught trading skills by the best of the best
) L% [7 \8 `% q+ R
* `1 ~$ P' E8 E9 ~+ r! g) \* C
& c1 A! T* J$ F7 O3 {! y5 w0 DGetting Started
9 p- b4 w) p0 \/ i. e* L# h& gLessons on Getting Ready( v% V, R9 m. e+ `7 w
Developing a Watch List2 h% A! V* H! K" P  {) A: |4 Y2 o- F2 ]
The Watch List Concept
( |/ R6 l' h7 Q3 D' xTime Frames
, f1 f. P) ]# o3 c$ b7 e& GYour Progress as a Trader& C5 s5 y( o3 B# l$ M1 a8 u
Lessons on Some Basics* R2 y$ _* i4 r  m) K) D8 S
What Market Is That Again?9 X7 ^. ?$ E+ M* t8 X; p" x
Looking at the Big Picture
8 p3 c" l$ n& E' Z/ ]3 KA Guide to Protective Stop Losses
/ C% p+ a+ \' c; ^4 H4 _1 K! WTrading the First Half Hour  g: U. q) s5 A0 t" {0 t
Fundamental vs. Technical
. J- s( S0 F! W' UNews You Can Use9 C9 g: i& ~' _  E9 `
News and Your Trading
& \5 j6 E) h5 y- mAre You Still Investing?: o  n2 z' }2 L
Reversal Times% S( G" D% W8 W
The All Important 200 Period Moving Average+ N! A6 `' g; a' i. ?+ c. P8 F$ q
Moving Averages, the Power of the 20 MA
$ D4 H% d5 a2 E/ SA Return to Some Basics
; [! }; k+ R9 P3 A1 P7 VLessons on Managing0 @4 F1 ~. z* j! ^5 _' I
Managing a Trade0 F# C- Q$ A. v$ x
Dealing with Disaster" \* C7 W: {* N4 K3 S) X
Alternate Swing Entries9 i4 \3 a$ O& h5 E& B7 f
The Reward to Risk Ratio1 \( n9 N: q1 a1 k% |) w8 V6 {
Do You Find Yourself Target Challenged?
7 N# @" l4 w) EThe Anatomy of an Entry6 }( R3 s. s3 ?
Lessons on Psychology in Trading and Planning
: y. j* g+ E2 WThe Psychology of Fear# A- O- v) \$ d* N: B+ ]7 \3 }
The Trading Plan - The Key to Your Success
; c1 O1 M; S4 Y- x' eDiscipline
, q/ g) {2 U* x! ^Some of Your Best Qualities+ ]: |2 K3 l4 C! n, \
The Need to Be Right9 ^$ i* x# n1 m: Q1 z) j, T* k
The Ways Traders Learn/ N" P" ^8 _* d* r: G
Using Public Fear as a Trading Tool
. L1 ~* h. O5 ]2 kAnalysis of a Losing Trade
, _, R" M5 [/ v2 r# p& q( pTechnical Lessons1 f/ w# D, U* X8 t! l! q0 A5 W3 W
Some Common Mistakes! v" f- P5 C0 S  O0 S8 k) C0 |4 B+ f
Was That a Double Top?/ C( Z, f: G: j) P7 B2 n2 G# F: _
Support and Resistance1 m& u: @' p- h+ E" p- C
That First Pullback; o/ m! b8 G8 w, T8 Z* \
Recognizing a Trend Day
+ ~$ p: s/ }2 BThe Perspective of Multiple Time Frames/ n1 K5 u# ?1 w, I( n$ a- x) s
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom2 n: {& R# M6 [7 Z; B
Daily Pivot Points
6 z) k, `6 ?" b% nFighting the Trend( R, ^4 I( z! @* n0 `
How a Trend Ends/ b# b2 @& c4 B- q
The Intraday Trend9 B. k7 y, U3 k% t
Finding an Intraday Reversal2 ]$ Q" }0 B3 s* G" {! ]* k7 `( }" M3 G) h
A Change in Trend, Part 1
6 V" H3 f; ]6 m7 y$ gA Change in Trend, Part 2
) j( ~4 V. {, B7 P- V3 HTrading Gaps, Part 13 G0 j; ?- a6 {2 A7 u) Y+ z" {/ I5 j
Trading Gaps, Part 2+ \! |4 l: x1 j7 r0 ^; [( F
Chart Lessons on the Market
% a" z, X& y6 l/ T2 [The NASDAQ in Review
; b# F5 x( e. ^3 C+ vA Look at the Market
3 Z; c, _+ |9 e' d- \9 G; tThe NASDAQ Update, Part 1
4 k- Q" t- L5 C  [0 h# DThe NASDAQ Update, Part 2
" X! _. e  O% I( F9 CThe Volatility Index as a Guide
- z. ?- ]: x' ~3 O% L3 g" a+ ICaution in the Market
  p2 @' q) {  d1 L5 XLessons on Classic Patterns
2 F. q, r+ a6 R- d, ]3 s4 [Using Relative Strength as One of Your Tools6 E( x" [) n3 w. h
Relative Strength at Reversal Time
) C  S! K7 g2 g/ ^/ YFailed Breakdown at Reversal Time
% U: s! }/ ]. H; C5 `. oA Strategy against the Trend/ Q9 P' x7 i& T) [2 j* G
Playing a Climactic Reversal5 P% X4 Q1 L' Z6 L( q' n2 B  U5 ?
The Lunch Time Fade
5 Z* n$ S4 T3 ^5 T6 wThe Power of a Mortgage Play5 R' i1 u1 C1 ?; l9 L, a# X
Finding Unique Plays
$ _' \7 I0 ~& o6 r1 J0 @Quality Breeds Nicknames) a; ?$ V/ s: g$ n2 D6 q
When It All Comes Together. ^0 g3 v3 v3 P0 V5 ~: ^) G$ U+ ~9 n
Conclusion0 w2 z8 y& h5 T" j
& [0 g1 l) d4 M- ]4 a- c  {Analyzing Pristine Buy Set-ups
3 I' i( v9 c$ w3 wGlossary  z: ~& @8 m- }/ k7 ^* N& F+ n+ E
( n. P& I+ J8 U

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Oliver L. Velez, co-founder of Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc., parent company of Pristine.com, served as its chairman and CEO for 12 years. Over 19 years ago, Mr. Velez took the trading industry by storm when he introduced a unique and dynamic style of market play to the equity markets, dubbing it “Swing Trading.” Today, thanks to Mr. Velez’s international speaking tours and his award-winning trading methods, this trading approach has become one of the world’s most popular forms of trading.With more than 60,000 clients that span over 40 countries, Pristine Capital Holdings, Inc. has become the premier educational resource for investors, active self-directed traders, and institutions. Mr. Velez is the author of Swing Trading with Oliver L. Velez published by Marketplace Books, the co-author of the best selling book, Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader, published by McGraw-Hill, and the author of the Oliver L. Velez DVD Seminar Series, the trading industry’s all-time best selling DVD series.4 Y) A: [$ r- ^$ `

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