
如何阅读财务报告第9版 How to Read a Financial Report

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:2M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:财务
  • 价格:2共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  Whether you're a manager attempting to get a clear picture of your company's performance, an investor trying to determine if a business is a sound investment, or a lender who needs to measure an organization's creditworthiness, the information contained in a financial report is the most valuable source of information at your disposal.. h- }3 Q$ M+ x: T4 M
  Now only if it was written in a language you could read!8 Y+ w  o. s  ]( ~
  For more than thirty years, the number-one resource professionals have turned to for help in cutting through the haze of <accountantese and making sense of all those numbers has been How to Read a Financial Report.! Y" c( R& b) S/ ~$ d+ }+ o
  Like its predecessors, this eighth edition steers you painlessly through the basic accounting concepts and provides line-by-line explanations of a financial statement. It shows you how the three parts of a financial report―the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement―fit together and the story they tell. And it provides up-to-date coverage of important tax reforms, depreciation methods, international standards, recent FASB rulings and more.  g' @7 L6 T, x/ h4 ]1 L/ R
  How to Read a Financial Report is your plain-English guide to sorting out what all those numbers are really saying.% _% p" }% d& O& C, c6 n! a
  Praise for How to Read a Financial Report"What distinguishes Tracy's efforts from other manuals is an innovative structure that visually ties together elements of the balance sheet and income statement by tracing where and how a line item in one affects an entry in another."―Inc.
& _; T4 B0 M; h) x/ [/ O  "An excellent job of showing how to separate the wheat from the chaff without choking in the process."―The Miami Herald"A wonderful book organized logically and written clearly. For a Fool to be an effective investor, she has to know her way around a financial statement. This book will help you develop that skill. It's the clearest presentation of many accounting concepts that this Fool has seen."―Selena Maranjian, The Motley Fool3 z+ G' x- O* v' W
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