
Selling America Short 荒唐现代的美国证监会与反向投资者

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  • 类别:金融投资
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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  内容简介1 F: k6 x  \" ]' a" f
  An industry insider reveals the inner workings of our financial system and the agencies who attempt to control it., z2 i+ J8 ]  z8 q% i
  During his dozen years as an SEC attorney, author Richard Sauer opened and supervised some of its most notable financial cases-investigations that took him to a dozen countries and returned hundreds of millions of dollars to American investors. While a partner at a major law firm and, later, a hedge fund manager, he saw firsthand the follies and failures of our system. Now, in Selling America Short, he shares his extraordinary experiences with you.0 u, S& @7 T/ _& M# {( Q$ W! X; h
  Selling America Short is a gripping chronicle of crooked companies, financial philanderers and hapless enforcers told through the eyes of personal experience. Page by page, it shows the damage wrought by the deep biases and lack of worldly experience common among those who hold the reins of our capital markets.
1 }' r+ Z8 Q& @) R  Sheds light on the inner workings of our financial system.
$ x" b4 M9 \: c; C2 c( b  Takes you on a fascinating journey of a rogue's gallery of crooked executives, professional fraud enablers, and squirrelly technocrats.
$ \% ?- d6 M7 K) K, n8 u/ {  Offers a firsthand account of the many ways contrarian views of public companies are suppressed and punished, depriving the market of critical information.9 z! v  `- G( F9 B2 I* j
  With the capital markets in turmoil, people are fascinated with what is happening on Wall Street. This book provides a unique look at the forces and events that led directly to financial tragedy and continue to wreak havoc.1 f4 H8 r4 d' H& d" y4 ^5 b
* G( n5 a: b- c; ^" }8 V4 `2 O  RICHARD C. SAUER has been, among other things, an Assistant Director with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a partner in an international law firm, and an analyst with a Northern California hedge fund. In his dozen years as an SEC attorney and administrator, he was responsible for some of the agency's most memorable financial fraud cases. Sauer's articles on legal and financial topics have appeared in numerous publications including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Barron's. He is also a published novelist and holds a doctorate in law (SJD) from Harvard Law School. Sauer lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife, Eileen Killory.& s3 c$ u8 B% x. N4 h& l# _
% `* t7 ?2 K* H. ?- \8 B$ G  Title Page% B3 g* l3 \! ?( X% S1 d* F
  Copyright Page
$ k5 w& |! e7 u4 w+ Z2 @  Dedication
4 v& K8 V% \/ }9 q6 }  Epigraph
5 `/ L: T! R0 S6 w" Y9 r0 ]- y0 I8 [  Prologue2 ?2 y  l# a# N* I5 n, d
  Chapter 1 - Rude Awakenings
$ k2 r7 A( g6 m. |# ~4 g3 Q  Chapter 2 - The SEC Steps Out
1 P# C; A7 m1 d- u) B. a% s  Chapter 3 - Short People0 N- n' {* o/ f. J/ A! V9 |
  Chapter 4 - Belgian Waffles
. f/ c, E6 I. f/ w& V  Chapter 5 - Aremis Soft and the Deemster from HellChapter 6 - Taking Out the Eurotrash$ z: T6 Z2 F. j! n' O. E
  Chapter 7 - In the Shadow of Enron3 R  @: E; S- c" G  j
  Chapter 8 - The Easter Bunny Cometh
1 ~+ }, v3 R6 _! F# I  Chapter 9 - Mired in Muck
; w7 k" Z; t7 z  Chapter 10 - Our Tax Dollars at Work3 x3 z* J0 Z& x" v/ U+ ^
  Chapter 11 - Warming the Bench
* Y6 {! R' h1 E7 D: }  Chapter 12 - The Overstock Flame Wars
+ ^; T! j% s( F8 [  Chapter 13 - The Bird in the Bush( Q& w, O: w. S2 N
  Chapter 14 - The Collapse of the American Financial Sector in One Easy LessonChapter 15 - Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down
$ p; V- v7 u5 q  Epilogue
3 m- f/ G  \# ?: V* ~  About the Author7 e9 J2 y% t: K- t+ Q# y
  Index" k" W8 {7 V# t$ `! C9 j
5 {& I" P' \) \, R
4 R9 C1 M7 y4 |0 T3 ~

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