
英文《The New Market Wizards》Jack D. Schwager

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  • 提示:本站推荐经典投资资料
  书名:The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders
- Q8 [/ A( u# K- ?  A  作者:Jack D. Schwager; I) [9 I- R2 B7 p0 N* g: Q! ?
  出版社:Harper Paperbacks% n3 s( u  Y4 W) j% _+ ~1 D+ N5 u
  出版日期:1994年1月26日! A: v. {1 _2 l; b
  ISBN:9780887306679& o: i6 Z6 a/ v  [9 E0 G2 n
5 |8 C9 R- x4 c1 D' w, F  页码:512' \8 d# r9 t" R( Z
  版次:Reprint! X# x7 C# P: X& @! d3 `% }
) S& _% i! ^% E  目录9 T2 g8 E5 y) k) X9 \" a
  Preface: P/ G% x/ V. u
  Acknowledgments8 x+ {5 S- e+ z
  Prologue4 Q" @1 w9 J7 v& l/ H4 B
  PART Ⅰ Trading Perspectives/ ^. t( l/ [: |/ e1 f
  Misadventures in Trading3 K' R- q* e; D* T6 w! k7 a
  Hussein Makes a Bad Trade2 b! P7 S; V6 Z8 C* d8 D0 u7 d
  PART Ⅱ The WorM's Biggest Market. E! x7 K& _1 ~- u9 S/ L
  Bill Lipschutz: The Sultan of Currencies% A0 O: O% g% q$ w- g
  PART Ⅲ Futures-BThe Variety-Pack Market, F) G) b) H7 j2 y" ?) ^& _7 X
  Futures-Understanding the Basics" i" [# l$ M+ Y) s5 x
  Randy McKay: Veteran Trader
% h( f/ r+ o9 V* S3 Y1 ^6 `  William Eckhardt: The Mathematician
6 O# z3 D$ Y0 j) Q3 r9 |  The Silence of the Turtles
* G: }6 `1 ?' p0 g0 I! L% ~- D3 T  Monroe Trout: The Best Return That Low Risk Can Buy
! {$ \# T% b* d# }0 P  A1 Weiss: The Human Chart Encyclopedia
  J+ }: r6 N/ A( W( V  PART Ⅳ Fund Managers and Timers" f7 p: E9 y/ k- m8 @5 V
  Stanley Druckenmiller: The Art of Top-Down Investing& O* b; p2 ~, b  Z5 \  C/ T- S
  Richard Driehaus: The Art of Bottom-Up Investing. D/ \- V( c* G5 I3 @9 i
  Gil Blake: The Master of Consistency
3 W4 x  A2 D1 H8 `; E1 q+ ?* O  Victor Sperandeo: Markets Grow Old Too
+ X8 ?, w7 U: g7 h- P* }6 V  PART Ⅴ Multiple-Market Players
2 o7 s2 N) Z6 x4 B* O3 |# t: A  Tom Basso: Mr. Serenity; ]2 W0 Y: b% _: s* Y  `; d2 y
  Linda Bradford Raschke: Reading the Music of the Markets
  ?3 E. `, a7 i% b7 f0 j. S  PART Ⅵ The Money Machines+ u, e& M! v1 s
  CRT: The Trading Machine( o! G" A1 e3 l3 l( Z9 Y
  Mark Ritchie: God in the Pits5 e2 V8 B5 w. I3 ^# @
  Joe Ritchie: The Intuitive Theoretician  v2 X; {5 A0 ^# G( s" c) o
  Blair Hull: Getting the Edge
3 h" h6 {# B. n4 n! r6 b& h  Jeff Yass: The Mathematics of Strategy1 x' W' O, m$ o5 {6 f! Z
  PART Ⅶ The Psychology of Trading, J/ s! H. U9 v& \
  Zen and the Art of Trading
: r% [& |$ C5 \/ z% \  Charles Faulkner: The Mind of an Achiever
9 N6 m: r5 t/ e$ o: _0 f9 J7 B8 G  Robert Krausz: The Role of the Subconscious$ X2 F$ k6 A  H; F9 U! s+ A# f# y
  PART Ⅷ Closing Bell
4 ?) A" g! Q- z  Market Wiz(ar)dom
6 k2 R, B# c% \, p; y0 l  A Personal Reflection
% ?. l+ M  k6 ~" w6 i4 e3 T, T  Appendix
, t4 L' e+ I; I6 U6 A, j  Glossary6 E9 Z7 R9 L3 ~4 N6 L
  作者介绍! K9 t6 H0 V" J) c
  Jack D. Schwager is currently the Managing Member of Market Wizards Funds, L.L.C., in Vineyard Haven, MA. His prior experience includes 22 years as the director of futures research for some of Wall Street's leading firms. Schwager is a frequent seminar speaker and has lectured on a range of analytical topics with particular focus on the characteristics of great traders, technical analysis, and trading system evaluation. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Brooklyn College and an M.A. in Economics from Brown University.
3 a0 C. N+ F6 }) V

, R' J+ @3 j$ _1 s3 r8 u' V《The New Market Wizards》Jack D. Schwager# R" K5 F1 w5 m5 B8 {. _+ Q; h

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英文《The New Market Wizards

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