
The Evolution of Economic Thought Brue Grant 经济思想史

  • 地区:欧美
  • 格式:PDF
  • 文件大小:11M
  • 时间:
  • 类别:经济
  • 价格:1共享币
  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  In this scholarly and timely presentation of the history of economic thought, you'll see how new ideas, evidence, problems and values can be used to reconsider basic disputes and major contributions of the past. THE EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT, 8e covers the history of economics, the philosophies that drive the economic way of thinking, the ideas of the great economic thinkers and their logical connections to the world. You'll see how Robert Solow's pioneering model can be used to discuss recent renewed emphasis on growth theory and technological change and will explore antitrust perspectives and game theory.( s4 u  {7 j2 a! \
  THE EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT, 8e presents the history of economics and the philosophies that drive the economic way of thinking. It stresses the importance of understanding contemporary economics, by grasping new ideas, evidence, problems and values that call for reconsideration of basic disputes and major contributions of the past. The textbook explains the ideas of the great economic thinkers and their logical connections to the world of today and tomorrow. Updated pedagogical features provide clear insight into issues like antitrust perspectives and game theory. Introducing ideas like Robert Solow's pioneering model to discuss recent renewed emphasis on growth theory and technological change, the author sheds historical light on modern debates and thoughts. Stanley Brue and Randy Grant carry on the legacy of Jacob Oser, the book's creator, by offering a scholarly and timely presentation of the history of economic thought.
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